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Everything posted by Ozark

  1. So you really don't want any cheesecake or carrot cake at the rally? O.K. We would hate to throw you off your training regimen.
  2. Lowell and Charlie together again. What a couple they make. What do you get when you mix a Texan & a Canadian?? Keep it nice!!
  3. Mike, that's one of them yankee frogs. Way too small to make a meal. Might work as an appetizer though. Come to the south and try fried "Bullfrog" legs. Like they said, taste like frog. :hihi:
  4. Ice cream, cheese cake, and apple pie. Three of my favorite food groups. Now we're on the right track. Hey Bill, any ice cream parlors in Eureka Springs. :178:
  5. Oh, I just love a good challenge. By the way, the Indy Mile is a flat track motorcycle race. You don't think I'd miss the rally to watch a stupid car race, did you??
  6. I like what Dan said. Maybe we can all agree that a little ice cream would do us all good. I want Chocalate, how about you?
  7. You ain't gonna get any of you know who's carrot cake either. :rasberry: Just so you know, I like my wings with a little honey bbq sauce. :banana:
  8. Hate to say it, but I'm in total agreement with Mike on this one!! Any ideas what the Secretary of transportation should drive?
  9. Put me down for $100. Since we are coming from all points of the compass, maybe we need several short rides into one Memphis location and then ride together to St. Judes. Just a thought. Keep us posted. Jim & Patricia
  10. Some need three wheels but as some have said, "why the VW?"
  11. I do agree with Forest and Squidley that we have enough laws already, if they were enforced. If they tried to put cagers in jail for ten years for improper tags, the whole state would be up in arms and throw them all out of office. Now to the one point that should be specific to bikes only, the wheelie. I can't remember the last time a cager pulled a wheelie next to me at 60 mph. If the LEO's use their good sense, this one ain't so bad but it shouldn't be a crime that will cost you ten years.
  12. Just want to know who the V.P. would be before I cast my vote.
  13. Facts, facts, facts...just love facts. Up here in my part of the world, most rednecks only have two or three junk cars/trucks in their yard. Mike you must be "the man" if you have three acres of junk cars at your place. :stickpoke: Maybe whe should just get together and sing kumbaya at the Texas Stampede in October.
  14. Bill, glad you're still talking to me. Sorry about missing the surprise party, but I heard that was going to be in '09 at the Hub. Let Eureka keep the statue. Give the new bike to Gibvel since you know I'm a 1st Genner. Give the attendance prize to the Ambassador. The crap you can keep and I'll just have to owe you the speech. gibvel
  15. Never did like lumping everyone associated with something into one great big category. Whether dentist or bikers, we're all different. I've had several root canals and have only had to have one removed, somthing like 11 years later. My dentist is a great guy who trys for zero pain. Don't get me wrong, I have had a couple of whacks who called themselves dentist work on me, but never again.
  16. Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there's no fire in the furnace, right. If his sweet little wifey sees this it may not be his blood pressue he has to watch for. :rotf: Lowell, if you need a hideout, give me a call. :080402gudl_prv:
  17. When I found out that they were going to run the Indy Mile flat track races this year after an absence of nine years I just couldn't keep from buying tickets right then. I later discovered that the Eureka Springs rally is the same week. Just my luck. I remember watching this race when I was much younger and dreaming of how cool it would be to see it in person. I'm not too concerned about being cool anymore, but I've just got to go to the race. Don't think I'll see any of my childhood stars, but the race is the same. I hope everyone at the E.S. Rally has a great time, even Wild Bill and Alan H. Hope to see you all a little later in the season, maybe the East Texas meet in October. Enjoy and have fun!!
  18. That's what I get for not being online enough. Didn't see this post until this morning at 10:30. Not even a UPS truck can do 300 miles in 90 minutes. :rotf: Can they Bill?
  19. It's hard to believe how close I feel to many of you. Some I've met and rode with, but most are just good people I call my Venture Family. Thanks to everyone who makes this group all that it is.
  20. Gee, thanks Mike for not saying anything derogatory about us 1st gen owners. I guess that's what Freebird meant by "self moderation". :rasberry:
  21. Ozark

    new job

    That is good news. I'm 56 and have went through two down sizings in the last seven years. Unemployment is a scary position to be in, especially with a family to provide for. Good luck in your new career.
  22. My panel broke up so badly that the ride class control broke through and almost bounced off the bike. I cobbled it back together by using gorilla glue and hack saw blades on the underside to support the cracks and then filled it with silcone to tie it all together. Doesn't look the best but still together after more than a year.
  23. Please tell me you won't post any pics if that happens!!!:rotfl:
  24. Sorry to hear of your accident, but glad that it wasn't any worse. Broken ribs and a concussion are nothing to laugh at, but at least you're able to still laugh. Good luck with the bike.
  25. That's good news since it means Lowell got his blood pressure under control. At least that's what I hope it means. Enjoy.
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