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Everything posted by az1103

  1. Poor Skid!!!!! his question started an avalanche that went the wrong way! Get Open Office and forget Microsoft!!!
  2. Sorry guy, have to disagree..... I closed my business and retired 3 years ago but I used Mac for graphics since the first one came out and up to the G3. I can tell you that I never..ever updated their system without problems. I even specifically remember their System 10; It was sooo bad that I uninstalled it and threw it away!!! The one good thing about them was that their support, although expensive, was vastly supperior to Microsoft's geniuses from Mumbai!!!!! I do however agree with the general vein of this thread. Both Office and Vista, and particularly Vista are crap of the lowest sort!!!! And if you ever have to talk to their so called tech support, and who hasn't! Then you know what I mean about those geniuses from Mumbai, Manila, etc..etc...etc...
  3. I occasionally was tempted to go for a windshield with vent but always wondered whether that might weaken it too much or make it too flexible. ... As to holes vs slots, one hole is needed for positioning - any more than that are pretty much unnecessary as the pull-out strength of that tiny piece of plastic is negligible compared to the friction force of a properly tightened windshield on the rubber covered steel strip. As to the adequacy of the srip, I find it inconceivable that it's size or strength is somehow inadequate!! Overdesigning is NOT always a good idea! A bulletproof fairing might be usefull on a battlefield but not in practical usage. The need for properly tigtened fasteners is not limited to the windshield!!!!! And no ammount of engineering redundancy will override the need for proper installation and maintenance. You mention that one of the screws was missing altogether?! Does not that say that perhaps they were inadequately tightened, or not checked often enough or even perhaps that a windshield weakened by vent holes tends to flex and vibrate more than the standard windshield? Or perhaps even all of those thing together? Glad you are alright, sounds like someone up there was watching out for you! But don't be too quick to blame Yamaha, they didn't install an XXL overly-flexible windshield, you did.... I can't agree with the statement that somehow the front faring is inadequately designed or too flexible. I have been riding for a looong time and have yet to find a bike desighed like a Humvee. Nor am I sure that I would care to ride one.
  4. Yes, the plastic works as a standard reflector when not lit.
  5. also, if you look further on the same site you will find little plastic caps which you can put on your mike and cut back on the wind noise. They work OK too.
  6. Try this little product, best thing since hotkakes !!!!!!! http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=IMC-5P-SWB I got two of them and don't know how I lived without them. No installation either, just plug in and enjoy!
  7. An "improved" Harley is still a harley! It's the same old thing with vibrating shedding parts and an astronomicaly unjustified price. The "Ego Machine" good for neighborhood bar hopping. As to the so-called improvements to the Wing...... Are we talking about the miles of plastic? Because the engine (no doubt a good one) has been static for a while now. It hasn't realy changed much in a while, even retains the 2 valves per cylinder. And the foot pegs don't do much for me - I don't like perching like a canary, I enjoy my large floorboards. And who said it's going to improve further? do you think it's quality is going to improve when it's made in Taiwan, China or some other center of cheap labor? Or have you forgotten that they are leaving the country? It used to be more "US made" than the Harley! What is it going to be now? Some bizare imitation of a beamer? Don't forget that the rest of the world has a totally different view of what a touring bike should be! I, for one am happy to see that there is still a choice available for those of us who choose dependability and power over name and ego massage. I like the RSMV and would have realy missed not seing it in the 2009 line-up. As to the much maligned cassette player - just consider it part of the retro immage that the speedometer has.... Besides at the price of the RSV which INCLUDES a CB, AM/FM and intercom, the thing is just thrown in as an anachronism! Don't like it? Take it out and use the space for a glove box. On the harley you don't even get a tool kit for christ sakes! And you realy will need one! I just got back from a 4300 mile three-state tour, two up with a good load from Southern Cal to the Canadian border and back - and that engine just kept on purring while passing Harleys stuck at the side of the road!!! You know, I don't recall seing any broken down Yamas Kawis or GW"s only Harleys....How sad.....
  8. I am looking for ideas or suggestions on placement of additional position lights, probably amber leds on the sides of the front cowling. I replaced the rear roll bar reflectors with leds and they realy add to side visibility. I could do the same up front but don't realy want to run wires down the fork. If you have pics that would be great.
  9. Not only was the avoidance of unpaved roads checked but there is no check mark for avoiding turns off a cliff ! Which my Zumo indicated, and twice insisted on. As to the + and power button - that didn't work. And twice it wouldn't turn on at all, whether in the crattle or not and with any combination of buttons untill the battery was removed. There are many "hidden" functions on the Zumo screen which can get you various trouble-shooting screens etc... But to do that the screen must be on. And when it locks-up in the off position then "you can't get there from here" . And quite francly if the Zumo cost $250 , I would say Oh well.... But at a list price closer to a thousand bucks I expect a bit more!!!
  10. I absolutely agree! Total waste of money - no effect on mileage. Just finished a 4300 mile ride . Tried various combinations and found that the worst thing you can run is an ethanol mix. Now that is a total looser ! Other than that, your speed and riding conditions will be the only significant difference. I kept meticulous records and averaged 40.65 mpg with a high of 49.04 and a low of 34.01 (with ethanol mix) This is two up and well loaded up.
  11. For those who have 550's; Just got back from a 4300 mile ride, Zumo locked up three times. Would not respond to anything. The solution is to unscrew the battery, count to ten and replace. It all comes back to normal. Also discovered that some of the route calculations involve some trully idiotic combinations - I guess the programing guys in Mumbai are not as swift as advertised! Also, don't blindly follow instructions ! this thing will repeatedly send you on secondary dirt roads and even off a clif if you are not carefull! Fording streams on dirt roads ain't my bag on a 900 pounder ! Yess, it did happen.
