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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. My last name is Witt. I have a brother and a sister. My father used to introduce his children as Half, Nit and Dim. People have joked about my last name as long as I can remember. I have used halfwitt as an email address since my first email account. People have no problem remembering my email! half-wit /ˈhælfˌwɪt, ˈhɑf-/–noun 1.a person who is feeble-minded. 2.a person who is foolish or senseless; dunderhead. I think I am offended by "dunderhead" but it could be worse. An old friend's last name is Muckenfuss...you can imagine what they do to that name!
  2. halfwitt


    I got XM because of the MLB package 3 years ago. I have an old Roadie II. My A presets are 1 - US Country 17 2 - Highway 16 (country) 3 - XM Comedy 150 4 - Deep Tracks 40 5 - Top Tracks 46 6 - 60's 6 7 - 70's 7 8 - Real Jazz 70 9 - MLB 175 10 - CNN 122 My B and C presets are all full too but these are my most frequent channels. I am going to get a new receiver this year as this thing has seen better days. What mounts easily to the VR and is portable to move to the cage?
  3. The time will never be better Mariners Fan...smoke the rest of 'em tonight and be done...your food will taste better...you're friends won't be talking behind your back about how you smell like cigarettes...you'll sense of smell will improve and then you'll notice how your smoking friends reek...you'll breathe easier...you won't wake up in the morning thinking "man I smoked too much last night, my chest hurts" There is a downside though, I've seen some pretty cool looking cigarette packs lately at the convenience store.
  4. My apologies if this has been posted. If this is a dead horse then it can be deleted. The following ran in last Thursday's USAToday http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-11-01-motorcycledeaths_N.htm?csp=34 Excerpt: Helmet laws have been repealed or modified in many states, however, and the DOT's new effort does not call for new helmet laws. Instead, the initiative focuses on: •Training. DOT will develop national standards for entry-level motorcycle riders to achieve what Peters calls "a baseline of competency." •Enforcement. DOT will create a training program to teach police officers about specific efforts to reduce crashes. •Education. Public service announcements will feature Peters on the importance of helmets and other protective gear. A "Share the Road" campaign will remind drivers to be alert for motorcyclists.. I think the training is excellent. I think too many people ride who are not qualified to ride. Education of the cager - much needed though I'm not real optimistic about it's impact. Your thoughts???
  5. It's all the parts of the pig not good enough to go into hot dogs...
  6. Some nice rides here...Gettysburg Battlefield and Caledonia State Park...Covered Bridge tour of Lancaster/Berks County...If you're going to drink all my booze, then we can replenish on a winery tour...If twisties is your thing then we have River Road along the mighty Susquehanna...less than an hour aways is Catoctin State Park (home of Camp David...we can see if Dick Cheney is still hiding there)...
  7. Wouldn't it be much better to have your own ride as your desktop and screensaver?
  8. halfwitt


    My mother will tell you - I have, or had, ways of sneaking out! But warning is duly noted!
  9. halfwitt


    I'll keep this in mind! If I ever decide to leave the VR family, I'll just sneak quietly out the back door!
  10. Don't do it Silvr! For one, you'll look silly trying to ride and smoke a pipe. Secondly, tobacco will still have its hold on you. You would be able to say, "I kinda quit."
  11. Sounds like you have a good mind set on this thing. We're here to support you! I'll repeat the best advice I have...Quit for one cig at a time. Don't put pressure on yourself beyond that. That causes stress and stress makes you want a cig!
  12. Need an update Silvr. How's things going?
  13. I ride my RSV and wave to just about everyone. About the only time i don't is in a curve or if I'm shifting. I also have a Jeep TJ. I wave at all Wranglers. Sometimes I wave to bikes when I'm in the Jeep. Sometimes I wave to Jeeps when I'm on the bike. My wife says I need to get a school bus nuxt.
  14. Like Yogi Berra once said, "90 percent of this game is half mental" The first three days suck. After a week, you will find you think about them less and less. Don't hang out with any smokers for a few weeks. Quit for one cigarette at a time. When you want a cig, just say not right now. The craving will go away in a few minutes. The cravings will get further apart. You can do it. You have a lot of support here from people that have walked in your shoes! Now that you have told us all you're going to try - you will have us to answer to!
  15. I think that's a great idea!
  16. Then it will be a 3rd Gen and all of us can band together and poke fun at 3rd Geners!
  17. Does anyone have any thoughts or insights on Yamahas marketing (Or lack thereof) of the Venture? When my wife and I were looking for a touring bike we looked at Wings, HD's and BMW. I read reviews in various riding magazines. Not a mention of the RSV anywhere. I see ads for the all the other players but zilch on RSV. I do see V Star ads here and there. I have had several people see my 07 RSV and ask me what it was. Experienced riders (though admitedly not the touring type) have seen the Venture on the tank and asked me who makes it. We went into the local dealer of all things two wheeled to buy a set of tires for my Suzi and saw the RSV hiding in the corner of the showroom. We love this ride and wonder why Yamaha doesn't want to tell anyone about it.
  18. 15 years ago, I was smokiing 2 packs a day. My wife a pack or more. We had infant twins. One Friday night one of the kids was coughing. We said, "We really should quit." We chain smoked the last of our cigs that night and never looked back. I had tried several times. I personally don't think setting a date works. It puts too much pressure on as you get closer to that date. Smoke the last of 'em and be done with it! We're sure glad we did!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  19. Happy Anniversary! (I got scared when I saw "High Maintenance Woman" I thought you knew something about my wife!) Congratulations!
  20. You can definitely view standard broadcast with HDTV if you do not have the HD box. Not all your channels are HD so they have to be able to receive and display the signal. As for the second part, I think that the standard digital signal is poorer quality on HD. Comcast and probably anyone else, broadcasts many channels in HD and standard. For some reason there are times when we cannot view the HD. When we flip over to the standard it looks pretty crappy. But maybe that's just because we are spoiled watching the HD.
  21. I'll take one. Actually, someone will have to buy one for me since, for them to work, they need to be a gift!
  22. Two weeks after picking up my '07 RSV I had same problem. My dealer had it fixed in an afternoon with no issues.
  23. Be careful - the OEM windshield is Lexan. Unless something specifically says that it is good on Lexan, I wouldn't use it. There are even some plastic cleaners that specifically say "not for use on Lexan".
  24. Those are great pics. Thanks fro sharing!
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