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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. HI George, Yes this is very normal. You need to adjust the IC volume on the control unit to a level that you like. I find at hwy. speeds I like to have the IC volume just high enough so that I can just hear what I am saying in the head set. If you have is too high you will start to pick up wind noise etc. I haven't had a passenger since I got this head set so I'm not sure what to advise you to set it at for talking to your passenger. You'll just have to experiment. I know with the 3/4 helmet and the J&M head sets I didn't like it more than about #12. The IMC has much better sound quality so I wouldn't think you would even need to have it that high.
  2. Congratulations Tim. It couldn't of happened to a nicer guy. Next step up the ladder will be "Bad A$$ Biker Dude". For that I think the reward is a nice big tattoo.
  3. Sorry Dray, you gotta know since I got all this grey hair my remember don't work so good anymore.
  4. Three '06 black cherries out of 12 bikes. Must have been a good year. BTW 9 RSVs 1 RSTD 2 Hondas no 1st gens, but who's counting
  5. No discomfort with the band but sometimes the part that goes over the ear needs to be re-adjusted a little. Over all I like it. Very good sound quality too.
  6. HI Count and welcome aboard. Here's what I use with my shorty. Don't know about blue tooth. http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=IMC%2DHS%2DG45U
  7. Are they that sticky about a birth certificate? I think a Social Insurance card or Baptismal certificate and drivers licence will work too. Something to prove you're a U.S. citizen and something with your picture on it.
  8. The GM tranny plant I worked at peaked out at 4000 units per day in the late '90s. They've been slowing down ever since and will close the shop in 2010. They're going strong right now due to the small car demand but will still stop production in '10. I always wondered how they could sell that many units. The numbers kind of boggle my little mind.
  9. I wave at everybody on two wheels including bicycles. Also people on horse drawn buggies, tractors, riding lawn mowers, street rods etc. If I see some little kid getting pushed in a buggy I wave at them too and sometimes give the kids a little honk and wave. Good public relations I figure. Anyway, most wave back, a few don't. Oh well!
  10. Steve, My '06 has number 002015. I would guess that they start over every year and one or more of the first several numbers and letters on the serial number would indicate the model (midnight or standard) and year, and date built. They sell them all over the world so they may build a lot more than you might think.
  11. How about roast beast at the Chatham golf course?
  12. Rick, I don't know if you guys have TSC stores out west or not but I found the Rotella at the one here for about $17/U.S. gallon I believe. Might have been four litres though.
  13. That's good to know Kent. I too am about out of the red cap and I have found the Rotella sync. locally for a pretty good price. About $17.00/gallon I think.
  14. Welcome Home!
  15. Check your clutch and brake levers are returning all the way and not hanging up the cut off switch. If they are hanging up you may need to just oil them up a bit or back off the pivot bolt nuts a little. Also if you have leather fringe attached to the levers, the wind could be pulling on them and causing the cut out.
  16. I didn't notice any difference.
  17. Ken, I have a stock set you can have for the price of shipping. I'd have to get them boxed up and get a price from the post office. Might be too expensive for you coming from Ontario.
  18. I've heard of them Don, but I can't say anymore than that. Seen some of their products at local bike shops.
  19. And what about Mrs. Rooster????
  20. Gary N.


    Ken, the only other ones that I'm aware of are the Genmar risers. They look identical to Barons so I would guess they are both manufactured by the same Chinese company. http://www.zianet.com/genmar/
  21. I just listed a Utopia studded backrest for sale in the classifieds if anyone is looking for one.
  22. There's only one engine drain plug that I know of. The Road Stars have two though. Maybe they were confusing yours with the Road Star which has a separate plug to drain the oil tank.
  23. The girl pulling out in front of the rider hit close to home for me. I know not everyone agrees but I still believe the headlight modulator is the single best piece of safety equipment we can put on our bikes. Having said that I also think there needs to be a public education program to teach everyone what the flashing headlight is all about. There's just not enough bikes out there with this installed and most people don't know what it is, bikers included. I've had more than one biker stop to tell me my headlight was flashing.
  24. If you have ever experienced the thrill of being pushed by a trailer without brakes in any kind of vehicle, believe me, you will never tow another trailer without brakes. The brakes on these bikes are marginal at best. Now add another 100 + lbs. behind and see what happens especially if you are already at full load capacity on the bike, ie. bags full and two up. I don't care how careful you are you can't allow for unexpected circumstances. I would never attempt to pull anything behind any bike without brakes. My two cents and my opinion. As for adding brakes. It shouldn't be a big deal. Most manufactures of trailer axles have either electric or serge brake kits available. I think a serge brake set up behind the bike would be the ticket. No extra load on the charging system. The trick, as always, is to get the trailer brakes adjusted just right. I've had no experience towing anything behind a bike but in a pickup you want the trailer brakes to come on just enough so that you can tell they're on but not so much that the trailer is dragging you down before the tow vehicle brakes are activating.
  25. Yes, the side bag needs to come off and no it's not hard to do. Four bolts to remove. They are metric so don't try and use SAE wrenches. Once the bag is off be careful not to drop and lose the rubber cushions or washers or the chrome spacer on the rear side bolt. With the bike on the side stand drain the oil out of the rear end asby. by removing the bottom drain plug. Don't lose the washer off of the drain plug. Replace the drain plug and remove the filler plug and fill with the correct gear oil. I like Amsoil 80-90 gear lube.
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