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Gary N.

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About Gary N.

  • Birthday September 24

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gary Nantais


  • Location
    247 Road 11, Kingsville, Ontario, Canada


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  • Interests
    Street Rods, Bikes & Camping
  • Bike Year and Model
    '06 RSV Black Cherry


  • Occupation
    retired from General Motors

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  1. HI Peggy, I'm not on here much anymore but do check in from time to time. Sorry to hear that you won't be riding anymore but totally understand your decision. I still don't know why I keep riding after my accident but I still get joy out of it. Mary is not riding as much as she used to but does enjoy it when we are in Texas for the winter. Good luck to you and say Hi to Ron.
  2. Well this is sad news Dave. You going to buy an airplane now like Swifty?
  3. Good luck with your treatment Don. Praying for a positive outcome and full recovery. You and this group will always have a special place in my heart.
  4. Sorry to hear this news. Met him many years ago. May he rest in piece.
  5. Margaret Myres, Bobbie Powel, Ramona, Aussie Annie, Sweet Nothing? They and some others used to be active on the site but see them more on face book now.
  6. I bought the 230 Tour Master.
  7. Going to give the Shinkos a try. $360 + tax CDN and free shipping. The Dunlop E4 has been discontiued in the 150/90-15 rear.
  8. Thanks Ben, I have sent them an e-mail to inquire. Their web site is not very helpful. I've been dealing with Fort Nine out of Quebec but they are out of stock on E3s and the E4 Fornts. They don't even list my rear tire size even though it is listed on the Dunlop web site. Tempted to give the Metzlers a try as they are not that much more then the Shinkos that others have recommended. With the new lock down rules, it doesn't look like we'll be riding much anyway.
  9. I've been shopping for tires and the otions seem to be limited for the RSV. Maybe due to Covid, I don't know. I have a set of Dunlop Elite 3s now and really like them but they seem to be replaced by Elite 4s now. Checking on availability, they are scarce. Out of stock everywhere. So I found the Metzeler ME888 and I can get them here in Canada too. The old Metzeler ME880 got a bad rap among Venture Riders a number of years ago so I've stayed away from them over the years. Wondering if anyone has experience with the new ME888. Reviews on line seem to be pretty good. Or if anyone has something else they can recommend, I would like to hear about it.
  10. Jay, I had the same error code on my '03 when it was still under warranty and the dealer never did get it to work again. Kept swapping it out with reconditioned units but always the same error. When my '06 started doing it, out of warranty, I gave up on the CB. I only ever used it when riding with the VR's and that doesn't happen as much any more.
  11. Scott, I have been to both Mecum and Barrett Jackson actions, but only as a spectator. You can get up close and personal with the cars before the auction and I expect that if you can find the owner he would answer any questions you have and let you hear it run etc. Not sure about a road test and I have never seen any lifts available for use on site. FYI, I paid to have an inspection/appraisal done on a car I was thinking about buying in Dallas TX. It cost less then an airplane ride and was the best $400 I ever spent. I didn't buy the car.
  12. Suggest you look into a LED direct replacement. I did mine a couple of years ago and it is awesome. Sorry I don't have any other info for you.
  13. Make sure that all of the shut off switches are not sticking. Clutch, front/rear brake and cancel switch on the right handle bar. Make sure clutch and front brake levers are returning completely when released.
  14. Happy birthday Scott!
  15. We have to watch out for Donkey's in Texas
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