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Everything posted by chabicheka

  1. Welcome to the site and group, Jay. Noticed this is your first ever post and you may not be too familiar with how everything works here. Don't worry, you will get the hang of things pretty quick. Very nice of you coming forward with wanting to help, though. :2MAGNETA:
  2. Was nice to have you here, buddy. Take care and wish you safe and enjoyable riding...
  3. I know the answer....but i ain't telling cause that will mean admitting i am a nerd! ............i have NO idea what you talking about:confused07:
  4. Okay....we will take your word for it.......
  5. :Happy Birthday: Abdul.
  6. Is there a key in the keyboard in the top row that looks like a tower giving out signals? Try clicking on it..
  7. Gamble.......................................................................................NOT!
  8. No fan of ape hangers but the rest of the bike is beautiful!
  9. I think they ARE bald, but are wearing white wigs...
  10. Money sent.....by Sea. Go to the sea shore with a big bucket to collect.
  11. Can i still come for tomorrows dinner?
  12. I think you passed your chance a few years back, Carl.....at your age, you shouldn't be driving ANY car!
  13. I GET IT! I think the poster was implying that every one was playing judge Judy:Laugh:
  14. hmmmm...wants 2.2 million for walking 5 miles.. heck...i will walk 5 miles for 50 dollars, at midnight, below freezing temperatures, with dark clouds swirling in the sky, wolves howling in the background,on a muddy path, going uphill...( thanks Sleepy2) without my shoes on!
  15. You take care, Larry. Abdul.
  16. The 'weapon' was apparently going away from the cop in civilian clothing. My reaction would be the same. I would try to reverse away from a thug with a pistol. ( remember, at this point the lady has probably no idea who the man with the "real weapon" is.) Who knows what really happened. We werent there and we have to take the police's word for it. Its usually their word against the nobodies. Good luck to the family of the lady.
  17. Just dropped my guests to the airport.....should be able to make it to wherever you decide for the next drink and meet...( Tim Hortons) Abdul.
  18. Very sorry to hear this. Have met Larry once and he left a real good impression on me. Wishing his family strength and wishing Larry a good and quick recovery. Abdul.
  19. Can i bring my own mug?
  20. Now where did you hear i was spending money?? Am trying to get a free coffee from Thomas. Now since you are coming too, i will let you buy me a cruller. am kind of busy this coming week. Nephew and his family coming over from Australia for a visit. Am okay after the 30 th of this month. But if you guys decide to do it earlier, no problem...i will pick up shirt another time.
  21. I'm in too, if MIDICAT is buying the coffee...
  22. Never said Snopes is a truer version...i said 'different' version. you can believe WHAT you want.. Sounds like a fairy tale to me...surely he had to go home to pick up an extra pair of underwear or something.....why wouldn't he ride home with the bike?
  23. Snopes has different version about the picture...
  24. Congratulations...our first granddaughter is just over 1 now, and its been a blast. Enjoy her as much as you can...they grow up real fast.
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