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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. I agree with @cowpuc on the root cause of your engine failure. I've had that happen twice on my '06 and both times got lucky by pulling the plugs and clearing the cylinders. Then a can of seafoam seems to take care of the sticky float problem. I run a can of seafoam through it about twice a year and turn the petcock off after every ride. Knock on wood, that seems to have solved the problem. As far as the whine goes, my '03 had it bad and changing clutch baskets really didn't help much. Seemed to just change the rpm level of the whine. My '06 doesn't have the whine at all. I've tried a variety of oils and no noticeable change in the engine noises. Pretty much stick to Castrol 20w50 now.
  2. Hi everyone. Read the new comments daily but guilty of not participating too much. Still riding the Black Cherry '06 (that's the fastest color you know). Just got home from the hospital yesterday after having my second knee replacement surgery. Sure hope it goes as well as the first one did. So I won't be riding for a few months now but still hoping to go to Hill Country again this winter. I'm taking the bike with me and crossing my fingers that I'll be able to ride again by then.
  3. Yes, plug and play and only 9 watts draw.
  4. Hi Dave, I went for a short night time ride last week and I think they are great. At least the combination of the LED headlight and driving lights. I didn't turn the driving lights off to compare. The total light on the road right in front of the bike is awesome on low beam. On high beam I could see road side signs reflecting about 1/2 mile or more down the road. No one flashed at me when on low beam so I'm guessing there wasn't any problem with me being too bright.
  5. Try just googling Mountain Master Bike lift.
  6. I bought a Mountain Master bike lift http://www.mountainmaster.net/motorcycleloadingsystem.html and I'm extremely happy with it. Folds up small enough in the box when not towing the bike that I can close the tailgate and bed cover and it's out of sight. Also very easy to take out of the truck when you need too. If you have an 8' box then most lifts will work for you but any smaller box then you have to either remove the tailgate or leave it down when towing. Leaving it down when towing your travel trailer is not a good idea. You will hit it on a sharp turn. I don't think I would want to tow any trailer with the bike sticking out past the end of the box either. All depends on how close it is to the front of the trailer especially on a turn.
  7. Just an FYI for anyone with the stock RSV driving lights. I just bought these LEDs https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B017IFJ93I/ref=pe_3034960_233709270_TE_item and WOW are they bright. Real white light that now matches the LED headlight bulb that @Evan picked up for me. And I also like that the lens looks more like the originals and not like poka dots. Thanks Evan. Haven't tried them after dark yet. Maybe tonight.
  8. The price is a bit high IMHO. Almost the end of riding season and all. Check out these two with much less mileage on Cycle trader.com https://www.cycletrader.com/Used-2013-Yamaha-Royal-Star/motorcycles-for-sale?make=Yamaha%7C2321194&model=ROYAL%20STAR%7C764863044&condition=U&year=2013%3A2013 And here is the NADA price guide valuation in USD https://www.nadaguides.com/Motorcycles/2013/Yamaha/ZXZ13TFSD-C-RYL-STR-VNTRS-1294cc/Values
  9. In 2007 I had an air ambulance ride in Ohio that cost about $10,000.00, a hospital stay in Akron that was over $400,000.00, a Lear Jet ride to Detroit and a land ambulance ride to another hospital at home here in Canada. Don't know what the Lear Jet cost. After all of that, another three months in two local hospitals. All of this was paid for by my bike insurance policy and our "free" health care system. None of this takes into account the expenses that my late wife incurred, including the cost of her funeral. Also all paid by my bike insurance policy. We here in Ontario pay a very high price for our bike insurance. I'm paying over $1200.00/year. The government mandates that all vehicle insurance includes a set minimum amount of health care coverage. Of course, the risk being higher on bikes, makes the cost higher. I won't even mention the high cost of our "free" health care that is paid for by our tax system. I don't know what portion of the over 50% of our income that we pay in various taxes goes directly for health care. I feel very bad and sorry for the couple that had the accident and for the unexpected ambulance bill. This is a very dangerous hobby and we all have to know that anything can happen at any time, no matter how good a rider you think you are. We take a chance every time we ride, near or far. I guess my point is, when it comes to insurance and health care, you get what you pay for. Be prepared!
  10. Mike, I highly recommend an upgrade to the Barnett clutch spring. Steel and friction plates are probably just fine but the stock clutch spring does leave a little to be desired. 150000+ on my bike with the Barnett conversion and still running strong. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/Barnett-Coil-Spring-Conversion-Kit-Yamaha-Old-SR-2-511-90-10002-61-4564-/261700666860
  11. We have a local dealer here in SW Ontario that used to be a big HD dealer but lost the franchise because he wouldn't spent the money to build the big Taj Mahal show room like most of them have now. This is a family run business that's been around for ever. They started bringing in used HDs from the states and where ever he could buy them and business is booming. Between the used bike sales and service they seem to be doing great.
  12. Glad to hear it worked out for you Carl. And thank you for lunch!......OH NO, I wasn't supposed to tell, was I?....Sorry
  13. I've got what you need... I might be cheap but I'm not easy! No plans to go east any time soon but I'm sure we'll be up that way sometime eventually.
  14. I think I can help you out Carl. Have to clime up in the shed to make sure.
  15. Gary N.

