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Everything posted by az1103

  1. For thos tired of wind noise in their headset try these - work great! http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=IMC-5P-SWB
  2. Thanks, decided to put a SWR meter on it just to be sure....
  3. Can anyone tell me if the CB antena wire unplugs from the base of the antena or not? I don't want to just pull on it in case it's an integral part of the antena.
  4. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:
  5. I laughed....My wife laughed...Thanks for the levity, it works better than medicine...:hihi:
  6. I don't know about old but you don't seem crotchety;)
  7. az1103

    FRS radio

    Hate to disagree on a subject that I don't know that much about, but when I did play around With GMRS about 15 years ago I routinely spoke with people in Long Beach which is around 23 miles from where I am. And FMRS is "straight sight line" like all FM if you can see-you can hear. So if you are out on the open road, let's say I-15 to Las Vegas where you can see the horizon in both directions you can also talk pretty much that gar. And even in the city, with some fortuitous reflections you will get much farther than the 2 miles you claim. Also I am not certain but it seems I heard that licenses are no longer reqired for GMRS for private use up to 5 W
  8. Hmmm "Bigfoot"..... Aren't you supposed to be in the North West forrests?
  9. Welcome to the twenty first century! It's a great bike, your wife will realy enjoy that seat on long rides.
  10. The BMW woul not have fit either. They call theirs a "sports tourer" it would best compare to the kawi Concourse. Besides you have to be either weirdly shaped or a minimum of 6ft-2inch to be comfortable on that thing. The seat is at around 34 in! I would have to use elevator boots!!!
  11. I kept forgetting to e-mail them. Thanks for jogging my memory and even providing the address!!
  12. Clean your battery connectors ! I had the exact same problem on two of my cars. Cleaned the battery posts greased the connection, problem gone.
  13. az1103

    FRS radio

    Were it for some other use I would absolutely agree with you. But on a bike I am not realy looking for much range, a few miles will be more than enough. What I am looking for is clarity, which FM delivers and possibility of privacy which most FRS give through a multitude of codes. As to problems, well, the usual-noise from most electrical sources as when passing a substatin or power plant poor sound quality (as much static as transmission) and the general lowbrow level of conversation you pick-up on any highway!
  14. az1103

