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Everything posted by az1103

  1. Try calling some local QuickPrint stores, particularly if they have been around for a while. This was a sideline which never took off and these machines are occupying floor space.
  2. Years ago when I bought a 300ZX a friend of mine who was stuck on the buy american thing ( I think it was a detroit union plot ) purchased a Fiero:crackup: From the saga that followed I gather this was a good contender for the Pinto and Corvair awards. These folks must be brave
  3. Do yourself a favor, go out on Crutchfield.con These people are absolutely great. They stand behind their stuff they will work with you till it works. On the site they have various comparison tools which will help you make a selection. If you are still confused call them on their 800 number and talk to an advisor - if they don't know, they will find out for you. I can't say enough good about them!!!
  4. I sold mine to a friend some years back. Why do you ask?
  5. I hate to tell you this guy.... that unit looks awfully familiar!!!!!!:whistling:Take a look at the connector on the back of the unit, does it have a 16 pin plug, all connectors of uniform size? Now look at the connector on the harness , Is it a black connector with all wires being uniform size except for two which are of a lower gage? If so, look head on into the connector. You will find that the geniouses in China installed the wrong size connectors. They are too big for the pins on the radio......
  6. Life is giving you one more chance at redemption.......Don't mess it up!!! Return that piece of crap!!!!
  7. Every Helmut I ever new was German. But if helmets is what you are looking for I believe HJC is a good value.
  8. Had a Helix for years, excellent. Had 3 Vespas, all CRAP!!! If you ever saw the welds on the chinese stuff, you wouldn't want your wife on one.
  9. When you don't have something you can price it as low as you want!!! And they don't have it!!!! And won't for at least six weeks or so. I just spoke to a friend who ordered from them and when they told him to wait a couple of months he cancelled. SO RUN DON"T WALK !!
  10. Looks perfect for helmetless knuckleheads on Harleys should blend nicely with tatoos!
  11. So much attention and animosity in this subject...... enough already folks !!!!! Those who like their loud pipes will never allow themselves to be convinced that they are making a neusance of themselves and trampling other people's rights to live undisturbed. I guess most of them also don't think twice about tossing their smelly ciggar or cigarette butts in the street or dry brush or their kid's, or grandkid's dirty pampers through the window on our highways and in national parks..... These people will always claim it's part of living in a free country......Sooo Sad....
  12. To what do you attribute the poor mileage? Trailer?
  13. I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but I'll give it to you anyway; I would return that piece of crap Sony and get something else. And here is how I get to this statement: About 2 months ago I purchased a Sony unit to install in our Mazda Miata from Crutchfield. I would, by the way, highly recommend Cruchfield they have been great throughout this saga... Anyway I installed the unit, tried everything out, set all my settings - happy as a pig in ****, turned off the ignition and congratulated myself for a job well done. Next day, turned on the ignition and was greeted with a blank screen with factory settings, all my settings were gone! Rechecked all the connections - same results, called Crutchfield, they sent out a new unit. A week later, received unit installed made settings, sent back old unit. Next day, same crap - all settings lost. Did thorough check of connectors and found that the geniouses who assembled the proprietary Sony connector missized two of the connectors! Tried to contact Sony, spoke with India, spoke with Manila - raised my blood pressure to bursting point and basically got the feeling that Sony just plain doesn't give a ****! Called Crutchfield, they sent another unit out. Same crap, you could see with naked eye that the connector was bad ! sent the unit back and again spoke with Manila for what seemed like an hour. Their solution was - send the harness and plug to Sony service center with original receipt and they would replace it. Since by now it was over amonth-Iwould have to pay for it!!!?? No mention of what I should do about the radio for the month or so that this procedure should take or the expense. Who cares, I am just another customer. Well this customer has a better solution I went around their connector and did sone soldering but I will never again purchase anything Sony. A company that has no customer support deserves no customers!
  14. You sure it's not on "the other right":confused24:
  15. Actually, the answer you got for the auxilliary imput is only partially correct. You can only have one thing at a time working on the aux. I use a separate satelite radio XM, because I use the same unit in all 3 of my cars as well as on the bike and in the house. That's a hell of a lot cheaper than the ugly garmin antena unit that looks like a miniature flying saucer no matter where you put it. So, in order to make it all work together I had to put in an additional switch which allows me to listen to XM and not hear the garmin or switch to the garmin and MP3 with instructions interupting the music. Anyhow it all works great together. As far as the bluetooth I haven't got the mike piped to the headset yet but other than that all works grat. Can't say I am too excited about talking on the phone while riding but the convenience of not missing phone calls while riding is there.....
  16. I absolutely agree ! One of our favorite rides has been a cruise through Long Beach to Palos Verdes along the coast. Now thanks to the "noise lovers" they are cracking down and conducting inspections to prevent changes in original exhaust systems which are illegal in calif. Guess who is going to get hassled, not just the noise makers So to those of you who we have to thank for this
  17. I would be carefull with that one... Brits interpret that as "up yours twice":rotf:
  18. No problem with my XM but if I were you I would check how you placed the antena and the wire going to it.
  19. I guess I'm just an old fart...... The carbs don't bother me, they tune easy - perform well and are not subject to sudden plugging and air-locks. As to the tape deck, who cares- I surely wouldn't want a front loader CD !! I cant even immagine where you would keep the CDs or loading the silly thing on the go, at least this way I have an extra auxiliary input. I wouldn't listen to CD's on a bike anyway!! I don't use the phone either while riding. On the other hand...ABS would be nice. And to tell the truth a less whinny engine might not hurt either.
  20. That's exactly how it is for me - 100% improvement, and none of the squireliness reported on the narrow Avon!
  21. Carefull with small scratch removal on any of the painted surfaces. DO NOT USE PLEXUS-that's for plastic:no-no-no: The bags and all other painted surfaces on a Japanese bike have a clear-coat and if you use an abrasive on it it will cloud. You won't like the result. There is a number of products specifically for removing clar-coat scratches. All of these are identified as such. Any shop with a good supply of cleaning and polishing products will have them. Whatever product you use, be carefull with excess elbow-grease you do not want to rub through the clear-coat!
  22. Didn't mean to denigrate "customizing" ! What I realy meant is that if you are going to customize with something functional then it ought to actually function and not as I said be just "t**ts on a bull. " Prior to the Venture I had a Kawi Nomad "99, first one-no fuel injection" . I changed out to Cobra pipes, removed the EPA stuff, reed valves etc... Removed the airbox, and Installed an exposed K&E filter on a Thunder Manufacturing plate at the carburator. Obviously, had to rejet. The rusult was incredible - it raised both torque and horsepower by close to 25% at virtually no loss of MPG and furthermore you could actually breathe behind it since even without the EPA crap it burned more efficiently. Now, thats called "functional customizing" . Not just useless glitter. Sort of like the Diamonds vs Zircons argument. A 10Kt Zircon is still a worthless piece of glass.....
  23. All this for looks? Am I missing something here?:confused24:Is this something like long horns on a car or t**s on a bull?
  24. Do you happen to be a Costco or Sam'sClub member? If so you should take advantage of their car buying program. You'll pay just over dealer invoice for the new car and yo'll get as good a deal as anywhere on your trade-in.
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