  12. Just got back from a 4300 mile trip from Southern Cal to Port Angeles, Washington and back. Had exactly the same problem! Some days couldn't make it work half a day. Other days it would come back to normal after first stop. It did seem to occur more in damp and cold. I guess I'll play with the connectors before having them replace the control unit since I am not too convinced that's where the problem is. A real pain in the butt.....
  13. Is anyone else using these? I was wondering whether they actually work and if so, how DO they work??
  14. You can have as many different IPODS as you wish connected to the same computer and each can have it's own playlist. All you have to do is set up playlists you use on one or the other. Just turn off the auto-synch function. Control what you copy from the library by only synching manually with some playlists and not others.
  15. Unfortunately, neither streotypes nor bad expectations are formed out of either immagination or pure predjudice. Having come to this country by way of South America - very legaly BTW, I too was innitially taken aback. Having now lived in California for quite a few years not only do I see where the stereotypes came from but I find myself becoming increasingly angry and predjudiced. I think if immigrants in general (and not just the illegals) made an effort to assimilate instead of expecting the host country to adapt to them, the rising tide of predjudice might abate.... Meanwhile, let's get rid of the illegals by not offering them jobs and freebies paid for by hard working americans. I trully resent the thought that hard earned and deserved benefits to our citizens might be cut because of these illegal parasites. Now that I got this off my chest, I think I'll go pour myself a tranquilizer!!!
  16. You can find it on page 2-38 as item 2 it is in the front under the tank center mounted. It is intended to kill the engine in case of tip over. It has a 50 degree range.
  17. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
  18. Some people just have too much time on their hands....
  19. az1103


    So!!!.... Bigfoot has turned out to be rubberfoot!!!....:rotf:
  20. What he said!!!!!!
  21. Probably nothing good..... It usually means a recovery system, on some bikes a catalytic converter ang deffinitely an egr system. Although it may add a little weight and maintenance, that's about it.It's all green-useless crap thad does mothing for cleaner air since it reduces mileage. I usually take off the recovery cannister and toss it, plug the egr system and scrap the converter if it has one. If you do, make sure you don't leave any open vacuum lines.
  22. Mounted a Stebel Nautilus today, the"chrome" one. I got to get it off my chest.....Everytime I purchase something made in Europe I feel cheated! Their concept of quality is sub-chinese!! How can yu call this thing chrome? It's made of cheap pot-metal sike aluminum and plastic. All the so called chrome is plastic. The greyish body of this thing isn't even fully covered with it. The cover looks like a tincan from the top! Good thing they gave two of those plastic covers, I used the back one to cover the top so I wouldn't annoy my wife with grumbling and mumbling every time I look at this thing! The one that Harbor freight sells BTW is made by the same company under a differen name - you can also find it at Pep Boys. For some reason I expected this thing to look better. Well, at least it is loud although the tone is a bit high for my taste. When it quits on me - as all Euro-crap soon does I think I will replace it with a set of trumpet type horns. OK,I feel better now.....
  23. Don't know if this helps any, but I just got 2, 1-1/4x3-1/2 leds to replace the side reflectors on the rear crash bars. I wired them into the citcuit directly after my Back Off relay and ended up with more than expected; Not only do they work with the position lights when the ignition is on but they flash together with my brake lights and then stay at a brighter level as long as the brakes are applied. Additionally they blink with the corresponding turn signals athough in this case fairly dimly - but that's still more than I had with pure reflectors. I am satisfied with the results and plan to do the same up-front. Hope this helps....
  24. I read a shoot out article between the LT and the 1800 GW. Taking engine size out of it, the BMW faired better with the reviewer than the wing in most categories.... handling, acceleration etc. The only thing the wing really had was you could add more crap to it. Thoughts..... I am curious where you found this review, because this kind of comparison occurs on a regular basis and can be easily found in several of the popular magazines. I was, at one time, particularly interested because I too was curious about the LT. Every review I ever read used words like "quirky, buzzy, high CG, floaty, overpriced, outclassed" and in particular in comparison to the Wing everyone said that you can customize the wing with a variety of sources whereas for the BMW you could only buy from BMW at astronomical prices. One tends to discount some of this to general brand predjudice but then my best friend purchased a R1200CLC, and the fun began..... Batteries, hard to find, almost twice the price, cup holder from BMW $129 !!!!!!! roll bar 350+ for the front about the same for the rear!!! ONLY from BMW - there are NO other suppliers. Matching the radio and cd plugs to any one else's system has been a nightmare, as getting info from BMW in general. You want intercom? over $1000! Plus if you look in the latest issue of Motorcycle Consumer News they have a large article on widespread rear-end failures on the latest paralever systems and of course on how unwilling BMW is to admit to the problem while at the same time quietly fixing it !!!! Typical German approach!. Now, I have not personally ridden an LT, but I have ridden the CLC and I can tell you that the much touted linked brake system can only be described with two words "IT SUCKS" There is virtually no way to make a smooth stop. It grabs front and rear at same time. You can't let go on the front and apply the rear at slow speed, you can't keep up the revs and "pull it up" with the back brake on tight turns. Yah, the ABS is nice - but the linked brake SUCKS !!! As to the comfort, well that's something you have to decide for yourself, but if you like the comfort of the RSV seat, you won't like the Beamer's it's indended for "teutonic comfort" our wives already discussed, tried out, and passed judgement : My friend is looking for a replacement seat to maintain internal harmony....Not an easy task since you won't find BMW parts or accessories in any of the catalogs or websites.... Think about that... $1200 for a seat.
  25. The reason you don't hear it on the speakers is that the headphones are much more sensitive.... Check the connection in the front faring. And add some dialectric grease while you are at it.
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