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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. I saw the new doc yesterday and I'm going for the bionic knee next June. The drugs are helping at the moment so I'm hoping they get me through the winter so we can enjoy our trip to Texas. Guess I won't be riding the bike much next summer so I'll have to make up for it this winter.
  2. Sorry, I didn't realize they had been cut off. Should have read your first post more closely. I think they should be about 12" long. Maybe a little longer. You could probably just weld something on to what you have. Maybe BuB has replacements.
  3. That pipe is your baffle. You need to get some exhaust packing and re-pack them as all of the original packing has burnt off. I found packing on ebay for cheap $$$. Got enough to repack several times. Just wrap the baffle with as much or as little as you like to get the sound you want. I put as much on mine as would fit. PS. if the chrome has lifted on your tips you can replace them with some from a HD. Just do a search on here to find posts on how to do that.
  4. Most of the hydraulic lifts put the bike sideways and don't seem to be an issue once strapped down. My friend has the longer version of the Idaho Tote and puts his bikes on front to back like normal. But I agree, way to much $$$ for the average person.
  5. Here's the other one I was trying to think of this morning. My friend has this and tows two bikes on it behind his fifth wheel. He also has two roll back aluminum ramps meant for a pickup bed installed on top of it. He had to have the frame on the fifth wheel beefed up in order to safely hook up this trailer. http://www.idahotote.com/
  6. New Horizons fifth wheel offers a motorcycle lift on some of their models. It's the only company I have seen that does. Most other fifth wheel trailers don't have a strong enough frame to support the added weight of the lift and a bike the size of an RSV. http://www.horizonsrv.com/craftmanship/hydra-lift-motorcycle-lift Here is another option but again, it would require that the fifth wheel frame is strong enough to support the tongue weight of this trailer. I've seen a few variations of this design but they all use the same attaching principles with some kind of swivel wheel assembly or steerable axle system. One friend of mine has a system like this that even has an air bag to change the caster of the trailer axle from positive to negative in order to back up. BIG $$$$. And he still had to have his high dollar fifth wheel frame reinforced in order to take the weight. http://www.cruiserlift.com/swivelwheelfaq.html
  7. Thinking about you and wishing you well. Good luck Scott.
  8. I've spent the last few winters in Hill country and we should still be there in April. I know a lot of the back roads and would be more than happy to be your tour guide. https://www.google.ca/search?q=willow+city+loop&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=gFB-UoD8A8qFyQHSqYD4CA&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=651 In Llano check out Cooper's BBQ [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSDdCZuA-nY]Cooper's BBQ Llano, Texas - YouTube[/ame]
  9. Brad,it's yours if you want it. All others have backed out. No rush to pick it up.
  10. It's still up for grabs if you're interested.
  11. Gary N.

    Por 15

    Myself and several friends use the Por15 black all the time. It's awesome stuff. Don't know anything about the clear.
  12. Thanks for starting this Jeff. Reading what everyone has to say is helping me with my decision. The doc I've been dealing with scared the crap out of me but I know they have to advise of all the dangers etc. He has referred me to another orthopedic doc who has more operating room time available and can possibly get me in faster. Going to do some more research on the web site you sent me. Thanks again.
  13. I guess they must have somehow limited who can look at it. Maybe something to do with telecommunication rules but who knows????
  14. The title is "A Desert Between Us and Them". I wonder why the link won't work? It works every time I tried it. I found the documentary very interesting and learned a lot. Living in the middle of where the war took place makes it even more interesting for me.
  15. I just watched this very good documentary about the war of 1812 done by TVO. http://ww3.tvo.org/video/195703/desert-between-us-and-them
  16. How about an all expense paid destination weekend? Like a motorcycle resort in the Blue Ridge area for the east side contestants and maybe somewhere in Colorado for those in the west.
  17. This gives a pretty good idea of what they should be worth. http://www.nadaguides.com/Motorcycles Ultimately it's what ever two people agree too.
  18. I guess you'll only have to come as far as Woodslee. It's yours if you want it.
  19. Check with http://www.eastwood.com/?SRCCODE=GA200225&device=c&matchtype=e&network=g&creative=29103245100&gclid=CMK7lbD8_bkCFeZcMgodTmQAiw Just make sure what ever you buy is compatible with ethanol. I did a tank 30 years ago, before ethanol was added to fuel and the sealer I used back then actually melted. That was a real mess to clean up.
  20. I WISH I could drive to Texas for $400. Go'n anyway so no big deal. So long as I can find room in the trailer.
  21. Let you know as soon as I hear from Brad.
  22. Yamaha sells the J&M version with their name on it. I bought mine at http://www.sierra-mc.com/ They have a couple of different models depending on how much you want to spend. I have used both the entry level units and the high end ones. You get what you pay for. Entry level is good enough for communications only but lacks a little on the music end. Other folks here have used and recommend http://www.edsets.com/
  23. Yup, just replaced the cable on mine that runs from under the fairing, gas tank and seat to the back fender. Mine had a bad spot right at the neck. No visible damage but when I wiggled it back and forth the passenger headset would cut out. I had this happen on both of the RSVs that I've owned.
  24. Brad, I have one here in the shop that's about 20 years old and never been used ie: I've never put solvent in and turned the pump on. I've only ever put a little in a cake pan inside of it and washed the part in that. It just takes up floor space in my shop. How's $50 sound? I can't deliver until January though. If it will fit in the trailer with everything else. I think it holds 5 gallons of solvent.
  25. http://rideapart.com/2013/09/how-to-ride-a-motorcycle-in-the-rain/ Attention moderators. I'm not sure if it's legal to repost this or not, (copyright laws) so if not you know what to do.
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