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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. Welcome home Lou. Nice write up. Think I'll keep the Black Cherry.
  2. I use the J&M headset. I bought it at Sierra Electronics and is the same one that Yamaha sells but a lot less $$$ at Sierra. I think I paid $60 and they installed it while I waited. http://www.sierra-mc.com/default.asp
  3. Hang in there Sherry, I know exactly what you are going through. I too received a cheque this week from my lawyer in Ohio. It was a partial settlement for the policy limits from the young lady's insurance. Minus attorney fees and expenses of course. He's still fighting to get the under insured motorist provision from my company. I looked at the cheque and had absolutely no emotion at all about it. All it is, is numbers on a piece of paper. It doesn't do anything to make me feel any better or change what happened.
  4. You said a mouth full Bill. There's dead wood and dead beats in every business. Don't paint everyone with the same brush guys. Thirty years on an assembly line, like a robot, to get a meager pension. Lot of guys can't do it.
  5. Thanks Carl, A very appropriate message today. Thanks to all our veterans.
  6. Gary N.


    Be careful there buddy. You keep talking like that and you just might get the space shuttle parked in your yard for a month or three. I burned up about three tanks of fuel this week. (I love retirement ) High 60's and sunshine for a couple of days here but we're getting the cold stuff from the mid-west now.
  7. On my RSV I just welded some metric nuts into the ends of the new bars. I turned the new nuts down in a lathe to just fit into the new bars then drill a 1/4" hole through the side of the bars and plug welded the nuts in place. Grind the weld smooth and put a little rust paint on the weld. The new grips hide the welded area anyway.
  8. My oldest son, Matt, sucessfully defended his thesis on Friday. Analysis of Acoustical and Psychoacoustical Emission of a Desktop Personal Computer System I went to his defense presentation and I have to say most of what he talked about went way over my head but he did a real good job and I was able to understand what it was about. He has been working so hard for the last 3 years on this project and is relieved that it is finally finished. Now to find a job.
  9. It looks just like the one I have. I can tell you I paid a lot more than that though. I think the tubular chimes cost $1000 alone, $5000 total. Hope my kids don't let it go that cheap when it's time for my auction. I'll come back and haunt them.
  10. It was indeed a great weekend. This was the furthest I've traveled, in the shortest time since I started riding again in 2001. It was also a test of sorts, to see if I could do it. I'm glad to say that other than an extremely sore butt, I can and did do it. I've come a long way since getting out of the hospital last January. Thanks so much to everyone who made us feel so welcome. Don't know if we'll be back next year or not but I do know that I will be back to Texas. I've got a lot of friends down there.
  11. Waiting patiently. It's always good to hear from you Sherry.
  12. Thanks everyone. I had a great time, as usual, with all the venture riders. It was great to see old friends and meet some new ones too. Heading home tomorrow morning.
  13. Gary N.

    What to do?

    Lou, My insurance let me take off any accessories I wanted before they picked it up. I could have bought it back for $1000 but I needed to get it out of my sight. And it wouldn't have been fixable, only good for some parts. Sounds like not too bad of an offer for yours and even better if they let you salvage some stuff off of it. Good luck.
  14. Tomorrow marks the first anniversary of our tragic accident and my dear wife, Leslie's death. Honey I miss you as much now as the day I was told about your death. You will be in my heart and thoughts for the rest of my life. The tears still come but not as often. Sometimes the tears come because of happy thoughts. And sometimes I even have a laugh now and then when I think of you. I know you still ride with me where ever I go. Life is moving on and I'm getting better. All the friends I have, have helped me get through this. Thanks to everyone here for your prayers and good thoughts.
  15. Joined to learn more about the bike. Stayed because of all the friends I have made.
  16. Thanks, Steve for the great weekend. Sorry I'm late posting this, I've been busy.
  17. If they put "HD" on the bottom and charge four times what they're worth, they'll sell like hot cakes.
  18. Hey young fellow, watch who you're calling old.
  19. I'm sure Squidley will pipe up here since he's the expert but here's my 2 cents. I have a 135 amp 120 volt mig and I love it. It will do 3/16 steel in short bursts but it really shines on sheet metal 22 to 16 gauge. If I had to do it over again, I'd get a 220 volt model in the 175 to 220 amp range. I think that would cover all the bases for anything I want to do. I'm sure the duty cycle would let you weld 1/4 or 3/16 steel until the cows come home.
  20. As long as the guy in front knows where he's going, that's all that matters. Just don't put Carl up there, he likes gravel roads.
  21. Hey boss, I seem to recall seeing a generator in your back yard big enough to power a small town. When you go'n to get that baby wired up to the house?
  22. Well I'm on about my fourth set of 404 WWW's and I like the wide front tire. I've tried the Avons with the narrow front and IMHO I like the wide front better. The Avons were great going down the road and in slow manoeuvring but there was just something about that small front that didn't sit well with me. Particularly when just coming to a stop. Maybe it was just me. I don't have a problem with the 404s and have had good service from them, generally getting about 12000 to 14000 miles per set. I had the criuser max WWWs on my Road Star with no issues. Take this for what it's worth. There are many on here who don't like the Dunlops too. They work for me and I'll stick with them.
  23. That's great Eugene! Now lets see how fast you can wear them babies out...LOL. I've got 15000 on mine so far this year.
  24. Well, I had the same issue with my '03 while it was still under warranty. The dealer bent over backward for me to try and get it fixed but couldn't. My problem went away when I totalled the bike. Yamaha only sends refurbished units out for warranty replacement and everyone they tried did the same thing. I think the problem had to be somewhere in the wiring. I recently read about someone who noticed a problem with the wiring getting pinched or something where his Utopia backrest was bolted on. I wonder if maybe that was the root cause for my problem?
  25. Johanne, Please give my best wishes to your Dad. We met in Colorado last year and in Kitchener this year. I too was in an accident last fall and I know what your Dad is going through. Believe me, he needs all the support and encouragement you can give him. Bob is an awesome guy and I know he'll pull though this. Give him a big biker guy hug from me. Gary N.
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