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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. I bought the residential version of the Husqvarna Zero turn. The grease fittings on the mower spindles sold me. Neither Toro or John Deere had them.
  2. I went through the same thing last year Don. My 38 year old Ariens blew the electric clutch and drive shaft for the PTO. Splines sheared off, bearings falling apart etc. Decided it wasn't worth spending $1000 to fix it. Can't cut grass anymore but it can push snow and spray weeds. Anyone need a 48" mower deck....cheap.
  3. I wonder if those cables and hoses would be something a dealer would normally carry in stock Don? If so a quick measurement would solve the problem. Maybe a phone call to the dealer that was at your maintenance day a few years ago.
  4. 6 speed? belt drive? independent front and rear suspension? WOW!
  5. I only did the throttle cables Don. +2" Clipped some tie wraps and moved the master cylinders around a bit for the brake and clutch.
  6. Can you launch that boat in your front yard pond? Would probably sell better if they could see it in the water and try it out.
  7. Don, I'm an old fat guy with bad knees and don't have any problem cleaning my WWWs. I always wash the bike on the lift and have a little roll around seat that I use when cleaning the tires and wheels. Piece of cake. Takes no time at all. But you have to stay after them and don't let the dirt get ahead of you. I use Wesley's and a stiff brush. I do wish I could get something other then the Dunlop 404.
  8. Very sorry for your loss. Big hug for you and Marca from us.
  9. Can't say for sure Wayne but it sounds to me like something in the mechanism is bent and or loose. I think you need to take some plastic covers off and take a look. Don't use Loctite on the plastic.
  10. I've owned two different RSVs and have had this problem with both. Seems to be old age setting in. The first one was under warranty and the dealer never did get it to work again. Current one is out of warranty and I just gave up on it. Although come to think about it the last time I used it, I was talking to Marcarl. Maybe that had something to do with it. He does get long winded....LOL
  11. Won't be able to make it after all.
  12. Thanks Eck and Konnie for driving all the way over to Red Bay to meet up with Mary and I for lunch on Friday. It was good to see you again and to meet Konnie at last. Mary really enjoyed getting to know Konnie. Thanks also for the tip about the Rattle Snake Saloon. We went there tonight and had a wonderful time. What a unique venue. Loved the taxi ride from the parking lot too. (edit: Corrected spelling of Konnie's name so you have it. Hugs buddy!)
  13. No, that's not it Eck. But thanks a lot for trying. I'll get back to you next week to see if we can get together or not. http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mARd4SNx5zCD2jBZ4UOJ-og.jpg
  14. That would be great Eck. Thank you. But you may not have to send it. We are heading to Red Bay Al this weekend and may be able to meet with you somewhere? We have to get some warranty work done on the space shuttle and could be there a week or more.
  15. If anyone has a car mount kit for a Garmin Zumo 550 that they would like to sell, I'd be interested. I need the suction cup mount and power cable.
  16. Nothing New. http://www.mtfca.com/discus/messages/50893/78388.jpg
  17. I HATE change but my new lap top came with windows 8, then upgraded to 8. something and now 10. If this computer dummy can do it anybody can. I do miss some of the old features from windows 7 and they may still be on windows 10 but I can't find them. I.E. how do I save a picture someone sends me on an e-mail. Used to right click etc. etc. but that doesn't seem to be the case now.
  18. If you know anyone with a metal lathe, they would be easy to make. If you have to pay someone to make them then $20 each is cheap. I made mine out of some 1" aluminium stock I had laying around and probably close to an hours work including polishing.
  19. Thank you, only trying to do my small part to pay it forward. God knows I owe it. It happened as Larry was making his right turn into the Hunter Inn, in Ingram Tx.
  20. Will be riding over to see Tom as soon as he's up to a visit.
  21. A good friend of mine who I met here in Kerrville Tx nine years ago got in an accident yesterday. He is 74 years old and a great guy. An old dirt bike racer too. He came out to see us yesterday afternoon to let us know he found a nice house to rent and was going to move. He was all excited about getting this new place and wanted to let us know. On the way back to town he was hit from behind by someone driving a F250 pickup. Larry was on his 250 Yamaha so not much protection. He went down and broke his right leg bad below the knee. Also some pretty bad road rash. I had just given him my phone number and the cops called me right away. Larry has no relatives here but lots of good friends. I spent the evening at ER with him and this morning they operated to put a rod in his broken bone. Talked to the doc and he said all went well and Larry was alert and looked ok afterwards. Police have a picture of the pickup and a couple of witnesses so lets hope they catch the SOB.
  22. Every tool box should have a set of calipers and std. and metric thread pitch gauges. Not very expensive and very handy to have.
  23. Sorry for the delay in this announcement and thanks Marcarl for the gentle reminder. Our newest grand daughter Amelia Leslie Nantais was born on 10/8/15. She was a month early and gave everyone a little scare but after a week in hospital she is now home with dad Jeff, mom Jenna and big brother Ben. All are doing very well.
  24. Rick, if it's available, I'm looking for a passenger headset patch cord. The one from the back fender into the black box under the trunk.
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