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Personal Information

  • Name
    Dan Oren


  • Location
    Colby, KS, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1986 venture royale
  1. I pulled each spark plug boot one at a time and the RPM definitely dropped down it's hitting on all four it's just not the smoothest v4 I've ever had and this is my third one. No way this will keep up with a v-rod, but this is probably the most loaded venture royale you'll ever see in your life every option every aftermarket component is on this bike, very heavy. I have 26 individual clearance lights just on the back alone.Not sure how to put a picture on here
  2. I'm just curious how smooth everyone's venture engine is.my '86 almost feels like it's missing out on a cylinder but I don't think it is it has plenty of power I can reach 90 mile an hour no problem I think it's just the way the engine is tuned or timed. I pulled the front two spark plug wires one at a time since they were easy to get to engine idols down a little bit but not much . I have also have a V 65 magna in the engine is a lot smoother I think it's just the way the 1300 is designed is everyone else's have kind of a vibration to it . Also does anyone know does the transmission have straight cut gears because mine has a really loud wrrrrring noise from 3000 to 4500 RPM .
  3. I'm only bringing this up because I'm getting desperate I have put my third CPU on the cruise control now still not working so I have ruled out the CPU I put an ohmmeter on the wire from the read switch at the CPU and when I rotate the front tire it goes from 0 ohms to 4.7 k-ohms.if I measure it at the plug coming from the instrument cluster it goes from zero to infinity like the service manual says it should I assume the extra resistance is from the auto canceling blinker system has anyone ever measured the ohms at the CPU of their cruise control is it zero to infinity or similar resistance like I have . I have manually operated the vacuum pump with a battery and it all works great will hold the throttle ar wide open for 10 minutes if I allow it no leak downs . I just can't believe I can't get this working I feel like I have exhausted every Avenue there is
  4. Since I have bought this bike with the cruise control not working can anyone tell me the exact process of the three lights when you hit the set button does the green set light instantly come on or is there a delay
  5. Yeah my manual said the same thing and I check the vacuum pump with a 12 V battery was able to work the diaphragm and move the throttle no problem I think next I will check the harness between the control unit and the vacuum pump maybe if I'm lucky I have a bad connection
  6. Thanks for the input but when I hit the set only the resume comes on and it will never go back out until I get below 30 mile an hour or power of the cruise down. Hitting the resume does nothing even though I have tested for 12 V at the CPU the resume,cancel ,set everything is powering correctly at the CPU . I have tried holding the set button down for a while no help every time I hit set the resume light flickers once it's on . I really don't want to buy a third CPU to try that because both CPUs are acting the exact same but I don't know what else it could be
  7. I have tried pushing clutch lever forward, pulling up on the brake lever, and I have bypassed the brake lever switch. Why does the "RESUME " light come on when I use the set lever. Never does the set light come on except during power up.
  8. The read switch is absolutely working fine clear to the CPU computer you only have to turn the wheel about 20 degrees before you register zero ohms to infinity ohms that part is easy it works fine. Like I said the resume light only activates above 30 mile an hour so I know that the CPU is registering the read switch on the speedometer. I can absolutely rule out the clutch brake lever pedal and cancel switch all those are wired in series and I have 12 V at the CPU they are all working properly this is why am so confused . Why would the resume light instantly light up when I hit the set switch though?
  9. OK I bought a Nother used ICU for the cruise control brain replaced it and the exact same problems I checked every voltage at every switch including the clutch lever brakes and cancel switch both are supplying 12 V to the computer I even did all the checks for the compressor everything seems to work but the same thing happens . Only when I get above 30mph will anything happen but when I hit the set button the set light does not come on but the resume light does come on. Still no cruise though. All three light turn on at power up normal. Would two ICUs have the exact same failure problem? This is getting frustrating I really want the cruise to work
  10. I just purchased a 1986 venture royale 1300 the cruise control does not work at all when I turn the power button on all three lights light up correctly in the blue light stays on the set will not activate and the odometer also does not work but the speedometer does I don't know if this has anything to do with the cruise control or not . Does the cruise control have a separate pick up spot for the speed sensor or does it use the instrument cluster speedometer cable
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