    FRS radio

    Has anyone tried to adapt an FRS system to the RSV? It seems like it would be really simple on the speaker side but coupling to the mike might be a challenge. While trying to troubleshoot my CB last week, I discovered that CB appears to be rapidly going the way of the dinosaurs. I couldn't find anyone with enough knowledge or interest to answer some seemingly simple questions. Components are virtually unavailable, except online, and interest in the subject is minimal. On the other hand the FRS seems to be used fairly extensively, but with handheld units. I guess the main advantages would be a much lower innitial cost, a longer range and much clearer transmission including the possibility of private conversation.
  15. I used to think so too about 10 years ago before I got my first gps. But when I realized that with a gps I can just go whichever way the wind blows and then just push"go Home" without having to worry about being lost, that's when I realy started to "enjoy the ride and smell the roses".
  16. By the way, that Mapquest thing realy sucks, not very complete! Get a good map unless you have a GPS. I like the Zumo!
  17. Wow guy!!!! I wish I was doing that. Are you actually going to skirt Yellowstone? :yikes:Forget about US90 to Bozeman! Take either 212 or 89, preferably 89 and go right through the park! You can see some trully beautifull sites, maybe bison heard walking right down the road, geysers, lakes, etc.... come out the south entrance and head to Jackson Hole Wyoming right through Gran Teton , the sights are unforgetable, you won't regret it! Then you can rejoin the shown route at Idaho Falls and continue to Reno, Nevada. From there I would go south on 395 to Lake Tahoe. From there take 50 to Sacramento. I hope you are not going through there because you expect to see something, I wouldn't waste the time! Now, from sacramento go 80 to 680 to 37 to San Rafael and then South towards San Francisco which will bring you to the crossing of the Golden Gate bridge from the North, Just before getting to the bridge there will be a turnoff to the right to an observation point in the hill which, if not foggy, will give you a view of San Francisco and the bridge that you won't forget! From there continue to Monterey and Calif.1 not 101, 1 (one) that is the coastal route through Big Sur. If you haven't ridden Big Sur you haven't ridden California! While in Monterey go by Pacific Grove and Pebble beach. Don't run out of chips for your camera! Try to overnight in Cambria, inexpensive motels, excelent restaurants right on the beach. In Moro Bay, look at Moro Rock , as if you could miss it, then on to SLO. If you are still full of energy on the way back, don't retrace the route! Go through Yosemite and spend a day there (Life is too short to miss that!) look at the Sequoya trees then on through southern Utah, Zion, Bryce Canyon, and Moab Wow, I would surely love to do that again! Take lots of photos and I don't mean just bikes! You'll be passing through some of the most beautifull scenery on this earth, don't miss it. Few get that chance!
  18. Beetween Satelite radio and MP3 on the Zumo who needs to loose the trunk or bag space for this thing.
  19. Yes, absolutely! The Garmins Zumo550 or the less expensive Zumo450 both will do that. You can download already set up points of interest from places like the www.poifactory.com (it's free) and you can get instructions on how to do it from the site. You can get lots of usefull info from www.zumoforums.com . You can also purchase preformated routes and trips from various travel sources, you will see them referenced on both of the above sites. Don't let it intimidate you, it's all much easier than it first seems.
  20. OK, I pinpointed the source of the problem and fixed it. First I Isolated the source of the noise as being NOT in the cable itself but in the microphone wire going to the Zumo. Once I realized which portion of the setup was picking up the noise the source of the noise became obvious! I ran the wire along the wire bundle comming up the right handlebar. Within that bundle is the triger-wire for my Baron tach which is mounted on the right brake reservoir. The mike wire was unshielded and was picking up the signal going to the tach from the right front coil! I cut off the wire and replaced it with shielded wire and the problem was gone!! No more Chinese torture! So for those of you who get that engine tick - replace the unshielded wire!
  21. Before sending back I think I'll just tinker a bit first, see what I can do because if we start sending this thing back and forth the only ones making any money will be the postal service.
  22. I almost exclusively ride 2up always with intercom at around 12/13 and have never experienced ticking. I tried to turn up to 16/17 just to see, and nothing. But with the cable in it is heard at any volume, in fact I believe it is volume independent so I am pretty sure it's coming from the cable. I am fairly handy so I can try shortening or reshielding or you can send me another. Just let me know, and we'll go from there. I think the next thing I'll try is to cut off the Zumo mike lead and see which portion of the cable is problematic. Someone here mentioned resistor type plugs - I thought the standard plugs were resistor type? Can anyone confirm?
  23. Actually, I did. But just on the chance that someone else may have already solved a simmilar situation thought I would ask....
  24. I installed the Buddy Rich Bluetooth cable and began hearing an engine tick at idle. Not particularly noticeable on speakers but very annoying in headset . Just to check, removed cable, started engine ticking is gone. Replaced cable, ticking is back. Figured shielding is at fault, undid tape to foil shilding, checked that it connects to wire shield, added foil retaped - still ticking. At speed not noticeable because of general background noise but at idle it's like Chinese water torture - tick, tick, tick. Any solutions or suggestions out there? :puzzled:I can't be lucky enough to be the "only one". Help please before I loose whatever little sanity remains!!
  25. When I turn on the CB I hear what I would call white noise - a fairly loud hiss - It's level doesn't change with volume or squelch. Is this normal? When I transmit the other side hears a fairly loud humm together with my voice at a very low volume?? is that normal? How much clarity can I expect from this system ? I have a SWR meter but can't figure out how the wire connects to the antena - I see nothing in the manual?
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