    Rat Bike

    You have to really study this machine. Check out the hospital bed pan used for a tank bag. Telephone for emergency calls. Water tap, for when your thirsty. Deer leg for ???? He had felt pens available so every one could sign the bike but there wasn't very many empty spots for signatures. We actually saw him out riding on the twisted sisters later in the day.
  16. Gary N.

    Rat Bike

    Out for ride in Hill Country yesterday and we had forgot about the bike rally going on this weekend. When we got to our favorite biker restaurant there was about 300 bikes parked there. This is the one that caught my eye and for some reason made me think of @cowpuc.
  17. This place is in Kerrville Tx. https://wagonmaster.com/ They are VERY proud of their restorations. Always a lot of inventory when ever I drive by. I could check out anything you might see there that catches your eye Puc.
  18. Just like old times eh Carl. We are getting the polar vortex down here too. Only mid 60*s and cloudy with drizzle. Back into the 80*s and sunny next week. Moving up to Hill Country tomorrow. Much better bike riding there then down here in the Rio Grande Valley. Wish you and Marca could join us but I know how much you like playing in the snow.
  19. Ran a couple hundred miles afterwards. Smooth as silk.
  20. You're right! I was thinking common intake but these have single carbs and intakes for each cyl. But but but servicing the carbs means work. Sea Foam is easy. I'll try that first.
  21. I know my '06 is getting a little long in the tooth but I guess I should just shut the fuel off to be safe. For the second time in 12 years I've had the engine seize up from a hydrolock. Last time was about six years ago. Or was it something else??? When trying to start the bike yesterday it cranked about 1/2 a turn and bang. Instant stop. I knew exactly what happened. It's logical that leaking fuel would drain to the left rear cyl. when parked on the side stand, so I removed the rear two plugs, because they are easy but it still wouldn't crank. So I tried to bump it over in gear by pushing back and forth a little then it cranked over. Was the starter locked up??? Was there fuel in one or both of the front cyl's.??? Anyway once it started to crank, it blew out some fuel on the left rear cyl. And that plug was really wet too, just like six years ago. I put the plugs back in, checked the oil level, (no change) and it fired right up and ran fine. I use Sea Foam once or twice a year and usually don't have any problems. But I got out of the habit of shutting the fuel off after a ride a long time ago. Guess maybe I need to start doing that again.
  22. I couldn't be without an old vehicle to drive while I was playing around with the '32. I sold a barn full of projects that I knew I would never live to be old enough to get around to building and bought the '49. It's a 5 window too.
  23. This is keeping me busy and out of trouble at the moment.
  24. Looks great Don. Congratulation to you both. Advise you to set a few mouse traps in the trailer and keep an eye on them over the winter. If you don't pull the battery out, keep it plugged in to keep the battery toped up. I think more important to keep the tires covered then to cover the whole thing. Will it fit into your green house? That would be perfect. Bring it down to Hill Country in March and we'll have a M&E.
  25. Sounds great Carl. To bad I'll be in Scotland or I'd join you.
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