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Everything posted by Ozark

  1. Ozark

    tracking Lowell

    If your friend TX2 sturgis wants to meet the ladies, he has got to meet Lowel. He knows every wife and girlfriend of every Venture rider from coast to coast. He got a little bit of rascal in him, but he's always considerate of the ladies.
  2. Ozark

    tracking Lowell

    Hey, who's the fat old guy in the middle. :stickpoke: Looks kind of like a rocket scientist I know. :banana:
  3. Now Bill, did you really cut your gas bill by 60% or did you just increase your mileage by 60%?? You ain't fooling me you old rascal. You're just bragging that now you're going to ride more, ain't you??
  4. I'm only going to say this once. The best color on any Venture is whatever color your wife, girlfrien, companion, etc happens to be wearing at the time. My bike just looks better and better when my foxy lady is on it. Ladies, do I get some bonus points for being sincere?
  5. Maybe those bikes have other ideas about what "they" want. You didn't let them watch the Terminator series "Day of the Machines" did you. Maybe they are trying to pool their assets and turn into one major drop dead beautiful, fast 1st gen. Good luck in keeping them untangled.
  6. Maybe you should try this. Our region missed so much school because of the ice storm that they are petitioning the state to reduce the number of days required this year. My son is a teacher and he just doesn't know what it means to "work" in June. Just wish I could get my paycheck and get his time off!! Oh well, hope you can figure something out to make it.
  7. Just wondering if you would be interested in a swap. Your Mother-In-Law for mine. I would even throw in a little boot if that would help? :innocent:
  8. Good luck in your new job. My Dad and brother were both OTR drivers their whole careers and that is all my brother-in-law wants to do. Hope it works well for you. As someone said, you have to do what you have to do. Providing for the family is not an option, is it?
  9. Cool. Now who's afraid of the dark?? Bring it on!!
  10. Yeah, thanks Don for clarifying that...I think :think:
  11. Guten Tag, Ich habe auf ein leben im Gronau Westfallen fur eine jahre (89) aba meine deutch is sehr schlecht. konnen sie mich verstehen __________________ Hey Moderators, is this still a PG website?
  12. CB350 belonged to my friend. I was the cool one. I had a CL350 with a red metal flake helmet, denim jacket, and ring boots. King Of The Road.
  13. Ozark

    Im Safe

    Clay, thanks to you and all of those who serve so unselfishly to protect our freedom and the freedom of others. Stay safe and stay in touch. GOD Bless.
  14. Really sorry to hear about your problem. Hope you can salvage the important stuff. Seems like mother nature has had a really bad attitude this winter. Snow, ice, rain, wind, etc. Seems like a lot of the venture family has suffered losses. Good luck with the clean up.
  15. okole - 1 definition - A word used by locals in Hawaii. Means "butt." Got to admit that Linda is one honest person. Just what did you forget to do for her on Valantines Day.
  16. :thumbsup2: Yeah. Swifty hid The nail on the head. You can always trust 1st riders to be straight shooters. :rasberry:
  17. Welcome aboard. Jump in and have some fun with a bunch of wackos. Lots of friendly banter and information. Don't let anyone scare you, most of the 2nd gen owners are harmless and the 1st gen owners are very nice people who will protect you if needed.
  18. After my son got out of school, my wife and I decided to get back into riding again. Just wasn't enough time when we were running all over the tri-state area with basketball, baseball, golf, etc. Had a, '83 wing but just didn't want to be one of the pack. Friend said something about a Kawasaki Voyager so I started looking at them. Another friend said it wasn't a voyager, it was a Venture. Glad he got it wrong. Loved the looks of the 1st gen but wasn't sure about the fit. I had never seen one locally, but on a trip to Branson, I saw a big touring bike at a Yamaha dealer and made a u-turn. It turns out it was an 82 or 83 Venture that belonged to the mechanic. He was very helpful, talked about the bike and let us sit on it just to see how it fit. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!! Started seriously looking on ebay and bid on two or three. Won the one I ride on a second chance offer after the winning bidder didn't have any money. Drove about 12hrs with a borrowed trailer on Friday night and back home on Saturday. We love the bike and the group, and we haven't looked back, except to see where the 2nd gens are...
  19. That's just plain funny. Don't even want to know what you did with the luggage!!!:rotfl:
  20. Thanks for the post. I know there are a lot of good people running around, they just don't make the new very often. It's a sad comment on our society that so many were "surprised" by what these bood honest people did.
  21. UPDATE - As of last night I have POWER...heat, lights, etc. Thanks to all of you who offered best wishes to us. Unfortunately, there are still many many without power and will will still be at least a week until many of them get electric run to them. I'm gonna call some friends to see if they need a warm place to stay. Thanks again. Jim
  22. Like they've all said before, we are here for you through it all. Let us know if there is anything we can do. You and the family are still in our prayers. Jim & Patricia
  23. Ron, that is just awesome. With good people like you kicking in we could make a significant impact on St. Judes and The MacDonald House this year. Way to go. (Applause from Parents & Children)
  24. Thanks for all the good wishes. 21 degrees this morning and 45 degrees inside. The first day after the storm I drove 40 miles down the main highway in N.E. Arkansas. Not a single light anywhere. Second day there was one light on at a service station with a generator. I've seen a lot of ice storms, but nothing even comes close to what we had this time. The devastation to trees and telephone poles is unbelievable. Power is slowly coming back. We actually had a few main streets with lights on last night. It will probably be a couple of more days before they get to me, but that's just the way it is. Hope to see you all on the "Sunny" side. Thanks again. Jim Jim
  25. I'm sure everyone has really missed me on the site lately. Well maybe not. Anyway, it's day eight without any electricity which means no heat and no lights in N.E. Arkansas. Prospect isn't good for the next few days either. I just wanted you all to think about me as you sit in your warm living rooms, watching your wide screen T.V.'s, and snacking on junk food. But I have food, a steady job, roof over my head, and INSULATED overalls. What more do I need.
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