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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. Congratulations Margaret and Jeff and parents too.
  2. I ordered my new trailer with a RV style door that can be locked and unlocked from the inside. This is apposed to getting the cam bar lock. I also ordered the flush mount stainless steel latch system for the back door. Only one lock right in the centre locks both sides of the ramp door without the ugly exposed cam bars. Some offer stainless cam bar locks as well. The galvinized ones do rust evenually.
  3. A buddy of mine just bought a Rance all aluminium 7X14 single axle http://www.rancealuminum.com/default.asp?page=cargotrailers from USA trailers. He was able to order it with several options including a wider side door, 16" centers on floor, walls and roof and flow through vents. He also added electric brakes because he will be towing it behind his van. He is very impressed with the quality of it. It has full tube cross members instead of channel.
  4. Thanks everyone, feeling much better today. Feet are warming up....LOL
  5. Good for you Tom. Have a great time and let us know how the ice cream is up there. Watch out for the Black Death.
  6. Easy to spend a day looking around Eureka Springs. Kind of touristy but nice.
  7. Randy and Beth showed up on our door step at 8:30 this morning just as I was having a medical issue and they helped me get to the couch before I fell flat on my face. Talk about good timing. Mary called EMS and I got to spend the day in emergency. They really couldn't find anything wrong and I'm feeling better now. Had a rough weekend on and off and I guess it might have been some kind of virus or something. Mary thinks I'm getting cold feet but I got to say my whole body has been freezing. Anyway, if there's a merit badge for good deeds please give one to Randy and Beth.
  8. The last time I greased my drive shaft I found it easier to install the drive shaft back into the u-joint first and then install the rear end. That whole assembly can get awful heavy trying to line it all up together.
  9. Good for you Don. Glad to hear it.
  10. Thanks for setting this up Larry. It's been too long since the CAN/AM crew got together. Maybe next time we'll get more out with a little more advance notice. It was sure nice to see everyone. Brought back some good memories.
  11. Mary and I are planning to be there.
  12. Time and Place?????
  13. Hey Larry, I can think of at least three members on this side of the bridge who should be considered a local and I for one didn't get the memo.....LOL BTW... we could make it on Friday or Sunday
  14. Thanks to all of you for your kind words and good thoughts. This is an amazing club of great people. Thanks Don, for bringing us all together.
  15. Just to let my VR family and friends know that my dad passed on today, the 16th anniversary of my mothers death. I was honoured to be able to have one last father's day with him yesterday and even though he wasn't awake I gave him a shave and I think he knew I was there. Dad has been in failing health for the last few months and although we knew his time was near, it doesn't make it any easier. He was 91 years old and he lived a long and full life.
  16. I think you're right Tom. I was proud of her though. It was in the 90s a couple of days last week and she didn't complain (too much)....LOL. She had the cooling vest but didn't ever put it on. We're heading to NY city in August so I'll bet she has it on then.
  17. NO, the Canadian border guards only care about booze and smokes. It's the U.S. Fruit and Vegetable Police you have to watch out for. Once they get those lemons out of the country they don't want them back.
  18. Yup, picked up on that right away. I've never seen so many RSVs in one place except for Don's MD.
  19. I was there last summer on the RSV but took a bus tour up the Dalton as far as the Arctic Circle. After doing the "Top of the World Hwy." later in the trip, on the bike, I think the Dalton (at least as far as the Arctic Circle) would have been a piece of cake. The Top of the World Hwy. was a rough go on the RSV but we made it and glad we had the chance to do it. I was advised to only do it if it was dry and it was. That night it rained and we heard that three culverts got washed out and some people were stranded. Other than the International border check point there is nothing for 100 miles from Chicken AK. to Dawson City Yukon. Construction zones are the worse part of the trip. The last 100 miles or so of the Alaska Hwy. in the Yukon is awful. Be careful of frost heaves, pot holes and very long and wide cracks that can grab your front wheel on that stretch. There was about 40 miles of construction right at the Alaska border last year. We hit it the day after an all day rain and it was like driving in oat meal. If you have the time to take the Alaska Marine Ferry from Prince Rupert to Juneau and up to Skagway or Haines, I recommend it. Also the narrow gauge railroad from Skagway is great. Here's a link to the latest Alaska Marine Hwy. news letter. http://up0.net/functions/message_view.html?mid=1029873&mlid=23139&siteid=667323&uid=0363fa21af We drove the bike from Edmonton Alberta and back and put over 5000 miles on the bike.
  20. We made it home today after a great week in Lake George NY. Burned a few tanks of gas riding the back roads in the area. It was really hot for most of the week and rained all day Saturday. We tried out a Victory Cross Country and a Honda GL 1800 trike and just missed getting to ride a Can-Am Spider. Saw lots of RSV's in and around the area while we were there.
  21. Way to go Matthew! Congratulations on your graduation and good luck with your future plans.
  22. Thanks you so much Don and Eileen for another great VR event. We also had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the weekend. It's so great to see all the friends we have made over the years and meet and make new friends, as we do every year. We were very fortunate to get to visit one on one with Annie and Alan for an extended amount of time on Thursday night and I'm proud to say that we now have some very good friends who happen to live in Australia. Hope we can get to go visit them there someday. We made it to a KOA campground in the Finger Lakes area of New York about 4:00 this afternoon. Lake George tomorrow and the rest of the week for Americade.
  23. Hi Rick, Just ground the frame and put 12 volts to one wire at a time and see which one in the brightest. That will be the brake light and the dimmest one is the tail light.
  24. Crop Circles??
  25. Carl and Marca, thanks again for the wonderful weekend. It was great to see everyone again and meet a few new folks as well. That was the best ride route yet. I didn't know we had roads like that in southern Ontario.
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