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Everything posted by az1103

  1. MSN ???!!!! Who cares what MSN thinks????
  2. Well, If they manage to dump the union, the quality might go up...... Who knows maybe they will get back on my "worth looking at" list.
  3. Hurts just looking.....
  4. Good Post, thank you! Can't say I enjoyed it but it made me think..... And that's probably most important. Your post sais you are 26...... Wish I had your perspective at that age, could have avoided some unnecessary pain. More power to you! Ride safe! :clap2:
  5. I rest my case !http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/bravo1.gif http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/bravo1.gif http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/bravo1.gif http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/bravo1.gif
  6. http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2880%29.jpg Thank you for your valuable interpretation justice Yammer..... http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2883%29.jpghttp://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2883%29.jpghttp://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2883%29.jpg
  7. There were no personal implications in what I said........ I was simply indicating my experience with WC as an ex-employer. Self employment is never easy, having employees makes it so much more difficult. It's bad enough in large companies where there is an entire dept. to deal with it but in the case of a small business it can be more than disruptive, it can be disastrous! The day I decided to close the business and retire was one of the happiest days of my life! No longer having to deal with employees was a large part of the decision. That was 7-1/2 years ago and I haven't regretted it for a second!
  8. Those flames suck big-time. Makes it cheap looking.http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2869%29.jpg
  9. I can sympathize with some of the above problems expressed here, BUT; and it's a BIG BUT - As a former employer I can tell you that in 20 years of dealing with employees I NEVER had a single case of actual Workmen's Comp. But I did have to deal with 7 !!!! Yes, 7 cases of attempted WC fraud...... So I have a hard time faulting the system for being careful.
  10. A big Thank you to him, and to you as well.....
  11. Well said....... I have been riding for close to 50 years now. My late wife enjoyed an occasional ride but in 34 years we rode together maybe 20, 25 times....Mostly, I rode alone. After she passed away and I remarried, I discovered my new wife loves it and resents any time I get on the bike alone. I must admit that I am scared for her because she was already 48 the first time she ever climbed on a bike and probably is not fully cognizant of possible consequences. She didn't even get a driver's license till she was 50!....But in the last 7+ years we have put about 15K on the bike and it has been a blast! I can no longer enjoy riding by myself..... Now, I can't say that my fear for her is any less, but I have come to grips with the fact that I can't take that pleasure away from her any more than I can stop riding myself. Would she survive it if it was denied? Sure, but she wouldn't be "her" anymore! Would I survive without riding? Sure, but life would be so much less........
  12. This is supposedly what it does....But, as most greenhead EPA solutions, I believe it is mostly smoke and mirrors..... It dilutes the pollution that can be sensed at the pipe but can't possibly help burn the excess hydrocarbons since the temperatures in the exhaust are insufficient.
  13. az1103

    Me and Mama

    Looking good! But that's a lot of chrome to clean...
  14. Whatever I am reading at the moment....And at the moment I am reading "Arguing with Idiots" by Glen Beck. http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%288%29.jpg
  15. Actually, white is the most popular color in this country , followed by silver and red. Least popular is yellow. All 3 of mine are pearlized white...Had the RSV been available in white I would have gone for that as well, although the pearl-black is great too.
  16. Lexus LX430, Lexus RX 300, Mazda MX 5 Miyata . Never had a single problem with any of them....... Still trying to forget all the frustration I had with Cadillacs and Suburbans.....Never again !!!!!
  17. Get a 550 ..... You can find it for much less than list. The first time you get caught in some severe weather in unknown territory...You'll be glad you don't have a sandwich bag to look through. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=zumo+550&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS307US307&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=3679626677652708051&ei=D8NTS4vHGomKswOq86j8Bw&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCIQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers
  18. Sometimes, it's not that easy....... We lost our Golden retriever "Bear" three years ago, and we still miss him a lot. We thought several times of getting another dog but we don't want to be constantly comparing...Wouldn't be fair to the new one - Bear was a family member....
  19. Well, after much time consuming fiddling here is what I did; I noticed that with this latest update a program called MapLoader appeared in the Garmin program files. This , as it turns out, allows you to download the maps from the computer to the 550 or to the card in the 550 or to any card available to your computer!!! So I put a 2gig micro SD in the computer card slot and loaded the entire map set ! Then I also loaded my music and put the thing in the Zumo.......Sure enough, it loaded the maps at startup and the music is available as well!! Now if only this didn't take a ton of time to do!
  20. I updated my maps today (took over 6 hours) !!! Then when time came to actually load them on the Zumo, it announced that due to map expansion there was not enough room to load all maps and I should select the area desired...... Well.....That's really annoying !!!! Has anyone run into the same thing? And what did you do about it?? Now it seems you can load maps onto an SD card....So I did, but what does that mean? Is it then necessary to insert card each time you "run off the edge of the world"? and what happens to your music waypoints etc...? I am truly annoyed.
  21. The key is practice and practice and more practice....
  22. az1103


    I just tried to go on the Venturers site and my McAfee software flagged it as a "Known Attack Site" and suggested blocking it...... So what's up with that???? Anyone know??
  23. Alex and Helen
  24. I'm 65 . The co-pilot is 55....But don't tell her I told you.
  25. I went for a bike ride along the beach this afternoon (recumbent, not mc) . Virtually every woman and every teenager I passed was either talking or texting on the phone !!! To be fair,some men were too.... Now, I am not talking about just people walking, these people were on bicycles, skates skateboards and just stumbling around ! Somehow I suspect they do exactly the same thing when they are driving a car. It's a dangerous place out there, particularly around the holidays.....
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