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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. Yup, I got it too. Knew it was kind of an inside joke.
  2. PICs??? we were listening to music. Besides, that's Mary's department. I'm sure she will have some on FB. Yup. It's getting close to Texas time.
  3. We just got back from a week long bike trip down to Nashville. Took our time going down and back staying off the interstates as much as possible. Saw some beautiful country, fall colours and some great country music shows. We went to the Grand Ole Opry both Friday and Saturday nights and hit the down town bars Thursday night and Sunday afternoon. And the weather was perfect. Not a drop of rain all week. Bonus!
  4. It can be done David. I did it and so can you. Hoping to ride with you again.
  5. 56 X 32 and full of old cars. Sorry for the bad pic but it's the only one I could fine. Don't have the truck anymore.
  6. Larry, can you PM your address to me? Might be able to make this.
  7. We don't have a local dealer any more so I have to drive about 40 miles to Bob's Motor sports in Chatham ON (http://www.bobsmotorsport.com/) to buy parts etc. I stopped in this week to see if they had a new shifter bolt to replace the one I lost. They don't stock that part but one was available at the warehouse in Toronto. Rather then make me have to go back to pick it up they removed the one from the RSV in the showroom and sold it to me. It was a small gesture but it was very much appreciated. I've always been very impressed with these folks. It's a small, family owned business that always seems to go above and beyond for the customer.
  8. Are we being invaded? Is it the time of year? Or is it all the wet weather? I went to town in the Mercedes Wed. night and got back before sunset and had to wash the front of it. Last night we took the '49 Chevy PU to cruise night and again back before dark and it too got plastered. The bats and swallows must be full. Or they've already gone south.
  9. Went for nice little sunset cruise tonight. Just me, my honey and about a bazillion bugs.
  10. Have a couple friends who shipped cars cross country using CP Rail for low $$$. Might be worth a call. Not sure if the bike would need to be crated or not. The cars were both driveable so CP picked them up and dropped them off at the door. Also you might do a search for truckers looking for loads.
  11. Got mine out in '07 Rick and haven't had a problem finding anything to eat. And it shows.
  12. Hope she is feeling better soon. Good thoughts going your way.
  13. We're thinking about taking a trip to Washington DC and would like some recommendations on where to stay. I've been there a couple of times but have never stayed in the touristy area. Somewhere on the public transit would be good. Any suggestions?
  14. So sorry to hear this Wayne. Please except our sympathy and condolences.
  15. I've been running two Gerbings heated jackets with heat controllers for a couple of years and haven't had a problem. They have full coverage heat from wrist to neck and full body front and back. Plug and play with no battery to go dead. Not cheap, but you usually get what you pay for.
  16. Interested too. Waiting to see what you all decide.
  17. FYI...to check oil level fast place a block of wood under the side stand (about 3") to straighten it up. Careful not to go too high and push it over.
  18. Enjoy the ride Randy. Be safe and stay warm.
  19. Well thanks Don. I didn't know it went with the passport. I'll be back in Jan.2012
  20. Here's a video of the bikes heading out from the hotel Sunday morning to ground zero. Thanks to Blueslover. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJT8_xZ0De8]Heading to Ground Zero - YouTube[/ame]
  21. On our way to the 911 ride last week we were riding with five HDs. While on the QEW near Niagara Falls, doing 70 mph I had pointed to somthing on the road with my left foot and when I put my foot back on the floor board something felt funny. I looked down and there was my shifter sitting on top to the floor board. Off to the shoulder we go. Now picture all these Harley guys standing around and laughing while I quickly removed a bolt from my side cover and put my shifter back in place. Thank you venturerider.org without you I would have never known how to make that road side repair. But I still can't believe it happened. I check that bolt all the time and I have 80,000 kms on the bike. So guys, be warned, keep an eye on that shifter bolt. Not to be out done, two of the HDs developed some pretty nasty oil leaks while on this trip too.
  22. Well, we just got back home after a week on the road to attend the America's 911 Foundation 10th anniversary ride. http://www.americas911ride.org/ What an awesome experience. Almost 2000 bikes on a fully escorted group ride from Summerset Pa. to Arlington Va. and New York NY. People lining the streets and overpasses in all the little and big towns we passed through, all along the route. A group of ten of us left from Burlington Ontario last Thursday and returned today. This included three Peel Region (Toronto area) Motor Cops who helped with the escort. They came in handy a couple of times for us on the way down and back as well. I'm so happy we were able to do this ride but for various reasons, I won't get into, I will not do it again.
  23. It's this weekend. http://www.americas911foundation.org/ They are expecting 2996 participants. One for every person killed on 9/11. We are heading out tomorrow to hook up with some other Canadians who are attending.
  24. Is this some of your handy work???? I know how much you like the aluminium checker plate.
  25. The pictures are awesome. Great you could do that with your boys.
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