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Posts posted by chabicheka

  1. Either your MIG (Metalic Inert Gas) welder or stick (SMAW)welder will be just fine for the low carbon steel tubing frame on the bike. The TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) method has no advantage in strength in this application. Pay NO attention to the crack monkeys on American Chopper. Myself and many other fabricators cringe when the start in the antics. I offer 30 years fabricating and welding experience, ASME section 8 (pressure vessel) and section III (nuclear) and FAA certified.:cool10:


    just as i was about to jump into this discussion..........having had a lot of experience with my radio shack $ 12.99 soldering iron, Concours had to butt in with this post........well fine! i will keep all my experience to myself and just amuse myself reading you all "experts" posts.:cool10:

  2. sorry, my English is not that bad ? isn't it ? :sick:



    thats not what i was trying to say, squeeze. your english couldnt have been any better. i was just trying to say it was too technical for ME, to understand. Excellent article, i must say. das var sehr gut! sie sprechen und schreiben sehr gut english!

    hows my deutch, by the way......nein? .....nicht gut? :bang head:

    guten tag mein freund...und auf wiedersehen!:beer:

  3. In cold Conditions, and if you use a Standard Lead/Acid Battery, i recommend, before Starting the Engine, leave the Lights on for 30 Seconds.


    Seems to be stupid without Explanation. It is not ...



    The starting Power the Battery is able to give ist in direct Context to the inner Resistance of the Battery.


    If the Acid is cold, the Resistance will be high, e.G. 10 Ohm. If you start the Bike right away, the Resistance in the Battery is much higher than that of the Startermotor. The Startermotor ist in short Circuit in the first Moment of putting Current on it. As the Startermotor starts to turn, the Resistance rises to the normal Level of about 2 to 4 Ohm.


    The Resistance of the Battery with 10 Ohm and the Motor with Zero or maybe 2 Ohm, is much more a Batteryheater than a enginestarting Subsystem. The Power of the Battery gets lost while heating and cranking the Engine. If the Engine doesn't start right away, the Batterypower gets weaker and weaker, even if it is now heated with own its Power. There is no more Power left to deliver to the Starter.


    If you put on your Lights first, the Battery will have the same starting Resistance, 10 Ohm as i said. The Bulbs have a much higher Resistance, so, the Bulbs will shine and the Battery gets also heatet but not that quick and not that energyconsumpting as a failed starting Sequence will have used. The inner Resistance of the Battery drops down on warmer Condition inside the Battery.


    30 Seconds later ... Voila... press the Button and the Starter cranks more powerfull, because this Circuit isn't a Batteryheater anymore. By "preheating" the Acid, it is more Capacity awakened as the Loss by the Lights is.




    The 10 Ohm as the inner Resistance is not the correct Value, it is just for explanation and better Understanding of the System. In Fact the Resistance is more 1 Ohm than 10, anyways, this tiny Trick works on all Lead/Acid-Batteries for sure. Cars, Bikes, Trucks ... Might also be helpful on Batterytypes, but not that impressive, because other Types have a way smaller inner Resistance by System.


    This is not my idea, i did learn this Years ago, when i was 3 Days send to a Batterymanufacterer for a 3 Days Seminar.



    now want to repeat that in english, squeeze?

    just kidding...

    hey don...i think squeeze here just earned himself an award...dont you think so, guys?:clap2:

  4. About a year ago I picked up 3 pairs of brake pads for future use off Ebay. Hey..the price was right. Anyway, lately I'd been getting a little chattering noise out of the right front caliper, and since I had the the front tire off and down to the store for warantee work, I thought I'd go ahead and toss in another set of pads. Well..... I took out a set of pads and they wouldn't fit. Close, but no cigar.... The width was a few thousands over tolerance, and the thru holes were a few thousands undersized. I did a little shade tree adjusting on them and finally got them to slide in, but they still didn't feel right. I held one up to the the EBC pads I had just removed, and the radius at the bottom was right on on one end and off on the other. 'Bout then I went on down to my local shop and picked up another set of EBC's. They slipped right in. They might have cost more, but I have a lot more confidence in their working. I actually still had a record of the Ebay sale and fired off a email to the seller...he's still actively selling... warning him about possible liability issue. We'll see how he handles it. Just thought other members would like to know about my experience with non-major brand pads on Ebay.


    never bought anything off ebay yet.....doubt it if i ever will. you never know what you are going to get. and the system of 'auctioning' stinks. i think its a waste of time. i think they should have a 'buy now' price for everything. thats just my view. others may differ.when a price of a used item goes over the price of a similar 'new' item, its called robbery and the buyer becomes a willing victim.:confused24:

  5. I just hit a deer while pulling a CycleMate 2000LTD.

    I could not scrub off enough speed before impact & the trailer kept pushing me and the bike off the road.

    I felt very helpless & I got hurt bad & totalled the bike !

    Trailers make your bikes stopping distance increase a lot and increase your chances of getting hurt or killed !



    sorry to hear that, pal. hope you get well soon.

  6. thank you tartan terror and ladyrider for your response to my posting.you both made very good points without insulting me in any way and i really appreciate that. i dont intend to change anybody's views about the subject....was just expressing how I feel about it. and tartan terror is right..i dont have to go there if i dont want to.


    i just realised there is a thread for "in memory of.." and some postings there. beleive me, i wasnt aware of that. if i knew that, i wouldnt have expressed my views....cause it would have made me sound insensitive to peoples feelings about their loved ones. i dearly apologise to people who have postings there. please forgive me. i am not an insensitive person as i sound. i actually tend to cry at every funeral i attend. I AM SORRY.

  7. Would it be alright to ask that if you post a thread here in this area, can you add a picture of the person you are posting about? It just means a lot to see a picture of the person who has gone. It seems more real to me and more of a tribute. Just an idea.



    in MY view....i dont think a picture makes any difference if i dont know the person......:2cents:


    i personally think we should stay away fom these sad news, which everyone experiences every now and then...so why have these sad and depressing news? i think the grieving is for the people that are directly connected with someone who has passed away, and not for the general population. death is a fact of life, and we should take it in stride. on the other hand, if a member feels he needs to hear consoling words from his or her friends here, hey, i have no problems with that. now give me a head start before you guys start chucking spears at me....:moped:

  8. Good day,



    I own a Midnight Venture but find it very heavy I already dropped it 4 times and I'm thinking about trading it for a ST1300 which is still a touring bike and a lot lighter. My wife is a bit concern about her comfort on the ST1300 since she a already tasted the Venture and find it very comfortable.


    I would like to know if anybody know how comfortable is a ST1300 for the passenger compare to a Yamaha Royal Star Midnight Venture.



    Any feedback would very appreciated.




    you not getting any encouragement here, bud!:whistling:

    we would rather you keep falling off the yamaha than trade it for a hon.....whats it called again?:Im not listening to

  9. Knowing that you are a compasionate group, I just wanted to let eveyone know that my wife and I lost our best friend today, our Golden Retriever. We had to put Tucker down this morning due to hemangiosarcoma, a cancer of the blood vessels. His passing has left a huge hole in our hearts. He made us smile and laugh for 9 1/2 years. He was a good dog and a good friend.



    He will be missed.





    may god give you courage to overcome your loss. i have a 6 yr old shipom and i already worry about his passing away. sometimes i wish i would pass away before him, cause i dont know if i can live without him. my eyes are teary right now just thinking about it. be brave and i hope the pain lessens for you each passing day.

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