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Everything posted by az1103

  1. So! It wasn't me after all..... We are back to normal speed here :thumbsup:good going Freebird:clap2:Sorry I started your last round of problems.....But I see the result may have been worth it. Thanks again!
  2. az1103

    Gps Units

    If you just Google Zumo550 you will get sources as low as $506
  3. az1103

    Gps Units

    Try buyeretail.com although there are others- the price seems to change constantly - I guess according to supply and time of the month
  4. az1103

    Gps Units

    The Zumo 550 comes with everything you need or could want. At just over $500 it's a hell of a deal. Includes supports, locking, MP3, Bluetooth, trip-mileage-even altimeter. What else do you need?
  5. az1103


    By the way, I cleared ALL cookies - so that should be no problem.
  6. az1103


    Sidebar off - instantaneous - less than 1/2 seconds! Sidebar on - 8 to12 seconds. Sorry to have started this pain in the butt for you/!
  7. az1103


    No, sorry but still around ten seconds as comparedto almost instantaneous without sidebar
  8. az1103


    Don, You were right about the sidebar. Alter clearing cookies it does turn off. But this also makes the issue absolutely clear; There is a problem with the sidebar, with it slow as molasses without it - it flies!!!!!! So looks like it's the sidebar that's responsible, why it only affects some of us I don't know. But the effect is huge a difference of about 15 seconds!!!!!
  9. az1103


    Don, I tried to turn off the sidebar as you requested but I seem unable to do it !!!??? Is there some other way to turn it off?
  10. az1103


    Anytime I open new tread or go to next page it takes as long as 20 seconds to load. I immagine refreshing would be the same although that's not what I was doing. Normally I could switch tread or page practically instantaneously. The problem has only shown up in the last couple of days.
  11. az1103


    Weather is great here, beach is close....Can't beat Highway 1 for riding-as far as you want, Calif. Oregon, Washington practicaly to Canada.... Last time I was in Houston had to walk at 45 degrees and carry an anchor - the wind was incredible, and that was downtown.
  12. az1103


    First thing I did !! Made no difference whatsoever. Besides, that would affect all sites.... I am not having any other problems. Also I am on high speed DSL and not experiencing problems on any other sites. This tread took a good 15 seconds to open... Something's not kosher.
  13. az1103


    What hesaid!!! Exactly what's happening here !!!
  14. az1103


    It deffinitely appears slower than usual here. I tried several different sites - all seem pretty normal. I seem to be experiencing slow page reload.
  15. az1103


    Is it just me or is the site running much slower on the new server?
  16. 36 with Ruth Ann when she passe away....And now going on 6 with Elena.
  17. az1103


    Well, it's a 93. And you are right, you gotta stay on top of it. All the time, month after month, year after year.....What a drag. Sorry, but It honestly was a relief when I sold it to my friend. He has always wanted one and I gave him a deal he could not refuse. On the other hand, I can now still go out fishing with him (if so inclined ) without the work!!! What a relief. And if I don't use it I don't feel guilt!!!! Good deal all-around. I would never buy another boat!!
  18. Ibelieve what you are looking at is an engine stand. The short of it... I wouldn't ! First it's not made for that and second it's made in China would you want a fine Japanese bike hanging up there on a cheap chinese stand? Go to Costco, they sell a motorcycle jack. Probably also made in china, but at least if the welds pop you'll have some recourse.
  19. az1103


    I've owned 2 Bayliners over the years. The first an 18ft open bow. Didn't like it trully lowsy chevy engine, low sitting, poor handling and terrible quality. Traded it on a 21ft Trophy walkaround. Good on the ocean, fair quality, decently equiped. I did a few improvements and enjoyed it. But it sure is a looot of work to keep up, and money too. When I retired and had more time to do the things I actually wanted to do, there was no time left for the boat. I sold it to a friend who is still into slavery and self-abuse. Believe me, there is a lot of truth to the saying that " the happiest days in a boat owner's life are the day that he buys it and the day that he sells it" also "a boat is a hole in the water into which you pour money"
  20. az1103

    HD Radio

    Has anyone tried HD radio? If so, what do you think of it? It seems like an easy thing to hook up even on a bike - but is it worth it....
  21. az1103

    Utah trip

    I agree about Arches. Great place-not to be missed. But you are getting some bad advice about Bryce. One hour? In that time, you couldn't drive from one end of the park to the other. And if you don't take at least one hike if not down into the canyon then do at least a path or two along the perifery or you will be missing out on a sight which is unique in the world ! We thought we would spend a few hours - we ended up staying for two days!!! We have probably over 500 photos of just Bryce! And don't miss out on Canyonlands National Monument. And there is also Capitol Reef National Monument. The state of Utah is full of beutifull scenery. On the other hand the people leave a lot to be desired. We were in a Lexus LX470 (We came for my brother's wedding) and during our short , day and a half stay in Salt Lake City there were at least two attempts to key the paint on the car. In two different locations with not a single person who knew us anywhere around. So I guess it was purly motivated by nasty jalousy, I guess.... When I asked my brother about it he said it was a common occurence in Utah. Every new car he ever had had been promprly damaged. I guess if it's someone else's and isn't old, dirty and rusty then it deserves damaging, what a sad philosophy:( So watch your bike!
  22. AHA! Seing this picture explains what happened in the 2nd gen manual ; The didn't bother changing the text or numbering of the screws. It may be fine for a 1 st but all wrong for a 2nd !!
  23. I don't think I would advise putting 1000 on the first day on a new bike. Your'e putting yourself in an unnecessarily stressfull situation:no-no-no: The idea ought to be to enjoy yourself, that's what these mastodons are made for - easy pleasurable riding. This isn't a rice rocket, you don't need to hurry to get off:confused24: Give yourself time to look around, take a few pictures, enjoy the ride. We'll enjoy the pictures, and you will improve your outlook on life !!!
  24. Sounds like too much work to avoid some work . It takes less than 5 minutes to pull the tank and bypass the finger twisting and fingernail breaking.
  25. So..... it looks like the only "realy" US made touring bike is moving to Japan by 2009. (Yes, yes... I know ... Harley, Victory etc... Sorry , but look at the Keihin carbs and many other Delco, Bosh etc. parts I would hardly call those US made - perhaps US assembled would be more correct - and it shows by the trail of pars left on the road...) Wonder what that's going to do to the price.... Oh well, at least the quality will probably get better. I wonder if the design will change when they start to consider global, rather than just US sales. Smaller engine? Less plastic? Less comfort? Narrower profile able to handle European perpetual road-jams? Will it start looking like a bavarian donkey with a broken back (BMW) ?
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