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Everything posted by az1103

  1. I usually look at the bluebook price as if I was buying it "used". That is select the 2008 model but as a used bike with minimum mileage. That gives you the "after you left the dealer's price. I did that when buying my 07 RSMV last summer and offered 13300. At first the dealer acted offended. But when he saw what my back looked like he saw the light and accepted. I was happy, and he was happy - turned out this was just under 500 over his invoice!
  2. It sure sounds like you are adjusting the wrong volume. Headset intercom volume and speaker volume are not the same. the IC volume needs to be adjusted separately. However if that is not the problem, I would open the cowling disconnect the connectors and reconnect them using dielectric gel. If that doesn't solve it it's waranty claim time.
  3. Than you all for the excellent responses ! Great site...Great people....
  4. Ah yes,..... that is the question !!! Some of you are advocating a smaller front Avon tire. Ok, please explain, I am no genious on tires,. You say it gives better handling, do you mean as in crawl speed stability? And just how much smaller is it ? How does that look under that big front fender? Got any pictures guys?? Educate me, please....
  5. I don't know about Elvis:confused24: And quite frankly I don't give a rat's patoot about sports. But I can tell you that I use the same XM unit in the house in two of my cars and on the bike because I refuse to listen to the "all black-all the time" stations on FM. The bigest difference between the units is that the XM antena works fine through the windshield - you can just place it on the dashboard whereas the Sirius one needs to be on the outside. That's very inconvenient as far as I am concerned. In the house I have the antena not even close to a window and it still works fine.I have both Sirius and XM on my TV satelite and can see little difference between them.
  6. Hate to be such a "doubting Thomas" , but when someone tells me something is not only free but they will pay me for the pleasure of doing fomething for me......Well, let's just say the hair raises up on the back of my neck ..... Remember old P.T. Barnum; "Never give a sucker an even break", "A new one is born every minute", "A fool and his money are soon parted". No, I don't think I'll be giving access to my account to anyone offering "something for nothing" any time soon....!!!
  7. My speedometer is also about 5 to 7 Mph fast according to the Zumo. I don't think there is any way of recalibrating....Is there?
  8. I gather you were trying to find out why the usual "muffler rape" didn't produce any worthwhile improvements in sound ?!
  9. I have no answers for you....But I am just surprised that you even noticed ! I guess where you are there must still be something to listen to on the radio. Here, all we get it seems is rap-crap and jive full time. No classical, no adult - rock or popular.... just all black all the time !!!!! I hardly ever even turn it on. A thousand stations all playing the same tastless crap!!!!!!! XM and MP3 are the only salvation.
  10. Have any of you managed to somehow connect the Zumo 550 Bluetooth function to your phone and standard headset in a meaningfull, usefull way? If so, please share the info, pictures if you have them...? I guess a very handy and usefull thing would be to somehow end up with the entire helmet headset setup being wireless...... But that's probably too complex or expensive....?
  11. I would like to improve the Tone of the exhaust more than the loudnes..... Heard the clips of the Baron 4-2-4's on the site but couldn't find how the Bub slipons sound..... Any comparisons or comments? I am looking for a low rumble which will not tire me out on a long trip. Hate that half deaf feeling with a just off the boat feel from loud pipes which screw up your ballance...?
  12. Not normal, check your connectors - as at the helmet. They are realy tiny and easily come undone. The sound is kind of tinny and trebbly but stereo.
  13. Me too. Except, chrome forks are there already and mp3 is already in my Zumo which is better than most OEM gps's. But the ABS & reverse would sure be nice. Also I believe a bit of advertising wouldn't hurt . Why improve a bike no one knows much about?! No one buys without seing some sort of advertising first.
  14. Tail bag, that is:) I would like something that fits well on the RSV rack. Don't care much for the Yama-bag - sort of cheap looking. Any suggestions for something well fitting good looking and that won't require a home equity loan?
  15. I want to install an LED light bar under the trunk. Probably either the Rivco or the Diamond-R. However I have a Priority-Plus unit installed now, it makes the turn signals act as position lights (on all the time except when turn signal activated) and blinks the brake lights several times when the brake is activated prior to full-steady. I was planning to connect the light bar in the usual way to the tail and brake light wiring - tapping in after the Priority plus connection. Does any one know if this will work OK with a light bar or does the LED somehow react differently? I can't see why it wouldn't work but would appreciate comments from any of you who might be familiar with such set-ups.
  16. Has anyone here purchased one of those (not so cheap) spoiler-type trunk lights for a 2nd gen. If so, how easy does it mount, how well does it work and most important, what do you think of it?
  17. How many of you actually use the CB, and for what? Originally it sounded like a good idea, but to tell the truth in the 8 months or so of ownership and a couple of over 1k trips I have yet to talk to anyone, or even hear anything worthwhile! So how do the rest of you use this thing? I realy would like to hear some constructive suggestions. I thought it might be a good emergency tool but quite frankly I don't see how I could ever get to anyone.
  18. Kit, have you gotten as far as looking at the price on that site? For that price you might as well start talking backup cameras and screens!
  19. Can any of you explain to me what exactly is "boxing day" . I keep seing it on calendars but....
  20. You needn't do anything special. The first time you go to a national park you simply get it right there. And yes, it's a great deal.
  21. I was only kidding guy, don't take it so hard. Besides, you still didn't answer why the parking rip-off? You guys tight for space?
  22. Whysuch a rip-off for parking??!! I thought Canada was a big cold empty place!
  23. EXACTLY what I was talking about!!!
  24. In the short time I have used this site I must admit to never having felt in any way offended. Thanks for running it the way you do, and mostly, JUST THANKS FOR THE SITE!!!! Sertainly hope I have not, nor will offend anyone.
  25. I believe you are mistaken about the need to rejet...... I put on Cobra pipes on my old Nomad and that's the first thing that happened- serious popping from the AIS (yes, they have one too). When I called Cobra the said rejet and told we which kit (they have several stages) I did , and gained power, torque and sound- and lost the popping! A bit of work but realy enjoyed it for years!!
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