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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. All I ever get for my birthday is cake!
  2. Thinking of only good thoughts for David and Cathy. Hope all goes well.
  3. Have a great trip Evan and Ann. Your going to see some amazing country. Be safe.
  4. Gary N.

    Protect All

    What a woman! You're a lucky guy. and don't you ever forget it.
  5. On the short test ride I had, I liked everything except the clunky transmission. Mary hated the back seat.
  6. I think he said he was going to France to visit his son who is working at Normandy Beach or maybe it was Juno beach as a tour guide. But don't quote me on that. You know what my memory is like.
  7. Got your back Charlie.
  8. I found out recently that it's not only tools Carl needs to keep track of. Seems he has a hard time with his wallet too. That's OK Buddy. You have many friends here who will pay for your lunch and give you gas money to get home.
  9. They're a great little wind deflector that attaches to the lowers just above the air box to keep wind and rain off your knees. Made and sold exclusively by our own Buddy Rich.
  10. Thanks for the suggestion Kent. That wasn't the problem, but it got me off my butt and out there in the shop to finally R&R that darn thing. Your directions to remove the old one in another post were great and much easier then the first time I did it. I did the relocation mod so now I don't have an excuse for not changing it on a regular basis.
  11. Well after changing out the fuel filter, which needed doing anyway, the bike didn't run any different. So Buddy, since you suggested the above fix I took a look and sure enough the foam block on the right side had got sucked in the air box. Weird or what? I think a little double sided tape might be in order to permanently fix that issue. Thanks for the tip.
  12. Today while making a pass at wide open throttle (Not sure what gear but probably 3rd) I noticed the bike starting to miss or cut out just like I was hitting the rev limiter, but I know I wasn't even getting close. So when I had the chance I tried it again but this time from a dead stop and it did the same thing again in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. A friend following said the pipes were blowing black smoke and we could smell it. Now I normally am a pretty conservative rider so this may have been coming on for a while and I just didn't notice it till now. Even today the bike ran fine other than this WOT thing. It's an '06 (just out of warranty of course) and it's got just under 50,000 miles. It starts and idles fine. I'm thinking possible fuel pump problem but the pipes are really black and sooty so maybe plugs breaking down or some other electrical issue? Any ideas?
  13. Glad I'm not the only one. I just got a tool box full of gear pullers on the front step that I've been looking for. Wish I knew who I lent them to so I could thank them for bringing them back. Now who did I lend that bearing packer too????
  14. For under $100.00 convert it to electonic ignition with this http://www.pertronix.com/prod/ig/ignitor/default.aspx and never worry about points again. I've done this to a couple of old Chevy small blocks and they work great.
  15. Glad you are OK Cliff. Sure brought back memories for me.
  16. I agree. Unless the shock has zero air in it, it doesn't take very long to add a few pounds with the progressive pump I have.
  17. What a wonderful experience that must have been. I've been in the building and the acoustics are really something.
  18. Happy birthday my OLD friend. Now go and eat some ice cream and cake.
  19. So why don't you use your Progressive pump on the rear shock??
  20. Sailor, FYI....when using a Canadian postal code at the pumps just use the numbers from your postal code then add 00. IE: my postal code is N0R 1V0 so I would use 01000. I have found that this works about 90% of the time using my CTC master card.
  21. I agree, you can't go wrong using the tire mfg. spec. for max inflation cold. If anything, the bike mfg. will recommend the max inflation for a particular tire that they install to make the bike ride at the most comfortable and safe level. On motor homes, the tire mfg. recommend weighing each corner and they have a chart for max inflation for a specified weight. The inflation level printed on the tire is always for the maximum weight the tire can carry. If you don't carry that much weight, their chart will tell you how much pressure it is safe to use for the weight you carry and that will usually make the tire ride better. Of course if you overload the tire you better be looking for some different tires that can carry the load or drop some weight.
  22. Thanks to all of our VR friends for the the good wishes. We had a fantastic day. The weather was perfect. The service was simple but elegant. The food was delicious. The family and friends were awesome. And Mary was the most beautiful bride I have ever seen.
  23. Have fun Annie. Enjoy the ride.
  24. Better now. Been working out in the yard and took a good ride on the RSV after dinner tonight. I guess what ever bug I had is gone.
  25. http://www.youtube.com/user/vystrcil?v=pJxOsYh12yY&feature=pyv&ad=9710386916&kw=motorcycle Like to see this done with a RSV. Is it even possible?
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