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Everything posted by Ozark

  1. Craig, sorry to hear of your bad luck. Just glad you weren't hurt.
  2. Maybe he'll feel safer now that they're hitched. Mike, you shouldn't keeep the little lady under lock and key. Let her come to Eureka Springs and we'll make sure she has a good time. :shock3:
  3. Congratulations Mike. :clap2: Alice must be one very special lady. Wishing you all the best. Sorry, but I must have missed your earlier post when you told all of your "Venture" friends the when and where of your nuptials. Surely you did invite all of us, didn't you??? And for Alice here's a great big Venturiders' :wel_ani4Tay:
  4. I want to know what's in the fruit jar. Wouldn't be some home brew would it. That might explain the wrinkled brow and the smile on his face.
  5. Lowell, be good and do what the doctor/pharmacist says. Lay around the house a little bit and let wifey fry up some of that fish she loves to catch. Hmmm....maybe fried fish wouldn't be good for your B.P. Maybe you should just have a fish fry for old biker friends.
  6. Like Dan said, go with the resistor. I had a brand new battery that tested fine, but it wouldn't make the warning light go out. Evidently those things are very sensitive to even a little bit of variance from spec.
  7. Actually looks like your friend came away very well considering what could have happened. I guess I'm getting old and "wussy" but I just don't care about scraping anything on the road anymore. I also find that I can take r.h. curves easy and smooth, but l.h. curves always cause me concern. Any ideas why? KEEP IT NICE!!
  8. I really like the way it looks. Too many bugs in Arkansas for me try it though.
  9. Me too.
  10. I don't have any issues with 1st Gen owners/riders. I just have compassion for all of you who aren't fortunate enough to ride one ! ! !
  11. Congratulations Wild Bill. I always knew that big mouth of yours would get you in over your head one day. Seriously, I know you'll do a great job. You already have a good group on board. I'll see you at Eureka Springs.
  12. That's the only way to ride. If you only concern it getting from Point "A" to Point "B", you might as well drive a cage. Some ladies in my Sunday School class said they just didn't understand the attraction to riding motorcycles. Too dangerous, too many bugs, getting wet in the rain, careless drivers, etc. I couldn't tell them what the attraction is. It's just one of those things you have to experience. Hope you will keep the new riding style and I know you will enjoy it more.
  13. Now, don't be too hard on the boy. The video actually said he was only in the parking lot of Hooters. It was the manager who saw the boy and took him inside, for his own protection ofcourse. The boy was probably lost and just sizing up the situation.
  14. Now don't let him fool ya. Lowel's itenerary always includes a Waffle House. I think he even has that set as "home" on his GPS. :rotf:
  15. Thanks for the input Jeremy. It turned out to just be me. I had mounted a bracket for a GPS that blocked one of the lights. It was actually on all the time. Duh !!!
  16. Dropped my bike on the left side Monday night. Nothing serious, just one of those things. It has rained for the last couple of days, so today was my first chance to ride it. Cruise control isn't working now. Light comes on and goes right back off. Could that have anything to do with dropping it. My lunch break is over, so I can't respond till this evening, but I sure could use some help. Thanks,
  17. I bet that was one of the best 30 mile rides you've ever had. Glad to see progress is being made. Good luck on the 70 mile trip to VA.
  18. I agree with Squidley that plugs are at best a temporary fix, not a cure. I have had very good luck with patching the tire if the hole is not too large or the core has been messed up.
  19. Bet those guys have watched the "Ride Like A Pro" dvd more than once ! !
  20. Dan, although we haven't met, it's good to hear you are making progress on the bike. Keep up the good work, we 1st genners need you back.
  21. Branson Missouri would be a very good location. Beautiful country, nice riding area, plenty of rooms at good prices, good eats, good shopping. A little bit of everything for everyone, even waterworld, amusement park, lake access, Silver Dollar City, and so much more. The rally is about fellowship and getting together with friends, but there are times during a big rally when some would just like some options. For what it is worth, that's just my two cents worth.
  22. Never did like handles on my coffee cup, but since I use a full face helmet it's kind of a mute point, isn't it. I do like the looks of the first one.
  23. Those look great at a good price too. My handle bars have a black insert on the inside. Don't they all?
  24. I pack all of the heavy stuff that I can in the saddle bags, then lighter stuff in the trunk, and if needed, the bare minimum on the trunk rack. These bikes are top heavy as it is without piling anymore weight than needed on top of that. If it's too heavy, I just tell my lovely wife to eliminate something, i.e. iron, hair dryer, ironing board, six pairs of pants, etc. :rotf:
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