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Posts posted by s.tyler58

  1. So I got to ask Mr Steven Tyler!!! Are you sure your longing to Chase Your Front Wheel... I just got back from going to Rolla, then Sullivan and then back home. On my way back from Sullivan just outside of Rolla within seconds of that exit something came down from the nice blue sky and well... I got to show you what can and will Happen!!! Birds have Sh!77Y aim!!!!


    Exibit A

    http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=110363 Ok I dont know why it keeps going side ways. But I have a cataract in My right eye, notice the trejectery of said Pooh!!:Avatars_Gee_George::rotf::rotfl:

    I ain't skerred...


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  2. I really did mow my lawn the day after he mowed his so mine would look better one day longer than his. It drove him nuts cuz he was working on that yard so hard for the first time in 50 years. He still laughs and laughs me for telling him what I was doing to him after about July


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  3. I told my story wrong. I told him that's what I was doing. Now days we tell each other about pranks we'd do to each other if we weren't so lazy. All bark, no teeth. I couldn't actually treat him that way.


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  4. When Jimmy retired he tore up and graded his whole yard and put in all new sod. This spring he was obsessing over pulling the maple helicopters out of his grass everyday so they wouldn't seed. Every freaking morning he's out there with his leaf vac picking up 8 or 10 or 20 freaking helicopters. One day, getting almost to summer, I was pretended to fight with him about all the racket he makes, and he starts looking up in the tree and he says, " I don't see any more of these damn helicopters up there . where do they keep coming from?"


    I was forced to admit that I had kept one bag full of helicopters that I had picked up out of my driveway and every night for the previous two weeks I have been throwing a handful of them out in his yard for him to hunt down! If he hadn't asked about it I could have kept it going till September!


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  5. I spent some time edgumicatin' him on it. The old fart thought it was two cycle.... he knows I call him that. He calls himself the old bohunk. Mostly because he's Jimmy B of Jimmy B Orchestra. For over 30 years he toured the Midwest and up Michigan Minnesota Wisconsin Nebraska playing with his Polka Band. He was even on that RFD channel. Me and Jimmy have a blast being what the neighbors call the Papillion version of Grumpier Old Men. We always let each other know when we're working on a ladder so that one or the other will cruise around the house and make sure we're not dead.


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  6. I feel kind of like my neighbor. Two years ago he bought a power washer. He backed his van over it and broke off the wheels before he had ever put gas in it or started it. I was in his garage and saw it sitting there so the next day I picked up a couple of wheels and fixed it for him. Now he's anxious for me to help him fire it up cuz he has a list of jobs he wants to get done with it. Sat two years without a thought and now he's in a hurry!

    I knew this would be a year of Discovery and repair but now I have all these places I want to ride to! I didn't have a bike for 5 years and didn't worry about it. Now I'm in a hurry?


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  7. So here we are with the last 3 day weekend of the summer and I'm still reading stories of great rides from you all.


    How do I get my mechanic, who told me to bring it in for valve covers, carb clean and tune, install Stator oil cooling upgrade and slight clutch slippage three weeks ago, to get me on the road?


    Do you think he thought I was asking for Winter storage?

    [emoji45] 43de257c5a00cee766c708bdcd81c331.jpg


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  8. Prayers Up for all and any of my brothers and sisters involved in this one!!! Hope ya'll are ok down there!!!!


    My oldest son, Logan and his family, loaded the moving truck on Thursday to leave Houston. His wife accepted a position with an Omaha law firm on last Sunday and she starts in two days! He's a self employed mortgage broker. She's pure Texan y'all but they're coming back home to Papillion to raise his kids with their cousins and Nana and stuff in The Good Life. He and I haven't spoken for a year-and-a-half but that doesn't keep me from hovering and praying from afar. Missed Harvey by thiiiiiiiiis much.


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  9. Seems like mine is always cutting and poking and scraping something. She's a cute young PA. She can do an anything she wants to me ever since the time when I had to lay on my back and in order to collect a sample to send in, cutting the spot off my neck she laid down on me fully up on the table like a child coloring in a book on the floor. You should have seen her face when I thank her for the most body contact I'd had in 10 years since my divorce! We've been buddies ever since.


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    Didn't even keep one foot on the floor like a pool player!


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  10. Seems like mine is always cutting and poking and scraping something. She's a cute young PA. She can do an anything she wants to me ever since the time when I had to lay on my back and in order to collect a sample to send in, cutting the spot off my neck she laid down on me fully up on the table like a child coloring in a book on the floor. You should have seen her face when I thank her for the most body contact I'd had in 10 years since my divorce! We've been buddies ever since.


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  11. Noooooooooooooooo! So sorry to hear you're hurt! Did it just let go? Did you do it slipping or did bike do it? Be compliant with Dr's orders. Make sure you have a really sharp PT because it's all about the rehab in cases like yours.


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