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About chabicheka

  • Birthday August 1

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  • Location
    Toronto, ON, Earthling


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  • Interests
    motorcycling/outdoors/soccer/camping ,UFC
  • Bike Year and Model
    Nomad Hannigan Trike

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  1. Sorry....i had replied assuming you made the dough in the workshop, then realised you had bought it from Walmart. Good opportunity to get Walmart to pay for a new set of dentures.......... , and then you can give them to our buddy, Carl as a birthday present on his birthday ! He seems to be having one every month...hey, if i could get away doing that, i would do that too. Can you imagine how many presents you can get in a year?
  2. Condolences to the family... Abdul.
  3. Happy Birthday, Ben, Abdul.
  4. chabicheka


    Happy 50th Anniversary to you, Carl and Marca. Abdul.
  5. Wishing Boss a quick recovery.
  6. Couple of posts related to this thread are in the watering hole section. mine and Stickhandlers. Thanks. Abdul.
  7. Wonderful meeting you all and for keeping the flame of friendship going. Had a good time. Thanks all for coming and thanks to all that had intentions of coming, but couldn’t for various reasons. Have a good 2020,you all. abdul.
  8. Managed to get in a ride, yesterday, but today, is no riding weather. So, it’s going to be in a four wheeler. See you all later. Hope you feeling well enough to attend, Tooch buddy. abdul.
  9. Now that sight must have been like an early Christmas present to the cows grazing in the area... celebrations must have gone late into the night in the Cow Coral. :banana:
  10. MERRY CHRISTMAS from me too, to O P and every one here. ( the family ). 🎅🏾
  11. Sorry to hear about your injury, Ben. Hope it’s not too bad, and heals fast. abdul.
  12. Big Tom is responsible for starting the ‘fart’ thingy.....he was probably thinking of Carl at the time of his posting.
  13. :backinmyday:Proud Old Fart #194
  14. I will throw my hat in the ring, too....in the hope of getting back a Venture Cap. I currently ride a Kawasaki Nomad triked with Hannigan Kit. Have just bought a Sachs 125 cc too, but haven't put it on the road. May be next year, to putter around the neighbourhood.
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