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Everything posted by az1103

  1. az1103


    Went to the Long Beach Bike show yesterday. Saw the new Raider:( Sat on it.... The most uncomfortable bike I have sat on in recent memory!!!! What were they thinking? In a line up that includes such great bikes as the Stratoliner and the RSV this thing is sad:confused24:
  2. There is a Yamaha bib with two pockets, pricey but works and looks realy good.
  3. I've been riding over 40 years, small ones, big ones , prior to the RSV a Kawi Nomad - not that much lighter. At 5'9'' I found it uncomfortable at slow speed untill I dropped the front down just under an inch. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!!!! No need to change tires ( if you're on Dunlops at least) and the lower seating position (actually only about a half inch) is also more relaxed and a plus.
  4. "Smoking is non-addictive for me. By smoking a pipe, I can take it or leave it no problem." Oh yah right! You just light-up because you enjoy the foul smell, or is it that wonderfull taste of sewage in your mouth! No it must be the excitement of anticipating the cancer chancres on your lip!!
  5. Do NOT sign! You are under no obligation to sign anything. Had something simmilar a few years back. My agent said why would you want to sign this? Cash the check and wait to see if any more problems or damage surfaces. If they don't recognize fault they wouldn't be offering settlement.!!!!!! Do yourself a favor SIGN NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. However you decide to do it, don't forget to talk plenty on the cell phone while driving. Oh yes, why leave the TV behind, mount one on the handlebars. Just please warn the rest of us when you and your pup are on the road so we can sit it out!
  7. Huntington Beach, CAlif. Begining of last month took an 8 day trip up the coast all the way up to Crescent city and through the redwoods then across and back down through Yosemite and Sequoya. We cought the first storm of the season up in the redwoods but then the good weather stayed with us all the way back - about 2100 miles. Loved it! I posted a few photos in my gallery, take a look - it may motivate you to visit Calif. Then you'll understand why we like it here despite high cost of living.
  8. Shouldn't the corners be more rounded (a smoother transition?). By the way the yellow thing in the first photo is that a "Kilimanjaro " jacket? I've been trying to find someone who has one to ask how they like it..
  9. Better watch that "old fart" stuff:no-no-no:. Some of us here are older than you are , kid!.
  10. az1103

    How Much????

