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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. It was nice to see you and Becky. Thanks for everything.
  2. Sorry Tom, won't be coming down there just yet but I'm sure thinking about coming back in October. Hope to see you at the HUB.
  3. Thanks everyone. Our plans have changed and we are now going in a different direction. Have to see which way we turn at the end of the street. Leaving tomorrow, coming back ????? Going ???? Have I mentioned that WE LOVE RETIREMENT!!!!
  4. We're heading out this week on a trip up through northern Michigan on our way to northern Ontario. Thought we would head over to the west side of the state, since I haven't spent a lot of time over that way and check things out along the way to the "Big Mack". Any suggestions on places to go and things to see. Good bike roads etc. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi and Welcome, Have a good look at the rear brake pads. At 5000 you should probably at least be flipping the inside and outside pad for more even wear. Also get real friendly with your front brake lever. The RSV likes to eat rear pads especially the inside one.
  6. I hit it right at the joint where the cap meets the muffler. Once it starts to move, then there is a lip there that you can hit.
  7. I wasn't concerned with trying to not damage the caps so I used a good sharp cold chisel to get mine off.
  8. I was maybe 4 or 5 car lengths behind one once, driving the space shuttle (RV) and just pulling into the passing lane, when one blew out. I could actually feel the concussion on my chest inside the motor home.
  9. Rick, Thanks very much for all your hard work. I appreciate you taking the time to do my seats while you were at MD. Did about six hours on the new seat Sunday. Noticed an improvement for sure. Gary and Mary
  10. Don and Eileen, Thanks so much for allowing us to come early and stay late. You have the best campground we have ever stayed at. Had a great time. Gary & Mary
  11. Randy, turns out I have to meet my lawyer and a neurologist in Cleveland on Friday morning so I'm leaving here Thursday. You guys wouldn't have any fun trying to keep up with the shuttle anyway....LOL
  12. Happens all the time. Headlight modulators get their attention and should be made manditory and installed on all bikes at the factory (IMHO). Then John Q. Public needs to be educated. Another local rider was killed a mile from my house yesterday and her husband is in hospital because a twenty year old female pulled out in front of them from a stop street. How could she not see two bikes coming at her on a beautiful clear day.
  13. Look on the left side of the screen under the heading "Main Menu". It's about 3/4 of the way down the list. ...."VR Assistance". Or in the top menu bar under "Community", click on "Members List" then what ever state or province you want, to get a list of the members there.
  14. Hi Don, I've repacked mine, before I put the HD fishtail tips on and it's a pretty easy job. I found some bulk packing material on e-bay for cheap and there was enough to redo them at least two or three times. Gary
  15. Pretty much any morning would work for me. I do have an appointment on the 20th. Let me know what's good for you.
  16. We're going down on Friday. I'll run blocker for you if you think you can keep up with the Shuttle.....LOL. Randy if you want to get your carbs set up before you go just say the word. I need the practice.
  17. Mary and I rolled in the yard about 3:30 this afternoon. We wanted to stay an extra day and ride north but got word that my Dad wasn't too good so we headed home on Sunday morning. Thanks to Bill and Linda for the great event.
  18. Hope you heal quickly. Glad we had the chance to see you and Beth at breakfast. Take care.
  19. Bill, We have a reservation in St. Charles. Just wanted to stop at the Arch on the way to have a look. Not sure if they have parking there that I can fit the Shuttle into. Gary PS. Pleassssse don't tell Mary about the Walmart......LOL
  20. Parked for the night at the Springfield KOA, only 100 miles or so to go. Anyone know if there's parking at the Arch to accommodate buses?
  21. HI Tom, I've got one but it's only held on with velcro and it started coming off on one side so I took it back off. I need to take the tank off and flip it over and glue the velcro on better. I don't really like the look of it on the tank but it does protect the paint. Gary
  22. You got it. The west side is beautiful. Reminds me of the pictures I've seen of Hwy. 101 in California. The east side is pretty too but not spectacular. I think it's a bit over rated. I was a little disappointed, after riding in the Rockies. All depends what you like I guess.
  23. Great scenery on the west side. I'd recommend going up the west side and turn around and go back once you get to the top. Don't recommend going out to Meat Cove. There's about 15 miles of gravel and the further you go the bigger the rocks. Brad T was right about the condition of the roads out there. NOT biker friendly. Always seemed to be rough in the corners too. I was there in 2006.
  24. See attachment on post #63 Carl. Or wait until your M&E in May.
  25. Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag now. Mary and I are so happy together and would like to thank everyone for the good wishes. We are looking forward to getting together with as many of you as we can this year. She is a beautiful, wonderful lady who has truly brought me back to life.
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