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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. As the temperatures have been falling the past week or two, there has been a distinct chill in the air. Makes for an invigorating ride! However, with the lower temperatures, I have found when I run through some spots with a temperature change, the windshield fogs up. This may have happened with my Suzi, I don't recall, but I looked over the top of the windshield so it wasn't an issue. Now though it can be kinda scary when suddenly your visibility goes to 20'. Has anyone found a good Lexan cleaner that will prevent fog? Randy
  2. I bought my '07 about 6 weeks ago. I love this bike. The whine is annoying but I hope to have that taken care of at the 4k service. My wife and I have been out on a couple of 200 mile runs and she has been very comfortable on the back. My only gripes are the whine and the antiquated cassette deck. I have an iPod mounted now so that takes care of one of my issues. I don't plan on racing it. Highway speeds are very comfortable. I have not been in any situation where acceleration was not adequate (except when I try to start out in second gear!). Today, I would buy another in a heartbeat! I hope I say the same in 50,000 miles.
  3. The newsletter could incorporate some teasers that would lead people to the site. An article on what to look for in tires with a "for more on this topic see this thread...". This could pass on valuable information AND promote visits to the site.
  4. As a new member and one who is trying to get caught up on years worth of tips, advice and whatnot, I would definitely like to see a newsletter. I would volunteer my time to help, but my wife would tell you that means that she would really be doing the work, not me. So I think I better not do that right now. I'll subscribe and donate $$ though. Randy
  5. I won't argue. I am far from an expert. My wife says though that if anyone wants to know anything useless or irrelevant - ask me. It's just the important stuff I don't know.
  6. Here is the Dream: http://www.motorcyclemuseum.org/classics/bike.asp?id=62 Maybe the Dream was the first imported Honda?
  7. My source says that the first Honda production bike was a "Dream". My source is not always right! And, Ponch and John did catch the bad guys on the 210 freeway on Kaw 1000's. Could be a good contest! Make people spend some time on the Internet doing some research. But these three questions were fun anyway.
  8. Ding Ding Ding - we have 1/3 of a winner...you win, um...how about, no my wife wouldn't like that...um, I'll go through the basement and see what I can find.
  9. Nope to all 3!
  10. Then we need a contest to be named an official judge!
  11. Howzabout a list of, oh maybe 50 trivia questions related to Star, Yamaha or motorcycles in general. First one in with 50 correct answers wins. Some that come to mind... This company dropped the "r" from motorcycle and used Motocycle in their name for 30 years. What was the name of the first Honda motorcycle What kind of motorcycle did Ponch and John ride in CHiPs Etc.
  12. I would just like to change the face I'm holding under the water!!
  13. http://www.personal-injury.com/practice_areas/Motorcycle_Accident_.asp Your post got me searching for other data. I'm trying to find an answer to my question on my previous reply. I find this article interesting. Some highlights (to me anyway)... 11. Weather is not a factor in 98% of motorcycle accidents. 24. The motorcycle riders involved in accidents are essentially without training; 92% were self-taught or learned from family or friends. Motorcycle rider training experience reduces accident involvement and is related to reduced injuries in the event of accidents. 32. Large displacement motorcycles are underrepresented in accidents but they are associated with higher injury severity when involved in accidents. 34. Motorcycles equipped with fairings and windshields are underrepresented in accidents, most likely because of the contribution to conspicuity and the association with more experienced and trained riders. Randy in PA
  14. That is an interesting article. I would be curious to see the rates per mile driven too. The touring class is 6.5 deaths per 10,000 riders compared to 5.7 for cruisers. I have 5 bucks that says if you looked at accidents or deaths per 10,000 miles driven, touring bikes would be the lowest. I think we are just more aware of our surroundings because, I think, we ride a lot more.
  15. Glad to hear from other large-brained people...I just bought a Arai SZM that I like but that is a 3/4 helmet. I have an HJC full face that fits very well but I don't have the model number. I have been frustrated trying to find a helmet that fits well. I wear a 7 5/8 hat. By any size chart that is an XL, maybe an XXL. No way will I get an XXL on this noggin. Let us know what you come up with as I prefer the full face.
  16. Thank you Al. I'll keep an eye on that. Randy
  17. I don't know if this is a "known issue" or not but thought it was worth mentioning. I justy picked up my '07 RSV (450 miles) from the Yamaha service department. I noticed a coolant drip from between the cylinders and brought 'er in. One of the heads needed to be re-torqued. As it was it was only a minor inconvenience but could have been worse if undiscovered or it got worse when I was away from home. Just thought I'd see if this had ever been an issue with anyone else. Randy in PA
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