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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. :doh:OMG Brad I don't think I'm old enough to be a grandpa yet!
  2. :banana:I'm going to be a father-in-law! My oldest son, Matt, and his girlfriend Valerie got engaged last week. He popped the question last week while they were on a Caribbean cruise. I was surprised but not totally. No date set yet.
  3. Thanks everyone for your kindness and thoughtfulness. Our family appreciates it very much. Gary, Matt and Jeff
  4. This afternoon my youngest sister was in a car accident and was killed. I won't go into any more detail than that. She was single and had no children. Leaves behind my dad, my other sister, my brother and myself. Many of you here are a lot tighter with the big guy than I am these days so if you could send up a few good thoughts for our family it would be appreciated. She was my dad's little girl and he is taking it hard. Thanks everyone.
  5. Wow! never knew there were so many bilingual folks on here. What the heck are you guys talk'n about???? And where does it go on the motorcycle?
  6. Yep, got 'er on. I like it too. thanks again for you help.
  7. Joe, I have a 6X12, flat front with a ramp door and it works great for one RSV. I also have the torsion (rubber ride) axle. Wouldn't go back to leaf springs again. There's plenty of room to get around inside with the bike loaded and a little extra room for riding gear, spare tire for the space shuttle, tools, bike jack etc. Mine is a Canadian made trailer and has smooth sides (no exposed screws). The only thing I don't like about it is the colour. I wouldn't buy another black one. The next one will be beige or some other light colour. Gary PS. the CDN customs guy was in a good mood yesterday...LOL
  8. Why not just order them from SW moto and have them shipped to one of the members in Michigan? That's what a lot of us do. Or if you're vacationing in the States order your tires and have them shipped to where ever you are and bring them home.
  9. Bobby and George, Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Enjoy and cherish every minute you have together.
  10. Count me in Steve, I'm going to reserve in the morning.
  11. I'd be more concerned about denting the sheet metal then anything else. The steel they use now days is like tissue paper. Your idea of using a plank with 2X4s screwed to the sides sounds good. If you plan on doing this more than once why not consider having a piece of 3/16" steel or 1/4" checker aluminium bent in the shape of a channel and long enough for both wheels to fit into. Stronger and lighter than all that lumber and easier to store too. Any industrial sheet metal shop should be able to handle this in about 20 minuets.
  12. Better price here: http://www.chromeworld.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=4350&categoryID=1699
  13. Mine is similar to what you describe. I guess you just have to find the sweet spot.
  14. Yep, it was I. Check your PMs Joe.
  15. Thanks Steve, this might be doable.
  16. Where does the ride start from on Saturday Steve?
  17. I have Bubs and I've heard the Khrome werks. I thought the KWs had a little more sound and a bit deeper. I've re-wraped my Bub baffles and like the sound. Not too loud until you get on it. Nice rumble at idle.
  18. Bobby, Here are a few of the sites we enjoyed in Colorado. Rocky Mtn. National Park (Estes Park) Pikes Peak Cog railroad (Colorado Springs) Coors brewery (Golden Co) Air force academy (Colorado Springs) Silver Plume loop railroad (Silver Plume) Independence Pass (Aspen) Grand Mesa Nat'l. Forest, CO. National Monument (Grand Junction) Million Dollar Hwy. (Ouray to Durango) Chuckwagon Dinners (Colorado Springs and Durango) Durango/Silverton steam railroad
  19. Thanks Joe. I'm only interested in the Show Chrome tinted shield if that's what you decide to get.
  20. Hey Joe, I wouldn't mind getting one of the tinted ones as well. If you order, would you mind getting two? I can paypal or pay you when I come over and get it.
  21. Joe J.C. Whitney used to have the show chrome for good price but I can't find it on their web site and I don't have a current catalogue. Here's one I found on the web. http://www.chromeworld.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=catalog.prodInfo&productID=4350&categoryID=1699
  22. I'd really like too but I have standing plans for that weekend. For the last 30 years or so I've been going to an automotive swap meet in Barrie Ontario the weekend after labour day and I always book my camping spot a year in advance.
  23. Nice job Jay. And you are a lucky man. My pool and deck (yes we do have them in the great white north) has been in since 1992 and now no one is using it so I'm thinking of tearing it out. I think that will be just about as much work as building it.
  24. Mike, If you're looking for the second horn you won't find it behind the top fairing. It's behind the lower fairing on the left side (sitting on the bike).
  25. You got it George. If you don't want to hear your voice just adjust the IC volume to 0.
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