    Go to www.kellybluebook.com , I don't know what you paid for it, But be ready to feel sick.
  11. We just did a 2100+ mile trip up the Cal coast, across the state and back down the other side. Saw a few broken down HD's and all we had to do is fill her up once in a while and wipe the dew off in the am. I have been riding for over 45 years. Mostly Honda, Norton, more Honda and most recently Kawasaki..... So far this RSMV is about as trouble free as I've had. There is nothing that will convince me to ever ride a HD, YUCK! Frankly, as much as I try to buy American, I am not a masochist. I have no faith in American vehicles. I think our engineering is first class, our design is more than acceptable but the execution;assembly, quality control and finish work are typical of "union work" everywhere. We refuse to see that this is what killed the automotive industry in the UK and what makes european cars the tin cans they are. I have owned many cars and with the possible exception of a 77 Coupe DE Ville have found all of them , including El Dorados Suburbans, Tahoes etc... to be CRAP. These days, I buy only after checking the vin # and making sure that it indicates a 100% Japanese production. Such as the RSV , Lexus etc...It's the only way to insure you don't become an unwilling mechanic - slave to a poorly assembled heap of badly manufactured metal.
  12. I'll stay with the carbtune as well
  13. That sounds like one of those "The dog ate my homework deals". Maybe you are lucky he ate it! Every time I use it I run into typos. They have the carb synch procedure all messed up, the pressures for the shocks are mistranslated from metric, the torque values are misstated..... If you can find a download version you will be paying exactly what it's worth... nothing.
  14. So why do you need to haul a bicycle around with you. OOPS... You wouldn't beriding a Harley?!!
  15. Their site sais 3.4 Gal tank. Also the 244cc might be a problem, I believe it needs to be over 250cc to be freeway legal. Also, what seems like a long time ago I owned two Vespas and from experience I can tell you that their engines are primitive and made from an aluminum alloy that has the strength of parmesan cheese. Yes, the thing is "cute" but so were Fiats and look around, how many of those have managed to avoid the junkyard?
  16. More power to you! But don't baby yourself:no-no-no: I smoked for more years than I care to discuss, and I do mean smoked-up to 3 packs per day . And then 12 years ago my wife got breast cancer and the surgeon told her he would not operate on her until at least one week after she stopped smoking because she would not heal as well otherwise. She quit that day, and so did I in solidarity. Unfortunately she only lived for another 7 years. I, however, havent touched a smoke of any sort since that day. And the honest truth is that only the first week was difficult. Then my nose cleared up I began smelling things and quit wheezing and I have never missed it since. No gum, no pills, no patches. Just plain and simple cold-turkey. It realy is the only thing that truly works. The moment you sense that you have regained control over your life - you will feel not just free, but truly empowered. I know it sounds like a rant, but what can I do, I feel very strongly about this.
  17. I hooked up a Zumo and an existing XM radio through the auxiliary behind the cassette player (triple Y connector). Both units are getting power from the the back of the front accessory power connector. All works OK except that if the XM is on and the Gps is turned on the sound level of the XM drops significantly , if the Zumo is turned off the XM sound level goes back to normal. No such problem with the cassete player or radio everything interacts just fine. My first response was that maybe the Zumo draws too much power, shortchanging the XM unit but checking with a voltmeter at the XM power plug shows no power fluctuation when the Zumo is turned on or off. Any Ideas out there before I start pulling my hair out???? Correction and update: The power sharing has nothing to do with it. It's in the sound out connection - apparently, unlike the cassette player and XM, the Zumo doesn't want to share the aux. connection. When the Zumo is turned on the sound of the XM mutes down. However, if the Zumo is connected through the front then nothing is heard from the Zumo untill the XM is turned off, then the sound of the Zumo comes right in! I have NOOOO IDEA what's happening. Come on you sound experts out there! Speak up!!!
  18. I lowered it 1", and yes, possibly a bit less would have worked as well. However it feels so good this way that I think I will leave it alone and just enjoy it. At 5ft9 it still fits me just fine. If I were over 6ft perhaps I would opt for raising rear instead. The point here is not the height, it's the rake (the angle of the head tube, and contact point offset) You generally don't hear much discussion of this in motorcycle talk - it is of much greater concern in bicycle design. A steeper rake makes for quicker response. Also if you look down the fork you will see an offset from where the extended fork would touch the ground to where the tire actually contacts. The greater this offset, the more the bike physically raises and lowers as you rotate the handlebar. If there is no such offset and resulting vertical movement there would be no dynamic balance and you would not be able to maintain a straight line without constantly controlling ( no hands off handlebar), the bike would feel squirelly! On the other hand, as the offset becomes greater, the sheer weight of the bike acting like a lever with the offset makes the steering cumbersome, although easily balanced at speed. Great at speed, but when slow and standing it handles like a water buffalo!!! Add to this the highly positioned weight of a passenger and it's as nimble as a walruss. Sorry about the zoological analogies, but they are properly descriptive. For those who wish a GW comparison the head angles are GW:29.15 RSV: 29.10 pretyy close but the killer is the rake(trail) GW:4.3" RSV: 6.0" The additional 1.7" is the cause of the "walruss effect". What does a smaller tire do? It just slightly reduces the trail. Therefore more nimble.
  19. If you experience problems with two up or slow maneuvers, don't daddle! Lower that front end ! You'll love it!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Lowered the front end this weekend... Went for a ride today:big-grin-emoticon:it was incredible! The wife is tiny as it is but now she is barely noticeable, good thing we talk or I would have to check that she is still there. And the bike itself has lost a good hundred pounds...Stops and slow turns are a pleasure. I understand the geometry change, shorter wheelbase, sharper rake, lower cg ..... all that's fine but I realy did not expect such a noticeable difference. Why ithe world doesn't Yamaha assemble them this way in the first place:confused24:. I bet they would sell a lot more of them. Those of you who have been considering - what are you waiting for???? Those who haven't...you should.
  21. Has anyone purchased the Saver's guide chip and card offered for the zumo-550 by Garmin? It's $49 for a year... I wonder how easy it is to use for hotels and such. I don't mean -as they describe it - I mean in actual fact. We just completed a 2100 mile 9 day trip up the Calif coast from Huntington Beach to Crescent City and across to Yosemite and down to Sequoya and back. Stayed where possible at hotels listed in the Saver's guide which is available at Dennys, McDonalds and others. Prices were good, although quality varied. Would have preferred more choices... It seems this would be convenient, but would like to hear from someone who has actually used it.
  22. Has anyone found a good solution for repair or replacement of the idiotic plastic chrome strip under the windshield. The tabs break if you even think about taking it off!!!! At first I thought it was me... But now I am convinced that it's a cheap, idiotic design. Or perhaps it was done this way to make money for Yamaha - have you ever priced it?? The first break I repaired by reinforcing from the back side with epoxy. Worked OK but the second tab that broke didn't do as well. If you know something I don't please share.
  23. Personally, I traded from a Nomad with Cobra pipes and souped-up air system about 3 mo ago and I am thoroughly enjoying the lower noise level!! My head doesn't buzz for half an hour after a long ride. In fact, what were long rides on the Nomad are just short jaunts on the RSV.
  24. How can you connect the Zumos to the headset? With or without bluetooth? Would prefer without, I think.....
  25. Ken, when I was looking for a black 07 about 3months ago, I had a simmilar response. Don't get excited, talk to the sales manager not the salesman. They will get back to you within a short time if they think you are serious. I ended up with 4 offers one of them a week after I already made a purchase. Try to make your deal close to the end of the month, and if it happens to be end of quarter then even better. Don't talk to the salesman! Talk to the sales manager. Most will be expecting to make only about $500 over invoice. In my case that meant I only paid just over 13000 for a brand new 07 RSMV. So be patient, it pays.!!!
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