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Everything posted by Raven1294

  1. So will this grill https://www.westendmotorsports.com/show-chrome-radiator-grill-celestar-for-venture-xvz1300-99-04/?keyword=&matchtype=&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5qrXBRC3ARIsAJq3bwqKq6kXQgGl8yIsh4SYgH8zK1LY7bWIJpDpCU8YY00wIgBG731se-8aAkkpEALw_wcB fit a 2005 RSTD?
  2. It was a Big bump I went over sent me off my seat no avoiding as it went clear across the 2 lane hwy, as far as the bolts go I did cut them back but still did the damage anyway, cracked the bottom of the grill to where a chunck of fiberglass came out.
  3. My Wagner grill is also held on by tie wraps on both sides to the crash bars but the grill does stick out a bit and when and if you ever hit a big chuck hole or big bump in the road I would say there is a very good change one of those screws in the middle of the grill will puncture your radiator if that front fender comes up high enough to hit the grill as mine did twice now and even after setting those middle screws further back didn't prevent the issue from happening again.
  4. when I bought the bike April last year I had the front fork seals replaced due to one of them leaking since it was an 2005 model with only 11,700 miles it had sat for awhile, is there a way of adjusting the shocks other then putting air into them? Also the Wagner grill on the back side has several screws molded into the fiberglass then the screen mesh is pushed over the screws and nuts are srewed down on top of the screen to hold it in place, the srew's protrude down the center and all around the outer rim it was one of the center screws that punctured both the original radiator and now the new one, I did not realize it had puntureed the first one since I had it off at the time when the shop noticed a leak in the very center of the radiator.
  5. The mechanic at the yamaha shop pushed down on the front end as much as he could and the rear part of the front fender came close to the Wagner grill so there is a lot of movement on those front forks, for those of you with a Wagner grill make sure you cut those screws in the back of the grill way back and pray you never hit a serious pot hole or bump on the highway I was doing 75mph when i hit bump/hole which lifted me off my seat but wasn't like a jarring jolt just like a serious dip that sent me flying.
  6. So do most of you guys install a radiator guard just for looks? When I bought my RSTD a year ago it already had a Wagner grill on it and so far it has punctured 2 radiators, after the first time I and cut the center bolts back, but returning from a trip to Arkansas when entering Durant OK I hit a really Big bump in the road almost sent me off my seat and guess what the rear part of the fender hit the Wagner guard and pushed it in enough to puncture a big hole in the radiator, when I pulled into the gas station water was shooting straight out 7 feet .........called my insurance company and the say they will cover it as for the Wagner grill it is cracked up pretty good from the impact of the fender at the bottom so I sure am not going to be fixing it and installing it again, anyone else ever have this issue? also I have one of these https://www.ebay.com/i/172794783318?chn=ps but was thinking that it would restrict air flow to the radiator and the engine would run hotter than normal...............so Radiator Guard or no radiator Guard that is the question, if its mostly for looks and you really don't need one may just keep it as stock, what are you all's thoughts.............Thanks
  7. Just bought the Hagon shock from WIZ, will install it once I get it and send you the OEM shock to fix and keep in reserve just in case the Hagon ever gives out....Thanks for all the info!
  8. I see that the new OEM shock is a little over $500 with Bikebandit [TABLE=class: idProdList oemProdList, width: 800] [TR] [TD=class: oemSchematicName, colspan: 20][h=2]REAR SUSPENSION[/h] show BB# [/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: heading] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: colDesc]Description Manufacturer Part # [/TD] [TD=class: colReqQty noMobile, align: center]# Required Per Assembly[/TD] [TD=class: colQty]Qty[/TD] [TD=class: colAvail noMobile, align: center]Availability [/TD] [TD=class: colList noMobile, align: center]Retail Price[/TD] [TD=class: colOur, align: right]Our Price[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: idProdEntry entry sidProdListItem, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD=class: textLeft] 1: [/TD] [TD=class: textLeft]SHOCK ABSORBER ASSY, 1D6-22210-00-00 1150613 [/TD] [TD=class: textCenter idTdReqQty, align: center]1[/TD] [TD=class: tdQty][/TD] [TD=class: idOemAvail tdAvail, align: center]Ships within 5 to 6 business days [/TD] [TD=class: textCenter noMobile idTdListPrice, align: center]$692.99[/TD] [TD=class: textRight, align: right]$523.9[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  9. So whats the best aftermarket shock to get? Non air shock
  10. Took a look at the bottom of the shock as you suggested and this is what I found, so I have never seen any oil on the floor, and my question is what will happen if you keep riding it say is there is not any oil left in the shock and how hard is it to remove the shock? As I do not have a lift or center stand stand any kind also how much is an after market shock? don't really care whether it is an air shock or not as I am the only rider and always travel light where ever I go.
  11. So the 05-09 RSTD's are known to have this ignition switch problem also?...Thanks
  12. So you can repair the shock? So its best to have you fix it before I see the issue or is this something that is fixed after the problem appears?
  13. Thanks for the info! Was going to have the valves checked when it hits 40,000 miles or possibly at 50,000 we will see.
  14. So I have an 05 RSTD that I bought in April of 2017 it had only 11,700 miles on it when I bought it, currently I have 24,400 miles on it I ride this bike every day of the week, my question is should I replace the needles etc or do you really have to worry about that if driven all the time, I live in Texas so riding is all year long.
  15. Well when you have motel's along the way with a bike wash you can keep her clean along the way
  16. 2005 RSTD...................Love this motorcycle!
  17. Was wondering how many RSTD's were manufatured between 2005 and 2009 anyone have any idea?
  18. Thanks everyone, I tried prying it open and got it to slip onto the exhaust but its opened up too much to put the screw back in and it was tight sliding it on so it does not appear that those clamps will work with that exhaust.
  19. So one of you guys want to tell me how you got these to fit? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Chrome-Muffl...r/252884916460 paid over $50 for them and they don't fit, a tad too small This is the size in the add 1 3/4 I.D. X 1 7/8 I.D. and are about 1.5" wide.
  20. So what are the differences between the 97 RSTD and the 05 RSTD, did they have the same HP? any details in difference would be appreciated, tried googleing it but didn't find anything much on the subject....Thanks
  21. Thanks! Those are very nice
  22. Thanks Any good place on line to order those clamps? Wonder why they don't give you those to begin with.
  23. Is this really how its suppose to look after installing the Baron 4-2-4 slip on's? The clamp is exposed and looks really bad the pipes won't slip on any further due to the heat shield welded right at the edge where it should slide under.
  24. Thanks for the reply mm482!
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