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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. Be careful out there friends!
  2. Sounds like a good time! Now that we're empty-nesters maybe we can get up there and join you next year!
  3. Thursday, August 5th, 7:00. Let me know if you need directions! Hope to meet you there!
  4. Here is the original thread so credit can go to Blackjack for the idea.... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=51398
  5. I guess that would be important information! Next Thursday is DQ Day. DQ will donate $1 for every Blizzard to Children's Miracle Network. So - Next Thursday, August 5th, 7:00 PM!
  6. Trader threw down the gauntlet in the DQ thread. Southern PA will meet at the DQ on Lancaster Ave (462) East of Columbia at 7:00. I lied and said Columbia Ave in the original thread. Same road. It becomes Columbia Ave a few miles east. See you there! 1624 LANCASTER AVE COLUMBIA, PA 17512-9543
  7. We're in! Anyone want to meet at DQ on Columbia Ave (Rte 462) just east of Columbia, PA at say, 7:00 pm?
  8. tough day!
  9. Goes on the list of things you can't un-see but wish you could
  10. Yeah but now we play Houston. We can't beat the bad teams. If we could've played Pittsburgh better we might be in contention!
  11. You came to the right place! Welcome!
  12. Brenda says we'll send you flowers and come and visit but she's not dressing your wounds!
  13. Well I went and checked the local MSF schedule. There is one more advanced program this year. I will put this on the schedule for next year. Yammer - come on up and join me! You have a place to stay!
  14. Thanks Fish! The one thing I have to have on my next GPS is the ability to upload a custom route but I also have a budget that is not going to allow $500. That one looks like it just might do the trick!
  15. I've been meaning to take that for a couple of years. In all honesty, I've probably been afraid that I would look like an amateur with a bunch of pros. I think I should reconsider. Sounds like it would be good.
  16. I'll see if I can book the same diner as last time. Stay tuned!
  17. It's on my wish list but I'm a little short on disposable income at the moment.
  18. Let's say the 11th and take roll call...
  19. Congrats!!!!
  20. My wife just suggested that there might be lodging issues that weekend. Would the next weekend be better?
  21. Who's up for a ride to Gettysburg? We're thinking about September 4th but that is Labor Day weekend. That could be good or bad. Contemplating the same diner we had last year's M&E. Let me know alternative dates if that doesn't work. We can't do August at all or September 25th.
  22. I'll go start a new thread and see what interest we can drum up. Sept 4 is Labor Day weekend. Would that be good or bad? See me on the post that's about to show up!
  23. There is a diner in Gettysburg that likes us.
  24. Hey Mason City! My cousin lives in Storm Lake.
  25. Wait 'til next year (for the 101st consecutive year)
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