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About BurgyMon

  • Birthday 06/10/1952

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Decatur, AL, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Riding, flying, camping, hiking.
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 Vulcan Nomad
  1. With all this going back and forth, I couldn't resist this. Definition of a Harley: The most efficient way to convert gasoline to noise without affecting horsepower.
  2. Now see what the Eckster Dude has gone and done....after a couple of rides together, he's done flung the GW craving on you!!! By the time I get my first Venture, this site is gonna be all GW's and Freebird is gonna be forced to change the name of the site from "venturerider.org" to "goldwingrider.org"! But, wait....too late!! That domain is already taken!!! Maybe www.X-venturerider_goldwingrider.org, ...its available. Better hurry up Freebird!!!
  3. Glad you're walking and talking...be praying for the other! Had to lock it up myself coming back from lunch a while ago because some geezer dude just pulled right out in front of me!! Where was the when you needed one. Ride safe!!
  4. Looks pretty cool!! Bet you're gonna get a lot more functionality out of those than the cassette. But, being the pilot, I would have probably put in a turn and bank indicator!
  5. Just keep it up Eckster Dude, just keep kicking .
  6. As far as password "strength" goes, use a combination of UPPER case, lower case, numbers and special characters (#*$%@!^&, etc) if allowed. An example of a strong password: BoogyMan#123 ; An example of a weak password: harley .(Ha, just couldn't help it!!) Also, if allowed, you can use a short sentence for a password. Helpful hint, be sure, that when you change it, you note EXACTLY what it is, because, otherwise...you'll be up s*** creek w/o the proverberial paddle!!
  7. Ohhhh that's low!!!!!
  8. I had heard of that.....but never seen pics! Just goes to show the ruggedness of the GW...a good bike! HEY ECK!!!! I HAVE A GOOD IDEA FOR YOUR GW......A GOOD PART TIME JOB!!!
  9. Gonna have to show some pics on that nomad when you get it all spiffied up!!!
  10. Yea, that's probably the 2010 concept of the new venture!!!
  11. Well, not that far, granted! About 6-7 miles. Far enough to be woke up good by the time I got there.
  12. When Burgymon rode to work this morning on his scoot, it was 19F. Man, that's breath taking!!! I guess I am going to have to get some leathers and a face shield if it gets much colder!! I bet Eck wimped and drove his truck!!!!
  13. uuhhh, Am I missing something? Where's the RSV in that lineup?
  14. You should be getting your wish "today"!
  15. Have to be careful about riding in loose fitting shorts. "Bee" bad if one made it "all the way up"!!!
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