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About ken

  • Birthday August 16

Personal Information

  • Name
    ken fraley


  • Location
    Defiance, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Family stuff
  • Bike Year and Model
    2002 RSV Midnight
  1. I came across a guy selling a 1992 wing and a trailer. He is asking $500 for the trailer. It is in good shape and has been parked since 2004. I already have a hitch on my RSV. I'm not really sure if $500 is a fair price. I'm thinking I could get it for $400. I could not find a pic that looked like it. It's a tear drop style, not homemade. So. is $500 fair?
  2. 2nd on the spray wax.
  3. Took mine off too. Pretty easy.
  4. The wife and I were out enjoying a nice casual ride when all of a sudden she yells "Turkey." About that time I see the biggest turkey of my life emerge from a ditch on the roadside and take flight. I have time to duck my head down. The turkey hits my NEW Baggershield and breaks it off. The shield and the turkey slams me in the head. The turkey bounces off and my head left a perfect hole in the Baggershield. I kept the Royal Star up and got a couple scrapes and the wife was just fine. I'm a believer the EXTRA thickness of the Baggershield helped to take some of the force of the turkey before hitting me. Now just have to get another.
  5. When I purchased my bike from another member it already had a hitch installed. So I made a hitch rack 10"x24" Came out real nice. I could probabaly make them a turn a small profit. Any how on a recent 1600 mile trip up thru Canada I use it to carry about 50 pounds of stuff. WOW what a bear a slow speeds. I found if I keep the weight around 25 pounds I'm ok but any higher the front end get pretty shaky at slow speeds.
  6. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW I FEEL REALLY STUPID!! I've had my bike completely apart and with the post of this thread just now realized my fuel pitcock has a reserve position:shock3:. I guess I just assumed when the fuel light comes on was the point when the reserve started.
  7. About a month ago I was on my way home from work. With about 25 miles to go my fuel light came on. The gage still showed 3 bars. Well 10 mile later she runs out. I have to stop, lean the bike over, turn on the key till the pump stops. Drive for a few miles and do it again. I stopped 3 time before I made it to a gas station. I filled her up as far as I could and it only took 4.6 gallons. The same thing happend last night and when I made it to the gas station I could only get 4.5 gallons in and that gage still had two bars. Has anyone else had this problem. Where is the other 1.5 gallons?
  8. I live in northwest ohio and brought my current RSV from a member that lives in Kanas City. Drove out with the wife and a trailer. Two day trip. Had a great time.
  9. Yes or no would have been just fine........ geez.........
  10. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Wow! I guess you don’t understand. What I’ve done is basically the same set up Joe suggested but without the patch cord. The mic is mounted on my cup holder and the PTT on the mic is fixed in the TX position. So all I have to do is use the PTT on the handle bar and lean a little forward and talk (both hands still in the bar). No safety issues. This will allow me to wear my shorty or no helmet and still be able to talk with friends.
  11. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Well Joe, I got it. I studied the digrams you posted for sometime and came up with this. I took the white wire from the mic and plugged it into position 1 (mic) on the 5 pin din on the bike and the shield wire into the mic ground position 4 on the 5 pin din. I then took apart the mic, drilled a hole the the PTT lever with it pressed and put in a screw to hold it in the depressed position. Now I can talk with mic by just pushing the handle bar PTT. Thanks a million for the help. Ken:)
  12. Wondering if it possible to go with 400 watt speakers. I've found a pretty good deal on them, but not sure if they are:confused24: too much for the venture system?
  13. ken

    CB Issie

    Check the connection. The CB is located under the trunk. Remove the four bolts that attachs the trunk to it's bracket. Once you remove the trunk you will see a black box with two rubber straps. Remove the straps and lift off the lid and you will see the CB unit. Make sure it's pluged in. You may also have to pull the fairing and check the connection inside. Both are very easy jobs. Should only take about 15 minutes each.
  14. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Ok Joe, I think I understand now. The cord looks like a special cord. Where would I locate one?
  15. ken

    CB Mic help.

    Hey Joe, I really appreciate your help with this mic project. When it comes to electrial I'm pretty helpless. If you get a chance the diagram you mentioned would be a great help. Thanks Ken
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