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Everything posted by polecat54

  1. Can't be there two daughters due for new little ones in Auguest and one late Auguest or early September but did purchase the Raffle and one patch yesterday hope all have a fun one:banana: Cindy can you guess who the polecat that bought the tickets and patch yesterday is?
  2. Boomer you rember the legging we wore in boot that ought to stop them
  3. I'LL take 3 please thanks Don:mo money:
  4. I'll bet that the mayor is not a vet or he would be happy to have a group that goes to the pain we do as for the VFW they can kiss my ??? I haven't been happy with them or the Amvets for a long time:thumbdown:
  5. Whats a little rain bike needed wash anyway:depressed:
  6. Add me to the group no hurry probably needing a rest anyway thanks.
  7. Has anybody got any information on installing the top rail on the saddle bags ? Wife got off ebay as gift no directions:think:
  8. :thumbdown:Try this link http://www.venturerider.org/forum/sh...4967#post84967 For some reson the link is not working or is it just me ?
  9. By Staff Report THE STATE JOURNAL-REGISTER Posted Feb 27, 2009 @ 12:59 AM Last update Feb 27, 2009 @ 06:27 AM A motorcyclist who died Wednesday from injuries suffered in a collision with a van was identified Thursday as Kevin Donald, 49, of Springfield. An autopsy indicated the cause of death was a head injury, according to a press release from Sangamon County Coroner Susan Boone. An inquest will be scheduled. The crash happened about noon Wednesday at 15th and Moffat streets. Initial information was that a woman driving a Dodge minivan south on 15th Street turned left onto Moffat in front of the northbound motorcycle. The motorcyclist struck the back side of the van. Neither the woman nor a child also in the van was seriously injured. No citations have been issued, Ray Serati, Springfield Police Department spokesman, said Thursday
  10. Yes i copied it out of the Springfield paper this mourning picture showed blood and fluid off bike. Nice of them to automatic think that the rider was speeding
  11. A motorcyclist died Wednesday from injuries he suffered in a collision with a van at 15th and Moffat streets. The name of the 49-year-old Springfield man was not immediately released, pending notification of relatives. The crash happened about noon Wednesday. Initial information was that a woman driving a Dodge minivan southbound on 15th Street turned left onto Moffat in front of the northbound motorcycle. The motorcyclist struck the back passenger side of the van. Police said it appeared from the damage to the van that the motorcyclist might have been speeding when the woman turned in front of him. Investigators also were looking into whether alcohol was a factor on the part of either driver. A small child was in the van. Neither the child nor the woman was seriously injured. Police blocked the intersection as they investigated much of Wednesday afternoon. The motorcycle, a black Honda GM400, was lying on its side about 20 to 30 feet north of the intersection. Clothing and blood from the motorcyclist were on the pavement nearby. Glass and a rear bumper from the minivan were on the east side of the intersection, as was the damaged van.
  12. For those who might be needing a book at the Hub I have called and emailed the hub to cancell my reservation for the 09 rally have not heard back from them yet but that is probably due to time of year not one but both daughter's have come up pregnant and ones due date is the first week of Auguest the other is real close to that. So if any one is needing a Double room that was what I had booked.
  13. 62638:doh:
  14. I take it how do you want the funds:confused24:
  15. I"ll take the ride on kit boomer I have sent the donation as requested:banana:
  16. New harbor Freight motorcycle lift stand no more sore back and leg mussels I hope:smash2:
  17. Had the same problem on my 07 turned out to be a bad pre amp
  18. I live in Franklin and drive to Springfield all year except for rain or snow yesteday left it was 22
  19. I take 1 bottom to read POLECAT
  20. 18 No snow and clear if it don't have moisture on the day I ride wife thinks i'm nuts but the wallet thinks I'm smart.
  21. Don't forget the beer I know dry county but lots of time for a work arond ?
  22. Pay Pal for 4 sent Thanks Don
  23. Don't know what happen but all at once no radio now the controlls work the cassett works but there is no sound put the headset on and at volume 30 can barely hear it was working just dady when i shut it off any suggestions Yes I do have the speaker fade and all set it worked when i shut it off then next day it didn't Split the faring checked the conectors no luck guess this goes to the shop for repair might as well get the damn chrip fixed as well
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