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Gary N.

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Everything posted by Gary N.

  1. Evan, just don't do it in your neighbour hood if you want to keep living there. LOL
  2. Thanks Eck. And thanks to all who road today in memory of one of our fallen members or loved ones.
  3. Congrats Lewis. I've been out for 13 years and have never missed it yet. Still get the hebegebes when I drive by the place and it's been closed for the last 4 years. Initially you'll feel like you're on vacation but eventually you'll get over that.
  4. Don't get me started. This is just another gov't tax grab. $96 for the first test that I failed and $56 for the retest. Not to mention the gas $$$ going back and forth twice. I hardly drive the damn thing in Ontario, other than the twenty or so miles to the bridge to get to the States. People who live in Northern Ontario are exempt from this stupid test and light vehicles like cars and light duty trucks only have to hook up to the OBDII port and as long as there are no service engine codes on the computer they're good to go for $33. They don't even sniff the exhaust on these vehicles.
  5. I had to get the Space Shuttle (RV) smog tested this year to renew the licence and it failed the idle speed HCO test. Limit 200 ppm, actual 217 ppm. Long story short I pulled a vacuum line on the intake manifold and sucked a whole can of Sea Foam through it at 2500 RPM. Smoked out the neighbours for sure. On the retest the reading was 101 ppm. I'm good for two more years. Guess what I'll do before my next test?
  6. The new knee still feels foreign to me. Still very stiff and sore. The PT folks say I'm doing well but I'm a little concerned that the recovery is taking too long. Anyway, yesterday I went for my first bike ride in 10 weeks. I didn't go far but it was sure nice to get back on it. A wise old man (I won't mention any names) told me I should ride for twenty minutes then get off and stretch so that's what I did and it worked out fine. Think I just might try that again today. Nothing like cycle therapy to make things better.
  7. It's a special driver's license (costs a little more but less than a pass port) that has all the info attached that a pass port would have. Just flash it at a scanner at the border (U.S. side). I know it's available in Ontario and Michigan. Not sure about other States and Provinces. It's only good for land crossings. Not for flying.
  8. Repacked mine the other day. I had bought some stuff off ebay a few years ago and got enough to repack them twice. I guess it's just fiber glass but I got a few years out of the first repack. This time the right pipe had zero left in it and the left side was about 90% left in it. Did them both at the same time so I can't explain why one would be different. Looking on ebay there's all kinds of packing available for $10.00 or less.
  9. I don't know if I totally understand what you describe but here's what I'm thinking. On the stock windshield there is a black stripe at the bottom and when everything is installed you can't see the dash through it. If the new one doesn't have the black stripe you are able to see the front side of the dash looking through the windshield just above the chrome piece. If this is what you are seeing I fixed mine with a little black electrical tape. Just put enough on the windshield back side to hide the space below the dash. You could also just paint the windshield with some black paint but the dash might rub it off where it touches it.
  10. Hope to be south long before the snow comes.
  11. Thanks for the encouragement Barry.
  12. Six weeks today since I got my new knee. It still feels real tight but the flex measurement is up to 110 degrees maybe a little more now. I had a small infection which might have set me back a bit but that's cleared up now. Still doing PT everyday and I'm able to walk on the tread mill about 1/2 mile in ten minutes. The stationary bike is still hard but I try to do ten minutes on it too. I can operate the clutch in the old truck and have been driving it for the last two weeks. Spent some time out in the garage working on the bike. It only took me about three days to repack my mufflers but I didn't want to over do it. Believe me it wasn't easy bending down to do this job. I can sit on the bike and stand it up but I'm afraid to try and ride it because my knee likes to seize up if I sit in the same position too long. I feel like a 100 year old man sometimes when I stand up. I can only sleep in bed for two or three hours then it's back to the lazy boy. All in all I'm improving every week but man is it a slow process. Can't wait for the stiffness to go away.
  13. Be careful in I 75 if you can't tow at least 60 mph. When those trucks pass you, you'll know about it. You might want to consider some back roads with a 55 mph max. Hope you're getting an equalizer hitch and sway bar. Check the wheel nuts and tire pressure on the trailer and your truck too. If you stay with I 75 be careful on the hill going into KY when you cross the Ohio river. Right lane, 4 ways on.
  14. Took mine off years ago and put them and another pair on top of the saddle bags.
  15. Here's another review I read today. Don't like what they're saying about the RBW (ride by wire) feature shutting down if the brakes are applied at the same time. As in making a U turn or some other maneuver requiring rear braking while applying the throttle. http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/indian/2015-indian-roadmaster-first-ride-review.html?utm_source=mo07312014&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly
  16. I really like that Roadmaster. Still looks like what a m/c should look like IMHO but enough modern appointments to suit. Don't know if I could like the V-twin but I'd be willing to give it a good try. Definitely going to have to seek out a demo ride on that.
  17. That would be great!
  18. Dan, I just got a front tire installed and balanced with beads and it works good. Come and take it for a ride if you want to test it out. A Friend of mine does his own and only uses beads too. Also my motor home with 22" tires is balanced with beads and I can't tell the difference even at 70 mph.
  19. Sorry for your loss Ray.
  20. Barry, sorry I didn't see this sooner. I'm only 1/2 hour drive from A'burg. I just had knee replacement surgery so couldn't help much except for moral support. I have changed out my rear tire too many times to count so if there is something I could do to help you just give me a call. I could bring my jack as well but I don't know if it will work on your bike with a center stand.
  21. Very glad to hear you are ok Mark. Hope you heal fast.
  22. Another option. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.ca/37817/i/gmax-gm54-67-78-helmet-led-brake-light-kit My wife has this on her helmet but it is not connected to the brake light. It only has two variable flash rates or solid on and it was only $17 at Sierra Electronics when we bought her helmet.
  23. Been with State Farm for all my insurance, including the old cars, for over 40 years. Always felt the rates were good and any claim submitted has been taken care of without complaint. They have sold their Canadian arm to some company in Quebec and the transfer will take place later this year. I have a bad feeling about this. I may have to go shopping for a different company.
  24. Had an unexpected visit from Marcarl today. Thanks Buddy, you made my day.
  25. Been there, done that Dan. Except I was in hospital. Don't care to do it again.
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