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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. I like to shut the fuel valve off and run the engine until it stalls to use up the fuel in the carbs. Also fill the tank to help keep out condensation moisture.
  2. Are you sure that the baffles have been removed? You really can't tell unless you pull the tips off and check. The tips are actually bolted into the baffle end caps so he would have had to pull them out and cut the baffles off in order to keep the tips in place. You might be able to stick a long screw driver or rod in the end and feel around to see if the baffle is in there. If the baffles are still there you can re-wrap them. Look on ebay for baffle wrap material (muffler packing). I re-wrapped mine and they sound pretty good. Welcome aboard.
  3. Glad it's working out for you Randy.
  4. Not for me.
  5. Over half way there Carl. Where the heck are those Mich. guys. it's not that far to go. Oh, I forgot, never mind. Michigan is in the USA. The border police might not let them back...LOL.
  6. IT's going to be a LONG Winter!!!!
  7. Maybe a few PMs would be in order.
  8. Bumpity bump! Come on guys and gals, lets help Carl out. Only 22 members and guests so far. How many family members do you have lined up Carl? What's the total attending so far?
  9. So sorry for your loss. My deepest sympathy and condolences. Please seek out grief counselling if you can. It does help.
  10. Wow Ben! You look like a kid again.
  11. Never heard of one. Been on here since the begining but never heard anyone mention anything about an after market clutch basket.
  12. Well, sort of. We just made a spur of the moment decision to go to South Africa for Christmas. Leaving Dec. 6 and returning Dec 28. Mary has friends there on a temporary work term in Port Elizabeth and they invited us to come and visit before they have to come back in the spring. So, we have a place to stay and a tour guide. How can you beat that eh?
  13. ??????????? No Ferry at Sarnia that I know of. But it is north of Detroit too.
  14. Rick, Sombra is north of Detroit / Windsor. And this is definitely not the Sombra / Marine City crossing.
  15. Don't know if I got another one in me Jeff. I tore the '32 down this summer and haven't done much to it since. My old body just won't let me do what my brain wants too. Going to collect what I need to finish the coupe over the winter and hopefully get back to it in the spring. If I haven't sold the Chevy sedan by the time I get the coupe back on the road then we'll see.
  16. Hey Ruffy, I've got a project for you.
  17. I can't believe all of the steel re pro bodies, frames, fenders and other parts that are coming to the market. Model A, '32, '34, '40 Ford roadsters and coupes. '32 Chevy roadster, '47 to '53 Chevy pickups, '57 Chevy convertible, first gen Camaros. And probably a few others. Some of these bodies start at well over $20,000. Hard to believe there is enough of a market out there to support all of this. It would be interesting to learn how all of these different manufactures study their markets and decide that it's feasible to tool up to make these. I think a lot of the dies are being built off shore to keep the cost down and I know a lot of the accessory parts are made off shore.
  18. If going the stainless steel route beware. It's real hard to work with. Tough on cutting tools and drill bits. If you're only drilling a few holes then not too bad. You can get mirror finish and polished SS sheet metal. Aluminium can be polished to look close to chrome and is much easier to work with. It will tarnish in time so a coat of clear urethane or lacquer will help to keep it shiny longer.
  19. Any good sheet metal shop should be able to bend it up for you to your specs.
  20. Good question Joe. I was wondering the same thing.
  21. Nothing that's been said here will change what has happened or what will happen in the future. After my accident the discussion here was about modulating headlights and teenage girls talking on cell phones. All that discussion then and now can't change what has happened and will never change anyone's mind about what they're going to do. IMHO all it does is stir up sh*t, causes bad feelings and takes up space on the web site. Get well soon fellows.
  22. It's just a few nuts and bolts and $$$. I don't think it would be a fast change over but if you were only going to do it say once a year for a long trip then maybe it would be worth the time for you.
  23. Sorry to hear this. Dan was a friend to me when I really needed one. Hope all turns out okay. Keeping him in my thoughts.
  24. Been a while since I've pulled my tank off but I think the threads you are referring too are probably taped into the frame. If you can get the broken piece out you could try chasing the threads with the proper size tap or drill and tap to the next usable size metric or std. If worse comes to worse a Helli coil might be necessary.
  25. We run two heated jackets all the time. And I have the driving lights on too. I try to turn my jacket off when ever in stop and go traffic in town but I don't know if I need to and sometime I forget too. I don't have a volt meter on my bike but we've been running two jackets for a couple of years with no problems. I would say the gloves wouldn't be a problem without the driving lights on. Running a volt meter would definitely tell you what's happening while the extra load is being used. I have the stock stator.
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