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Everything posted by s.tyler58

  1. It Snyper. Didn't you once have a conversation about that red orange TCI box out of Norway and not using the vacuum advance connection or something? I was wondering about that cuz my guy said he just plugged everything in it was there and the bikes running really well ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  2. These aren't new babies but here's three of my 7 Grands helping me to turn 60 last Friday! L to R Kynlee, Taiya and little Stella. ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  3. I was on the phone with puc the other day and I told him, " I may not be the most experienced or have been doing a lot of wrenching in the last 20 years but everything I've done on this bike I've done 3 times now! That's gotta count for some kind of experience right?" ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  4. Oh the owner's manual says to torque M6 by 1 Bolt to 4.3 ft lb. That works out to 51 something inch pounds which sure doesn't seem like very much on those 6 bolts holding that cover over where the slave is. Does that seem right though? ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  5. I have not tried further to remove the bolt. I I have replaced the master with 1 which came from the historic "Tweaks"! I'm honored and humbled to have a peice of her to continue on as my travels begin. So I got that one on today and bled. Got the cover back on with the new Helicoil. Oh the owner's manual says to torque M6 by 1 Bolt to 4.3 ft lb. That works out to 51 something inch pounds which sure doesn't seem like very much on those 6 bolts holding that cover over where the slave is. Does that seem right though? ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  6. I played the cello through Junior High and high school but never like that! ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  7. One of my best friends is a tool maker. I just need to pull it off and walk over to his shop and he'll have it out in half an hour for me. He wouldn't let me leave until it was completely right. He likes to show off that way! All the brake fluid is gone, having drained out through the slave over the last few months. Flashpoint! Brake fluid has a lower flash point than gasoline. That's good knowledge to have thank you. ...in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  8. I sent you a private message. But somehow it said it was from me to you, but it had your picture by my name and your picture by your name so I hope it's okay and gets to you. I have a pair of pointy vice grips that get right down tight to the surface I'm trying to unscrew out of. I think I just pinched the top of the bolt closed over the bit that stuck inside of it. And then I see another guy with the new to him 83 that he just bought and I keep thinking, " they only made like 2200 of the 83's and we're going to run out of them before I get all the parts for mine!" in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  9. Isn't brake fluid flamable? in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  10. I had my ears "just so" but must have held my mouth wrong! I didn't think I could heat the body without heating the bolt but I'll give that a try. in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  11. It's 59 degrees here in Omaha today which I think is just stressing me out about Springs going to get here before I'm ready... I am going to try that hose clamp thing and at least get my clutch slave filled up and the lines filled in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  12. I guess I can start pulling the old radiator off and put on the one Orlin sent me. I'm going to order one off eBay but they talk about it needing rebuilt so I want to order the rebuild kit but I have no way to hone anyting... in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  13. My neighbor is a mechanic thinks that if I can get that Reservoir off he can try to weld a nut onto the top of that Bolt and maybe get it out that way. I guess I better order a clutch master cylinder huh? in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  14. My youngest was 6 months old when I turn 40! You are going to have so many great years with that kid! Unless of course they're living in your house, then grandparenting is it all the fun it's cracked up to be. Have a wonderful time what a blessing! in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  15. You guys showing off all your work on 83's is killing me this weekend. So, I got the clutch slave replaced, I've got the Helicoil installed to put the cover back over where the slave is and am waiting till Tuesday for the gasket to show up. Figured well I've got to bleed that clutch so I'll get started. The Allen wrench spun inside the hole of the second bolt on the lid after fitting and removing perfectly the first bolt on the lid. Took off and made two stops to get a good 5/64 drill bit and easy out. Drilled twice, not deep enough to get a grip. Drilled one more time, good nice deep enough hole to get the EZ out into and snapped the Cobalt drill bit off in the hole I drilled. Now I'm hosed. How do you drill with a Cobalt drill bit in the hole? Took out my quarter-inch bit, drilled the head off the bolt so I can get the lid off and now you see where I'm stuck. I'm clueless. Tried vice grips