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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. I'm back home too. Got in here about 1:00 pm today. Stayed with some friends in Stratford for the weekend. Thanks to everyone for a great week.
  2. I don't know how one gets an exceptional member award badge but if I could give one to Brad T and Naugh T for the dinner they cooked for me and Mr. & Mrs. Bummer last night, I sure would. Thanks Ronda and Brad for the great meal and visit. Another badge to Marcarl for bringing dinner out to the space shuttle and cooking it, last Monday too. Thanks Carl.
  3. Gary N.

    The Trailer

    Darrell, I want to see pictures when you get that trailer all loaded up with your paint supplies, brushes, rollers, ladders, etc. Oh and how far from home do you Venture out to work? My house needs a complete make over.
  4. This is where I stayed. http://www.punkincentermotorcycleresort.com/ It was about four years ago but the folks there where very friendly. They are only about ten miles from the dragon.
  5. Glad you ended up with that trunk rack. It was a great prize and I thank who ever donated it. I was thinking of you when I offered to auction it off. I couldn't figure out how to put two of them on my bike. Now, when are we going to swap out that ugly chrome front end? Just say the word and I'll be there.
  6. To get the left grip off all you need to do is work a small screw driver in around the grip and/or if you have compressed air just blow under the grip and it will loosen up and come off. If you don't care about saving the old grip a good sharp knife will take care of it too. Make sure you install the right grip first so you can match the left grip to it.
  7. I took all the accessories off of mine, that were any good, before I let the insurance pick it up. They really didn't care what I took off of it. And the way they loaded it made me sick. Just pushed it over on it's side and drug it up on the wrecker. I may as well of taken the saddle bags too because the left one sure wasn't any good when they got done with it. Seems like they want a lot of money for you to buy it back. I could have bought my '03 back for $1300.00.
  8. Gary N.

    Safe travels

    Sure, why not? Come and join us for the big dinner on Wed. night and sit around the camp fire afterwards and listen to Reiny's stories.
  9. Gary N.

    this was close

    Especially when your on the bike I hope.
  10. You must of pulled something loose. And your throttle cables are definitely too tight. You need to get behind the fairing and snip some ties or re-route the throttle cables. Don't try and drive it like that.
  11. The gas caps are not vented on the RSV. The tank vent is under the black plastic tank cover. It's a 1/8" steel tube with a hose attached. I haven't heard of this being a problem on the RSV but it was an issue on the Road Stars.
  12. I'm a little slow since I got hit in the head, I don't understand?? What's a victim State and how come you can't go there? How do you put 200K miles on in Canada if you don't, can't, or won't go there? I think you're telling us you won't leave home without your gun because of some insecurity you feel and you don't ride your bike if the weather is too warm. Sorry to hear that.
  13. Not sure about how to remove the chrome. The problem is the hot and cold cycles on the aluminium tips causes the chrome to let go. I solved it by replacing mine with some HD fishtail tips. They have other styles that would work too. Here's a thread on that topic. You have to scroll down a bit to see how I did it. Post 16. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11648 Here's some new exhaust packing. Looks like the same stuff I used. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/20-x-38-MOTORCYCLE-EXHAUST-MUFFLER-PACKING-WRAP_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35573QQihZ003QQitemZ130234942310QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  14. Nope, they won't help with that. A good rain suit is the only answer for this. We need a wing that blocks the air coming in from the top of the lower fairing to solve the wet shin problem.
  15. Did you loosen the adjusters off? Grab the cable with needle nose pliers, lift the cable out of the groove then pull the barrel shaped end out of the slot side ways. Hard to explain, just bring it over here and I'll show you....
  16. No, he decided to fly here and drive home. Just as well as I don't know if I'm physically up to a big trip like that on the bike yet. My brain says I am but my body may have different ideas.
  17. Not to worry Jeff. I won't be selling the bike any time soon but I may have to down size the space shuttle. I have to see how it works out over the next year or so. Maybe I'll sell the ranch and just live in the shuttle. I'd have to get rid of a lot more stuff before I can do that though.
  18. Yes, a few upgrades, 170 hp turbo Isuzu 6 cyl. diesel, 5 speed + 2 speed auxiliary, C30 Chevy chassis, 5000 lb. rear air bags, 8000 lb. winch, 18' home built deck, AC, power windows, power door locks, Clarion am/fm/cd
  19. It's already sold and gone. It's diesel powered so even more expensive for fuel but it does get pretty good mileage.
  20. Well after 13 years and a lot of blood sweat and tears I decided to put my '46 Chevy COE bike/car hauler up for sale and today it left for Edmonton Alberta. I'm going to miss that old truck but at this point I couldn't justify owning it anymore. I think it would have been easier to sell one of my kids though.
  21. To get the weights off you need to pop the chrome end caps out of the bolt heads and you will need a metric allen wrench. You may also need a piece of pipe or something to make a lever. To get the left grip off take a small screw driver and work it under the old grip to break the old glue loose. If you have an air compressor you can blow air under the grip to help get it loose. The right hand grip is a bolt on operation. Take the switch box apart to expose the cable ends then loosen up the cables enough to disconnect them. Install the right grip first and then match the left grip up with the right before you glue it on.
  22. Hey Don, Next maintenance day we should have a test and tune over at the Norwalk drag strip. We could settle once and for all who has the fastest color and which generation () is the fastest too. We could have burn out contests too. I'm sure someone would donate a set of brickstones to the winner.
  23. Sounds great Hal. See you there.
  24. Jim, When I sold my Road Star I used the price guide for the bare bones bike value and added 1/2 of the new value of the accessories. Then I found a guy who thought that was fair.
  25. Got mine here. http://www.sierra-mc.com/ Exact same one that Yamaha sells, except for $59.95 I also bought the IMC unit and like it fine with the 1/2 helmet.
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