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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. FYI those fins hold some rubber stoppers in place that will drain the coolant from the cylinder jackets faster then you can say it, if you're not careful. Those holes would have to be drilled, tapped and plugged to run without the fake fins.
  2. Congratulations Jay & Jeannie, it looks awesome. Have you given any thought to putting a bike lift on the back of it. If so give me a call. A friend of mine bought a motor home this summer with a great lift on the back and he doesn't want it. Selling cheap.
  3. Happy Birthday Evan! And Happy 25th anniversary to you and Anne!
  4. I have Bubs mufflers on mine with Harley fishtail tips. Takes a little effort to install the Harley tips but the mufflers are bolt on. The mufflers have fiberglass packing which does burn out in time but is easy to repack or run without if you like.
  5. Highly recommend the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola... http://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/ Real good food at the Cubi Bar Cafe' in the Museum The Foley Railroad Museum had an awesome model railroad display and very much worth the time to see... http://www.foleyrailroadmuseum.com/ After the railroad museum if you're feeling hungry check out the Whacked out Weiner just up the street... The ladies in our group liked checking out the city of Fairhope... http://www.cofairhope.com/ It's a nice drive along the east side of Mobile Bay on the way up to Fairhope. We had lunch at Shux on the city pier in Fairhope... https://www.shuxonthepier.com/ If you like fresh seafood head to the docks where the fishing boats come in. You can buy it fresh from the fishermen...http://www.billys-seafood.com/ There are lots of bars, clubs, restaurants. One that we went to is Florabama.... http://www.florabama.com/
  6. I might have what you need. I have a '06 Black Cherry left side lower but it does need some minor repair. One of the brackets on the back side that holds a rubber tube nut is broken but I have the piece. I think there is a crack in it as well but it hasn't broken out. It just looks like a scratch but I think it's a crack. There are no pieces missing or broken off. It does have 100,000 miles of road rash. $100.oo plus shipping. FYI you can buy a new one from Partzilla for $221.34 http://www.partzilla.com/parts/detail/yamaha/YP-2C9-2835J-00-P0.html
  7. I bought a Hagon shock for my RSV and have been riding with it all of this season. As you know when you order, you tell them your total loaded weight and they send it out to you pre adjusted. I bolted mine on straight out of the box and generally find it to be fine. Maybe a little bit of a hard ride when solo. Lately I've noticed that when riding over a bad road with frost buckles or ridges it feels like I'm on steel wheels instead of rubber. When I hit these bumps you can feel it right up your spine. My wife notices these bone jarring bumps even more so. I'm assuming the preload (spring) adjustment is maybe a little too tight and needs to be backed off. But this will also lower the back of the bike won't it? I don't want to change the low speed handling. What about the dampening adjustment? What does that do and when do you need to play with it? Will backing that off soften the ride up? Just thought I would check in with the experts here before I start experimenting and road testing.
  8. Awesome! Know all about the gravel road dust.... If you make it down to the southern part of Ontario (Windsor area) give me a call.
  9. Don, my friend (78 years old) has the RS model I believe. He has spent a bunch of money buying Corbin saddle bags, extra high wind screen, different foot pegs and probably some other things. He really likes the bike but has complained about vibration since he bought it. He has just bought new front tires hoping that will fix the problem. I could put you in touch with him if you like.
  10. A thought has popped into my head. Don't laugh it happens every now and then. I'm wondering if the New Venture (Gen III) might be desirable to some police departments? Since Victory is no more maybe there will be an opening for Yamaha to move into that market. Probably not a very big market but it's there. I know that the buy American thing will influence a lot of police departments but I don't think all of them. I believe Honda, Kawasaki, and BMW have all made some police bikes and sold them in the U.S. market.
  11. Here's a link to Color Rite. http://www.colorrite.com/wizardresults.cfm I bought a quart from them for my '06 and it was dead on.
  12. A former member here, Gunky Lump, has a Canadian made lift for sale if anyone might be looking for one. It'll be a good deal for someone. He doesn't ride anymore and has no use for it. It's currently mounted on a Newmar gas powered 40'er. http://komocreation.com/en/support-elevateur/ Scroll down to model 02-80-0300. 1200# capacity. He also has the optional swing out bracket for mounting on a diesel pusher, for better access to the engine bay and the optional trailer hitch extension for flat towing a vehicle as well.
  13. Sure you can. All the new motorhomes have rear view cameras that work like rear view mirrors.
  14. Hi Scott, thank you for the great reports on the new Venture. I may have missed it but wondering if you noticed or paid attention to the engine guards? From your pictures it looks like there is one under the front fairing but it looks like the fairing would be damaged in a minor fall. I don't see anything to protect the saddle bags.
  15. Click on the Community link above and scroll to the Ontario members on the list. There are several in that general area. Brad Tuckett comes to mind.
  16. No problem at all. Just package it up and take it to the post office with the address and they will tell you how much it will cost. Canada post is probably the least expensive shipping method.
  17. HI Jay, I have a '14 Tiffin Allegro Bus with 450hp Cummins. You can go to any Cummins repair place and have computer checked for any updates that may be needed. I buy all my filters from http://www.filterbarn.com/ . Expensive to do the annual maintenance but necessary. I found a place close to me that lets me bring my own filters and they do the oil change ( engine and genny ) and chassis lube including brake adjusters etc. I buy the bulk oil from them. Last year they charged me 2 hours labour + the oil ( 28 litres ) and the bill was $300.00 . If you plan on doing your own service be careful under there. Air bags can deflate, use HD jack stands. I figured for the two hours labour @ $75/hr. it was worth having a professional looking around under there while standing in a pit. Also when not being used, I've been advised to fill the fuel tank and add biocide to help avoid algae from forming in the tank. I buy a product at TSC https://www.goldeagle.com/product/sta-bil-diesel-biocide Use one ounce/50 gallons. Better safe than sorry. And I carry spare fuel filters and water separator, just in case. You may already know that the generator won't start if the fuel tank is below 1/4 full. I'm still learning as I go but there are several good web sites to ask questions and learn. This is a good one http://www.irv2.com/forums/
  18. I put a Hagon shock on last fall and I'm quite satisfied with it. Bolted it on right out of the box without making any adjustments. I like it just the way it came.
  19. Only castle I know about is Boldt Castle. http://www.boldtcastle.com/visitorinfo/ I toured it about thirty years ago when they were just starting the restoration.
  20. Yup, got it yesterday.
  21. Yup, and I was riding with about six other guys on HDs. Took a little ribbing about the parts falling off, yada, yada. But they were impressed with how fast I had it fixed using a side cover bolt. It took longer to find my Allen wrenches.
  22. Awesome ride report. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for including the instruction sheet for that couch/chair/bed thing. I never would have figured that out.....LOL
  23. We've been using that one for a number of years Don and it has held up very well. The rain cover is easy to put on or take off and stores in a pocket on the bag. The price on the web site I attached is CDN dollars. I think I paid less then $50.oo U.S. dollars but that was 8 or 10 years ago.
  24. We use this luggage rack bag that has a rain cover built in. https://fortnine.ca/en/kuryakyn-deluxe-convertible-luggage-rack-bag-4162?gclid=CNmX4ZCX0NMCFQwLaQoditYLsw When installing the rack lay masking tape out over the trunk lid and use a pencil to mark the location of the holes to be drilled. Don't forget to chamfer the holes on both sides to prevent cracks.
  25. Yes, that's the size I just ordered. Haven't installed it yet though.
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