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Everything posted by az1103

  1. Looks like I worked it out, thanks.
  2. Hmmm... Just updated my profile and added a photo and nothing is showing up? What's up?
  3. Looks like it's hot everywhere. The air is still and around 90 and I am just 4 miles from the beach....
  4. And right there is the problem !!! I have given up on AAA for insurance. Almost anyone can beat their rates. I do have a AAA card for emergencies but they haven't been able to come even remotely close on their rates for over 30+ years!!!
  5. Actually , I did consider it, but it's no longer in Yamaha's lineup and not expected to return just like the RSV.
  6. az1103

    Happy 4th

    Thanks for reminding me how old I am !!!
  7. That's what wives are for ! Works out to be even safer !
  8. Thank You cowpuc !
  9. I want to thank all of you who chimed in and helped me make a decision ! This morning we went to the Indian dealer and rode a Roadmaster.....WOW ! We were thoroughly impressed. The bike is gorgeous, the engine is powerful and sounds great. Vibration is minimal and there is serious torque at low rpms. Even though it's heavier than the RSV it is not as hard to handle at low speeds. For anyone interested in a real quality V twin, I highly recommend that you check it out. However, in the afternoon we found a GW dealer who let us ride the one with all but the airbag in the cherry red metallic and black. And the rest is history, as they say. Love at first ride ! Our new GW will be ready for delivery on Tuesday or Wednesday !!! The only thing that kind of bums me out is despite being in stellar condition with brand new tires and all sorts of accessories, the most I could get for trade in is 6K ! But on the bright side I don't have to go through the hassle and wait of selling it personally.....I guess I'll get over it, but it won't be easy. So let me once again thank all of you for helping me out. My wife is happy and I am sure I will be too as soon as that bike is delivered. Of course if someone is ready for a beautiful 2007 Midnight venture with extras and 13.5K on the odometer, let me know.
  10. I gather from the incident description that you had no airbag. Do you think that may have come in handy? Personally, the idea kind of worries me, I tend to equate it with an ejection seat !
  11. We have taken ours from Huntington Beach to Port Angeles in Washington state and back on a ten day trip and my back was feeling great! And so was my butt. Which was one of my worries about the Wing, would the position be as good as the RSV....I haven't ridden a bike with pegs in a long time. Of course, one could always mount floor-boards on the Wing , I suppose. In fact the long trip comfort of the RSV is one of the reasons it would be hard to part with. So hard, that I have even considered keeping it and getting a Wing too....But I really can't justify two huge bikes of the same type sitting in the garage. One would end up unused. The one thing that even makes me think of the Wing as an option (besides the looks) is the fact that I am pushing 71 and the high CG of the RSV may get tough to live with. I am lucky that my wife is tiny and loves riding. But she is spoiled to the comfort of the RSV !
  12. Actually , we did. We rode both versions of the Ultra Limited. We liked the look, we hated the ride. The short version shook the worst. I think maybe they sacrificed the mounts for the height. The wife, who loves long rides better than I do, said she couldn't take more than a couple of hours of that kind of vibration. She said that in front of the salesman who happily announced that his wife had ridden on his just once right after he got it and would never get on it again which was just fine with him.... Then what's the point of a touring bike , I asked?
  13. The HD takes a different kind of customer, one who is addicted to endless butt massage vibration ;-)
  14. A quick question to those of you who either have a 2nd gen and a Wing and those who have traded one for the other; What are the major differences, from your point of view and which do you feel is easier on you on a multi-day ride? I ask because I have a 2007 RSMV in excellent condition and very low mileage but I'm looking at the 2015 Wing and liking what I see.... Test rides of the Wing are however , at least in my area, hard to come by and I am not even sure that just a 15 minute ride will tell me much... So here I am seeking wise counsel from those with experience !
  15. http://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-Mirror-Glaze-Plastic-Detailer/dp/B0000BX6Q7/ref=sr_1_47?ie=UTF8&qid=1435139050&sr=8-47&keywords=plastic+polish I have been using this for many, many years and will continue to as long as they make it ! Follow it up with this: http://www.amazon.com/Meguiars-Clear-Plastic-Polish-Bottle/dp/B0009KNOSQ/ref=pd_rhf_ee_s_cp_11_RP62?ie=UTF8&refRID=1TVZ9H43KE1B9WMJ59QV and you will not need any wax.
  16. Thanks ! I shall definitely pop those next time I pull the carbs. I have had problems with clogged pilot jets twice in the last year, I think it's a combination of lack of use and ethanol . I agree with you that the OP probably has a plugged jet and nothing but physically cleaning it will fix the problem.
  17. How do you get to the pilot screw? Are these not factory sealed? Checked the manual and no pilot screw is shown?!
  18. I'll be 71 come November, 3. Still on 2 wheels. We checked out a Can-Am (just for future reference) a couple of days ago and were disappointed, a trike seems no better than our Mazda Myata. But my 2007 Venture is coming up on 8 years and almost 14000 miles and we are starting to wonder whether to update. Rode an Ultra Glide Limited yesterday and wouldn't waste that kind of money on something that shakes like some primitive cart ! Wednesday we will try out a Victory Cross Country and an Indian Roadmaster. But unless one of them offers more comfort than the Venture I will do nothing and just keep on riding it.....
  19. [h=2] Earshattering static[/h] I am getting ear shattering bursts of static in my helmet speakers when accelerating and typically at the same RPM. It is intermittent and seems to go away and reappear. Today when I began our ride it was at 4500 RPM for about 15 minutes, then it totally disappeared. In about an hour and a half, or so, I started hearing an occasional pop intermittently on acceleration. Then it became a full blown ear buster at around 3000RPM. It seems related to the ignition system but I thought I would post the problem in case someone has had a similar problem and can point me in the right direction before I start haphazardly tearing things down !
  20. I guess this thread should be moved to 2nd gen forum , but not sure how to do that....
  21. I am getting ear shattering bursts of static in my helmet speakers when accelerating and typically at the same RPM. It is intermittent and seems to go away and reappear. Today when I began our ride it was at 4500 RPM for about 15 nminutes, then it totally disappeared. In about an hour and a half, or so, I started hearing an occasional pop intermittently on acceleration. Then it became a full blown ear buster at around 3000RPM. It seems related to the ignition system but I thought I would post the problem in case someone has had a similar problem and can point me in the right direction before I start haphazardly tearing things down !
  22. Started with a little Honda 90 at 17 which I rode to college, followed closely by a Norton 500 which promptly cracked a cylinder and forced me to buy a brand new Honda CB450 which I kept for many years as a second bike while buying and selling many others.
  23. I have already lowered the front end on my RSMV and the handling is satisfactory. But now I am coming up on time for new tires. I have been thinking in going with either the original Dunlop replacements or Elites...... What I have doubts about is the front......Should I stick to the 150 or go with a 130?????? Looks wise, I would think it makes little difference ....but I wonder about the handling........
  24. I like the Puz version on that Washington site......is that where the "puz" expression came from? I always thought it was putz and came from Yiddish....
  25. Look at my post under temperature problem....Rebuild those carbs! You will be glad you did.
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