no luck. I guess I need to look for a clutch Reservoir or anybody want to make me an offer for an 83 with a whole lot of money stuck in it? in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  16. It's funny you bring up the weather and sitting under an overpass. On the trip pictured we spent an hour in western Nebraska under an overpass during a hailstorm. A vacationing family invited us to join them in their Suburban to wait out the storm. When we started down the road again there were tire tracks on the interstate with 5 inch of ice piled up between and alongside from hail in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  17. I figger the stripped hole was payback for braggin' but to be safe I'm diving under my desk as taught in grade school! in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  18. Yay Me! I came in all calm, cool and prepared to do battle with getting the slave out/in. I read what you said about it finally drops to the floor and out so I wasn't sure what to expect other than frustrations. Well, I removed the banjo, took out the two hex bolts and let it fall! A slight twist around the wire-holder on the lower left side and it fell right out! Went back in a little tougher but not more than 10 seconds to put back in place! Do I get a prize or something? (I did however find the bottom of the 6 screws holding the cover on was stripped.) Still some teeth, looking up fixes. I tapped (or Died) it out and if feels like it'll tighten down but wonder about adding some copper wire in the hole to help give it grip. Suggestions? S
  19. This was my trip out to Steamboat Springs area back in 77. This is when I knew I needed a Touring bike before they'd been invented. That Kawasaki 650 could cruise all day. Speed limit on the Interstate was 55 then. You can see I went to the Cowpuck school of packing. That was my buddies new Yamaha 1100. So maybe the year wasn't 77 but 78. Cuz I met that guy in rehab. in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  20. Splines are Sharp. I haven't tried twisting but I think that shaft is turning farther than it should in a clockwise Direction in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  21. Came in today thinking I would walk away from the electrical issues for a minute and go ahead and replace my clutch slave. Can't get the hex bolts holding the slave in place loose. Broke the ball and off of the wrench and it got lodged in the head of the bolt. Manage to get that loose and figured well let's take a look at why that shifters always sliding around. Could this be part of the issue? This nice Groove where it's supposed to lock down? in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  22. The one you have to jump start from this one. The one you got locked out of and the tickets for. in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  23. That hoe ain't been nothing but trouble for you boy! It's time to let the hoe go. in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  24. So I was naive enough to think that plugging in the new relays and rewiring my bad connector for the headlamp might resolve my shorting of the 15 amp ignition fuse. Silly me. I'm going to redo the connections that I made using crimp connectors when I replaced my fuse box fuses with soldered connections. I practiced soldering wire ends together so I'm better at it now. Maybe those are causing an issue. I know my mechanic kind of poo pooed my repair for using those connectors. So anyway that's where I'll start before I tear into kill switches and other things. That 15 amp fuse controls the tach the digital information center my neutral switch and who knows what else. I'm glad I don't have the class system or cruise control even if my wiring chart does. So there's my little update. Today I get my new clutch slave to replace. You know that was one of the first things that I ever talked about having to get fixed on that bike and the shop didn't do it for some reason. I'm happy to tackle it myself now, but wonder why why it wasn't done when we talked about it 5 times in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye. in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
  25. So I was naive enough to think that plugging in the new relays and rewiring my bad connector for the headlamp might resolve my shorting of the 15 amp ignition fuse. Silly me. I'm going to redo the connections that I made using crimp connectors when I replaced my fuse box fuses with soldered connections. I practiced soldering wire ends together so I'm better at it now. Maybe those are causing an issue I know my mechanic kind of poo pooed my repair for using those connectors. So anyway that's where I'll start before I tear into kill switches and other things. That 15 amp fuse controls the tach the digital information center my neutral switch and who knows what else. I'm glad I don't have the class system or cruise control even if my wiring chart does. So there's my little update. Today I get my new clutch slave to replace. You know that was one of the first things that I ever talked about having to get fixed on that bike and the shop didn't do it for some reason. I'm happy to tackle it myself now, but wonder why why it wasn't done when we talked about it 5 times in the Eternal scheme of things, this isn't even the blink of an eye.
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