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Personal Information

  • Name
    Glenn Read


  • Location
    Blackwood, NJ, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1998 Royal Star Tour Deluxe
  1. I just put a pair of Shinko 777 whitewalls on my 98 RSTD and I am very happy with them. I stayed with stock sizes and Shinko was my only option in a wide whitewall. Cost me $233 with free shipping from eBay.
  2. Oops! My bad. H.D. Is heavy duty, although they do make a HD for Harleys. So who has the best price online? Any suggestions appreciated. I’m in South NJ
  3. Different model tires... front is fine but back is different, HD stands for Harley Davison...not sure what the difference is but must be a difference. Ive checked Shinkos web site. Same deal
  4. They don’t make both sizes I need in a WWW, only the rear.
  5. Thanks for the replies. Looks like I’m going to go with the Dunlop 404’s. Not so much worried about the mileage, just want a good tire and must have the WWW. Safe riding everyone!
  6. Good morning all, I am looking to replace the tires on my 1998 RSTD and want wide whitewalls...the only manufacturer I can find who makes them in my sizes is Dunlop 404’s. Are there any other options out there that I’m missing? Looking to stay with stock size F 150/80-16 R 150/90-15 Thanks, I’m a newbie here and this is a great forum!
  7. Thanks pal, great tutorial! I got a 98 RSTD that really needs back brakes...pistons are way out and filthy...gonna give this a try next rainy weekend! Looks like a 4 beer job... Cheers!
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