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Everything posted by az1103

  1. Stored for two years is the key......Rebuild those carbs and you won't recognize the bike.
  2. Got the parts and rebuilt the carburetors ! That was no small job but she is purring and runs like on day one I guess that has been sneaking up on me so slowly that I didn't notice the difference until it really got bad! Seafoam is OK but actually doing the job just can't be beat! Now to plan the next big trip!
  3. I must admit that if I was looking for a new bike today, I would be looking at a Harley.
  4. Wrong! !!! : "Single-point audio control system for AM/FM radio, cassette, and intercom is MP3-compatible and headset-ready. The system also includes a Star-branded iPod touch (8GB) with an iSimple SolutionsTM audio interface by AAMP of America. "
  5. :thumbsup2:
  6. As I said in previous post, we were in China last month and my wife put together a video which you can see here: If it plays choppy then put it on pause for a couple of minutes and let it load ahead. You are welcome to look at the others she has placed on same site.
  7. Took apart the carbs.......fairly cruddy with evaporated powdered fuel! Ordered parts from Oregon even though Yama HQ is about 15 miles from me....crazy system! It will take about 10 days as some are coming from Wisconsin! That's what we get for living in a huge country.....Heading for Machu Pichu, Peru and Easter island towards end of month so hope everything gets here soon.
  8. Last month in China. And a trip along highway 1 from Orange County to Port Angeles Washington. Skyline is in Shanghai, the lake is Crater Lake, Oregon
  9. Is that the 7th infantry division beer-can? I wore one of those in 61-62 in Korea.
  10. No, no head-gasket recall...Never got any notice. Spark already checked and OK so I believe you are right that it's probably a fuel problem. I'm gonna pull the carbs and rebuild them. What abot that recall? What's that about?
  11. Well folks, I tried pulling plug wires while running; Neither cylinder on right side makes any difference. Pulling either left side will kill engine. Turned it off pulled plugs, both sides look just fine! Took off tank and intake manifolds....Runs as before. if I manually move plungers on right side - not much difference. If I move plungers on left side engine stalls..... I would have said no spark on right side but got slightly zapped while pulling both right side wires. Not sure what to do at this point......Any suggestions? Can the coils have failed on right? Seems unlikely that both would go! Really baffled at this point.
  12. What can it mean if the exhaust from the right bank is cool compared to the left side? I noticed it and checked the cylinder temp. It appears the right bank is running some 20 degrees cooler, at least at start up and quite a while afterwards. I checked the carb vacuums and they appear well balanced. Pulled a plug on the right and it looks practically new! Overall the bike seems to run just fine but a bit cold at start and slow to warm up...but then, that's how it's always been. Not sure if I should be concerned about it or not.... Any ideas?
  13. Just drop the front end about an inch on the stanchions and the bike will feel like it lost 200 pounds ! No need for different tires or leveling links. It's a relatively easy job and totally solves the "water buffalo" problem.
  14. So ...exactly one month ago I had a bit of a fall on my road bicycle. To make it short, I broke my left hip. Fortunately the break was far enough from the joint that no replacement was necessary. I did however, end up with a titanium shank and 2 bolts, one on the bottom stabilising to the femur and one at top into the joint stabilizing across the break. I was on my feet with a walker the next morning and have since graduated to two ski poles. I figure end of this week I'll be on the home bike-trainer and in another 3 weeks or so I ought to be able to ride. But an uncomfortable thought keeps creeping in; Will I be able to hold up the RSV with that left leg and how long that's likely to take. So on the chance that some of you may have had a similar experience , I thought I would ask - what should I expect?
  15. Just a glance at the tach......
  16. Here is a little walk through history you might enjoy. http://www.microcarmuseum.com/info.html just make sure to take the virtual tour....It'll keep you busy for a while.
  17. Their social order is incredible.....we could learn from them.
  18. Goldwing is a fine choice and if I was ready for a change, that would be my first choice. The BMW is another matter altogether....I have a friend who bought one, in fact I financed it for him. That thing is mighty pretty but every time the tiniest thing goes wrong with it, it costs an arm a leg and two teeth !!! Everything on that bike is weird and unconventional.....He has been trying to set up communications on that bike for 2 years....nothing doing, he has gone through 2 different systems and they work haphazardly and intermittently. The manufacturers say they won't mess with trubleshooting on a BMW - something about a floating ground - just return the system.... The only solution is to install BMW proprietary for about a Grand and a half! And then you might consider the experience of the Police departments that went to BMW after Kawi stopped making the Police specials; They went to BMW and their maintenance went orbital! Now most of them are abandoning them and going to Honda or Kawi again... Yes, they look good but - no way for me.....
  19. az1103


    Well, got it resolved but not without pulling the tank and getting much more intimate with the carburetors than I really wanted to .....From now on I'll be closing that petcock! I figure Seafoam a bit more regularly won't hurt either.
  20. az1103


    Went to start the bike after more than a month off and the right overflow tube at the air filter box is pouring out gas ! I guess there must be a stuck float or needle in the right bank. Took the tank off and glanced at how to reach it and see no easy way without actually pulling the carbs! Sure would like to avoid that..... Does any one have any easier ideas?
  21. Once was enough for me....I leaned in to clean the filter traps and knee slipped on the deck. The pressure on the chest broke two ribs !!! It took me over two months to heal. I have since sold the boat to a friend who needed additional problems.....
  22. Here it is ! The pinnacle of achievement in the green agenda !!!! [ATTACH]47659[/ATTACH]
  23. Since it got you so irritated, you must have been ignoring the obvious! However, as has already been pointed out, at no time did I say a word about what others should do..... And if you wish to use your unprotected head for a battering ram that's fine with me. http://www.smileyshut.com/smileys/new/3D%20Smiles%20%2827%29.jpg I do hope however that prior to exercising your right to self abuse you will take the trouble to indemnify those around you, and the taxpayer in general, from having to pay for your long-term care by getting long term health insurance.........
  24. I wouldn't go skiing in my swimming shorts or swim in my motorcycling boots...... So why would I ride without proper gear? It only takes one mishap and you could be lying there like a turnip on life support for years and years.....being a burden on your family and friends and with all that time to think "why didn't I take the 5 minutes to dress right?" The only time, thank God, that some idiot came out of a side street and tried to make me into hamburger was half a block from my driveway!!!! If I hadn't been wearing a helmet I wouldn't be writing this because there were tire marks on the shattered helmet..... I got away with scuffs on the side of my chin and elbow....
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