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About Sailordave90

  • Birthday 03/30/1973

Personal Information

  • Name
    David Manka


  • Location
    Midwest City, OK, United States


  • City
    Midwest City


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2000 Yamaha RSV, MM #522
  1. Thank you all for your input. This just confirmed what my mechanic and I were discussing. He is not afraid of pulling the engine, but just wanted to make sure before he started down that rabbit hole.. LOL
  2. All, I have a 2000 RSV MM I bought it in November of 2015, it had 5682 on the dial (Yes that is correct) and I am currently the 4th owner of the bike. I noticed some fuel delivery issues, so I have removed and replaced the fuel pump (MR gasket) fuel filter, removed and cleaned the tank, then did a full tune up also (plugs, air filter, oil change and coolant change). This was the start of me chasing my tail. I was getting a loud popping sound for the right side and it was getting hotter than normal, so after some research, I concluded it was due to the carbs were set to lean and needed to be synced. Went to adjust the mixed screws, and noticed that someone had already been into them, because the caps were already removed (HMMMMMMM) so I turned them out the improve the mixture and synced the carbs. It helped but at this point it needed more attention that I am capable of doing. At this point I have about 7000 on the bike. Took it to a trustworthily mechanic, who works next to my brothers shop. They did a compression check and #3 cylinder was low, so they scoped and noticed a burnt intake valve on the #3 side. Everything else looks perfect. They removed everything to the valve covers, and did an inspection. All the cylinders, exhaust valves, and intake valves, with the exception of that one look brand new. So my question is this. Will we have to remove the entire engine to do get the head out, or can it be done while in the frame? I have read post about doing it on the 1st gens but nothing on the 2nd gens. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciative.
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