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Posts posted by s.tyler58

  1. Do you know why farmers always wait until the last second to pull out in front of you?


    They're waiting to see if they recognize you and therefore need to wait so they can wave to you or if they don't recognize you and don't need to wave still just jump on the gas and go in front of you.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  2. Hey it's been raining for over 2 weeks here in Fl because of this damn disturbance we had 1 sunny day this past Thursday, I had to work last Saturday and Sunday and the rain was crazy but the people driving on I 95 were even crazyier I saw so many accidents it was crazy.
    That's just crazy!


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  3. I went for a sunrise ride this morning and I put electrical tape over the white light except for a sliver and I put tape over the flashing red light. I think that the wrinkle in the electrical tape over the red light bother me more than the blinking red light ever did

    The reason the blue and white lights get switched is due to an error in the wiring diagrams. the original instructions were created from the wiring diagrams before one was actually done. I have to go back and look to see which 2 wires need to be switched at the RLU connector. The other option is to switch the sockets in the dash so that the white is behind the blue lens, then your bike will match the wiring diagram.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  4. Yah, it was just a thought. I just arrived home from my longest trip to date on this motorcycle of 276 miles. I didn't stop until I needed to refill the tank. I'm getting better stamina and would go farther now if I knew I didn't have to make it back before I'm exhausted. I can't really camp and leave a little dog at home with no one to check on him.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  5. Be safe! I won't make it up this morning for lunch. Mostly because I don't want to distract you while you guys are getting ready to leave and stuff. Too many important things going on in your brain when you trying to get everything set and the anticipation of just being on the road starts to get overwhelming! Have a great ride looks like around Nebraska it's going to be in the 90s all weekend.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  6. Has anybody had any luck getting the Sena SR10 to work with the Second Gen CB? I know this is an old thread so maybe someone has some input now. I'm using the Sena SMH10's and love them for BT intercom, music and GPS but I've recently had a need to use the CB too. Any input will be greatly appreciated.


    Wives. I don't know how you guys do it.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  7. where are the parts I sold you?
    I haven't slowed down enough to put anything else on. Everything's working just fine so I'm riding whenever it's not raining. I'm coming up on time to dump that antifreeze after running that new to me radiator and want to dump the oil change filter again soon. I've got a week left to ride so I'm going to ride and figure out what needs to be done at the end of that. I do appreciate them.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  8. She's still a mystery to me. She hasn't revealed her name. Kind of like a dog, you know? Took 6 weeks to land on Buddy. Everyone calls dogs buddy so I just figured if my little dog thinks everyone knows his name then he has that many more friends to make.


    Today I went back down to 25 minutes north of St Joe Missouri. 242 Mi round trip 6 hours 10 minutes 31 miles per gallon one dinner break of about 20 minutes at a state park where I enjoyed my leftover cheeseburger that I grilled at lunch before I left. I'm going to be in long trip shape just in time to start my job.


    It was hot today! 92 degrees, pretty good wind out of the South so I started my trip riding into the wind and came home riding with it when I'm tired.


    I know I've told you guys how angry I get with this motorcycle but can I tell you now just how fun it is to just sit on the back and go. She just stretches out and runs! The swimming actions are gone, everything solid and getting the ride settled in, we're still getting to know each other but we're liking each other more and more every day! I might have fainted sitting behind lowers today. I was careful to stay hydrated .


    Hoping to catch him on the road. I am not sure if its the 83s name but the guy who has owns it has been out chasing front wheel. So Tyler what did you name your bike? If you do that sort of thing.


    Never ride faster then your angel can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  9. Steven,


    Don't know if this will help...but a friend has carpal and he adjusted his lower. A slight bend at the wrist was more comfortable for him....



    Thanks for the tip!I brought mine down to where they're sitting at about probably 4:30 and 7:30. Seemed to help yesterday. I still need to rotate my clutch/brake levers and switches a little farther down but at least I've got a feel for it now. I found that while cruising it was very comfortable but I'm still a little shaky with those grips in so narrow at slow speed. I always had them high and wide before this. Did they make a bolt on backrest for the 83?


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  10. Now you know we expect a full review on her. Don't spare us the details!
    I had planned to ride up to Yankton yesterday and ride around the lake and come home. I didn't realize you were in Norfolk. I had business at the hospital up there for years. The best thing about Norfolk is the two-lane roads that have a 65 mile per hour speed limit once you get west of town. I think that's going to go up to 70 now in June? My plan was to go up 75 out of Omaha to Ponca and across that way from the south side of the lake. Google Maps said it would take me about 3 hours and 40 minutes. Once the skies cleared I ended up heading south instead. (Photo's in "Where did you go on your venture today?) My days are spent waiting for the ceiling to lift between the rains so I can go ride the hours in between storms. I never want to start out a trip in the rain suit but if I have to put it on once I'm out that's a different story. Am I getting soft in my old age? I'm also trying to figure out just what layers of clothing I need on what days. In Nebraska you can start today at 80° and finish it at 55 and rain! Or vice/versa.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  11. Finally got out on the road for a while this afternoon about 5. Going to win my way back North so long that western edge of the Eastern Bluffs of the Missouri River in Iowa. This little video is from the western side of the Missouri River the Eastern edge of Nebraska.




    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


  12. I told packand mail i might have business cards made and start doing custom packing.if they needed me to help with their work they could use my service.the little girl smiled and said We might call you sometime. Im thinking she wasnt sincere.
    Well let's just say everything was covered by cardboard and I stopped counting at three different kinds of tape


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  13. I did and they are good! That certainly was creative Packaging! I bet they did laugh at your box at the FedEx store!


    Today the rainiest weather in the country seems to be centering on Nebraska, Kansas and Eastern Iowa.


    That means I will be putting the new turn signal lenses on today and after my ride last night I've got to reposition my handlebars a little bit. I'm trying to decide whether to adjust them at The Handlebar level or down by the key this time. I do have the grips rotated up quite High and I had issues with my carpal tunnel 25 minutes into my trip last night and when I Road Missouri for that 5-hour ride 2 weeks ago I didn't have that issue and I can't remember where exactly those handlebars were sitting. So I'll play with that while the rain drums on my garage roof. I have time to put away all my tools in the shop and get ready for the next time.


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

  14. There are a bunch of them on ebay right now.

    just search for it by P/N. 26H-27311-01-R4




    There have been several posts in the last couple of months warning people to check this before it breaks.

    I have inspected mine and can't find anything visually wrong but sometimes it feels like it's leaning quite a ways and you all are making me paranoid now! How much lean is normal? When I put the kickstand down and lean it over till it makes contact with the ground the only motion that takes place is the rising of the bike when I get off of it and the suspension goes to its resting position. There is no movement outward or wiggling at the joint. Well, other than the spring load that allows it to move towards the bike or ground when I push on it but no outward movement which would cause a tip over . Can I assume it's solid?5bf2936c4428f16d89b22a2f80b889c4.jpg


    Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

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