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About DocO

  • Birthday 02/08/1969

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Lee


  • Location
    Troy, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '05 Tour Deluxe, '05 Boulevard C50

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  1. You can lower the front by installing a Barons kit.. but be forewarned.. it's a little work. The kit includes a Racetec gold valve, a replacement spring, and a spacer to go on the damper bar inside the fork tubes. The install requires you completely remove and disassemble the fork tubes. I don't consider myself a master mechanic or anything, but I'm pretty good with a wrench. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd rate this a good 7.
  2. I lowered the rear and front of my RSTD a couple of weeks ago. The rear was pretty simple, but the front was a dog. It made a huge difference though. I can finally flat foot, and low speed handing is improved! One other thing.. and I have no way of to prove that lowering the bike had anything to do with it (and it makes no sense why it should), but my gas mileage has increased quite a bit. There's been nothing else I did to the bike to make this happen.. It used to be that I would go about 130 - 135 miles and I would get the count-up indicator. My mileage was about 37 or so. Now I go up to 165.. and am averaging about 45 mpg. Really strange and I have no explanation for it.
  3. Hey Phil, check out my gallery! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/vbpicgallery.php?do=view&g=1851 I love the sound!
  4. Give me a holler.. I'm right here in Troy near Zion's Crossroads.. I have another bike with a set of pipes that'll rattle their windows right out of their frames.. muuuahahahaha
  5. Hey there.. was great meeting you too! Here's the thread I found the exhaust on. Look for the post and pictures by MAINEAC



    Mine should be here early next week.


    Ride Safe!



  6. Hey Mike,

    So where do i get those Fish Tail Slipons?

    Pleasure to meet you today

    Ride Safe


  7. Good thinking and fantastic shot!
  8. Thanks for the heads-up on swapping out the 150 front tire with the Avon Venom 130.. I can't get over the difference in handling!
  9. I'd have to say on the lighthouse. It didnt' say "real lighthouse". I love the ingenuity! Let's not forget that the target should be something that most folks could get.. If you're a long way from the coast, your chances of getting to a lighthouse in a short amount of time are pretty slim.
  10. Excellent.. you guys are doing great! Hmm.. I usually keep a cap in my bags.. wonder if it's in there. I might be able to stop somewhere on the way home from work and snag this one if someone don't beat me to it.
  11. Awesome job!!
  12. That's correct.. the idea is to get folks out and in search of the target. Old pictures don't count. How do you prove it's not an old picture? The honor system!
  13. It was something that just sort of happened on the other site I frequent. Someone who sells ride bells on the site announced in the thread that they'd award a bell to the next target hit, just to add a little spice to the mix. It's certainly not necessary, but just thought I'd mention it. And yes.. it is a LOT of fun, and we've got a ton of amazing pictures to prove it!
  14. Hi ya'll... I'm not a terribly active member here on this site, but I thought I'd share this with you all to see if you'd be interested in giving it a go. I can't claim this as an original idea, as someone on another motorcycle board I frequent came up with it... We're having so much fun (that thread is 115 pages now), I thought I'd pass it on here. Since we are heading into some beautiful weather, and we're all looking for any excuse to ride, lets see if we can have fun while we're at it!! Here are the simple and basic rules... Don't forget.. this is for fun and entertainment!! The person who scores first on the target gets to set the next target. Targets must be fairly generic so that anyone can hit them with a little effort. No targets like, you, your bike, and the Golden Gate bridge for instance.. A more suitable target would be - you, your bike, and a truss style bridge. Nothing dangerous or illegal. No old pictures. You must seek out the target after it's announced, not use a picture you already have. No Photoshopping. Targets must involve you and your bike in some way. Anyone may announce a prize for hitting the next target (prizes should be of minimal value or for the purpose of fund raisers on this site). A suitable prize would be a ride bell for instance. Post your picture (or a link to your picture) in this thread.some of the funnier targets from the other site were things like "you, your bike, and a drag queen", or "you, your bike in front of an employement agency, and you holding a sign that says 'will work for chrome'", and a favorite of mine "You, your bike, and at least two Hooters girls (dressed in Hooters attire)". So let me kick this off by setting the first target! You, your bike, and a covered bridge. Good Luck, have fun, and be creative! PS: Mods and Admins - Please modify rules here as necessary to be within site policy. I don't want to step on any toes with regards to "prizes" or "fundraisers".
  15. Thanks for the replies everybody.. Yes, this seat does have the hole for the backrest, the guy selling just didn't have them. Here's the auction - http://tinyurl.com/ytpygr I am going to hold off on getting the backrest for now.. the seat back may be high enough where I won't feel like I'll need it. Some of the backrests on ebay are where I found this company (Harrison Specialties, check out the store names on the listings). Thanks Doc
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