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Everything posted by az1103

  1. I thought Detroit always made that kind ..........??:crackup:
  2. Try here, it's $66 cheaper http://www.yamahasportsplaza.com/pages/home/default.aspx
  3. That pink is a bit jarring....wouldn't you say?
  4. In the old days this would be funny,,,,,,,,,, today, just plain TRUE http://home.att.net/~hideaway_today/t133/noah.htm
  5. I seemed to notice small bluish lights on your turn signal front bar...What are those? Got a close-up?
  6. No rain here, 75+ all day long....Went for 90 mile ride with the wife...Had a great time along Calif 1......
  7. Personally, I think it's silly to talk "personality" when discussing a Harley....They all look the same, year to year, bike to bike, owner to owner.......The only "mystique" I see is that people who speak of being somehow "different" , "individuals", yes even "outlaws" LOL!!!!; End up all buying the same exact thing, from lookalike bikes to lookalike salad bowl brain baskets........Beats the hell out of me......
  8. . It's why the caddilac cars dont look like the giant boats we all were used to seeing with the caddilac badges. I'd own a CTS in a heartbeat. I'd never be caught dead in a 90's boatmobile from caddilac. but then I'm a young pup... only 40. Be carefull what you wish for the CTS is one of the worst cars GM ever built - It's a real piece of garbage......
  9. That's a big scooter!
  10. That right one is not a VStar....It's a HD.
  11. Is that the same group who charges us admission at the four corners monument which was placed there by the US Army core of engineers on our nickel?
  12. Sorry, but I have to disagree..... I didn't say I wasn't in the market...... I said, may not be the time to get in. When you have an unstable situation and day-traders circling like vultures for penny profits ...it's not the time to place your bets. The market is not suffering from a lack of participation - it's suffering from excess creativity and greed. There is no real contribution to either the financial system or the stock market from such things as derivatives or shorting....If you want to do that, you have better odds in Vegas. And they will even entertain you rather than just rob you.
  13. 64 and feeling fine....just started a 100 push up program http://hundredpushups.com/index.html Got to keep up the strength...wife is 10 years younger!!
  14. Do yourself a favor.......Stay out and watch from the side.....It could yet be a long way down.
  15. They are at PePBoys as well as Harbor Freight.
  16. Oops...sorry... Being from Calif. where the grass is always green...didn't recognize it for what it was:8:. One of the dangers of never-ending good weather, you loose contact with reality!
  17. Oops...sorry... Being from Calif. where the grass is always green...didn't recognize it for what it was:8:. One of the dangers of never-ending good weather, you loose contact with reality!
  18. What's that "non garage looking" tile in the backgound?! :hihi:Did you bring that bike into the house!!??
  19. What's that "non garage looking" tile in the backgound?! :hihi:Did you bring that bike into the house!!??
  20. I'll second that!
  21. RSV is favorite, followed closely by Kawi Nomad and the one I owned the longest 74-98 CB450
  22. Sorry, didn't mean to be overly critical, really..... And yes, I am familiar with the hardships of modeling. But you have to admit, that does give it that "overly Harley"look. If you really need to lower it I would suggest doing the front as well, then it won't look like a dog with it's tail tucked in!! In addition it will maintain it's agility , such as it is......
  23. Actually if you look at the photos...precisely what we ride.....NICE !!!! But now look at the illustration... the overemphasized front with the lowered and widened back ...the squared off bags....:think:HD, Pure, common, HD just like every other you see on the street....:confused24:They call them baggers but I think the bags are only for the occasional beer run...
  24. Now you're kidding, right?
  25. No, not kidding, I am in the midst of celebration this week: my subscription to Baggers finally ran out!!!! :clap2:Last issue came and was thrown in the garbage without ever making it to the coffee table..... That magazine was just pages and pages of precisely that sort of pics...The only difference between them was color of paint and color of flames......Oh and tattooed fat people without helmets or wearing salad bowls.... What can I say...Not my bag.....
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