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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. Looks more like a dining car than a caboose!
  2. This one will be tougher...I know lots of covered bridges.
  3. This has some potential! Now I need to get to Lancaster before someone posts a pic...
  4. Kit - what is the dry weight of the GW? The Honda site doesn't have it (at least that I can find). Thanks
  5. We just bought a $30k Sirius that was attached to a Grand Cherokee. We have XM in the Wrangler, Cherokee and VR but the the new Jeep came with Sirius for one year. Now that we have both, I can say I still like XM better. I assumed the music would be the same either way. XM seems to offer more variety, more options within a genre and fewer repeats. Plus of course XM has MLB. If the merge ever goes through I guess it won't matter. We love our XM and our new Jeep. Congrats on the new truck though! I'm sure all of your friends with something to haul will stay in touch!
  6. August '07 (though I don't know date of mfg at the moment) factory Bridgestones.
  7. I also have an '07 RSV. At about the same time, 500 miles +/- I saw coolant on the engine. I brought it in to my dealer, he retourqued the heads and I haven't had a problem since. About 2-3 months later I heard of the service bulletin. I'm content with the fix and I know if I have an issue my dealer will make it right.
  8. Don't know him but that looks like my wife in the background. Thought she was out of town on "business". hmmmm....
  9. Imagine how brutal it would have been if they had stumbled into a VR meeting!
  10. I've been trying to figure out how to do this. Thank you! Has anyone downloaded a ride from www.sundaymorningrides.com? I have not been able to successfully do it. Maybe these programs will help. Thanks again!
  11. I hope everyone has plans to celebrate the First Day of Spring Training! Take me out to the ball game...
  12. That's it! Thank you!!
  13. I have seen and read the very good "how-to" on splitting the 2nd gen faring. Now that I am ready to do it, I can't find it. Would someone be so kind as to point me to this article? Thank you!
  14. Gary, You don't know me. I feel like I know you very well thanks to the incredible people on this website. I just want to say God bless you. I cannot begin to imagine what you have been through nor what you will be going through. I hope one day I have the pleasure of meeting you. You and your family have been and continue to be in our prayers. Randy and Brenda Witt Windsor, PA
  15. Thanks Don
  16. I have been scouring the Internet this morning looking for a 6"-12" XM Radio antenna. Anybody have any leads? Thank you!!
  17. I have been a subscriber to XM for just about as long as they have existed. I think it comes down to the "extras". XM has MLB, NHL and NCAA hoops. Sirius has NFL, NASCAR and Stern. I can't stand Howard Stern so if nothing else, I don't want to contribute to his salary. But my first love is basball and that is why I am with XM. I think the music is the same with either. XM does have some commercial stations but for any type of music you want, there is at least one commercial free station. If having some commericials on stations I don't listen to keeps my subscription price down, then that is fine with me! I listen to the CNN station quite a bit too. You need to expect commercials when you're listening to a TV broadcast.
  18. I'm not an expert but I have been trying to learn. Here is what I know at this point... My Nuvi accepts .gpx files and I think that is what most Garmins accept. There is alos Garmin Mapsource files .gdb. Tom Tom accepts .itn files. There is a great website: www.sundaymorningrides.com they have many rides that people have uploaded that you can download if you have one of the above file formats.
  19. I'll take the RSV out for a spin in the winter just to keep a charge and to circulate fluids. I prefer that it be above 45 to do that. When I worked in Balto it was 57 miles one way. I rode to work many times when the temp at my house when I left was in the mid to upper 30s. I didn't enjoy that so much. For pleasure rides, my wife likes the 60s or warmer. I don't know that we have ever said, "It's too hot to ride." I don't like gravel, sand, salt or ice. I have had near death experiences on wet, leaf covered roads in the fall. We typically don't ride in the rain unless we need to or we get caught in a surprise summer shower.
  20. I apologize if this has all been covered before. I have partial answers but not the whole thing... I have an XM and a Garmin (I know - should've had the Zumo with the built in XM - but the Nuvi 350 was free). I would like to run the audio from the XM through the aux on the back of the cassette. I think I can handle that part. My tunes would then play through the dash. Ideally, I would like to run the audio from the Garmin through the 5 pin headset line. How can I tap into that? Lastly, what is a tidy way of running switched power to both of these devices? Thank you in advance!
  21. Road Gremlins have a very keen sense of hearing.
  22. Trying to keep it realistic... 3. Ride Coast to Coast with my wife 2. Visit Norway and Denmark 1. Walk my daughter down the aisle
  23. So happy the two of you are ok. Brenda and I will keep you in our prayers. May I say - this site and its members are truly amazing people. The number of people that have offered and given help is heart warming. This is a community that I am proud to be a very small part of. God bless you Brad and Lonna. Randy and Brenda
  24. My wife bought me a Garmin C330 for Christmas. The only thing I don't like about it so far is that you cannot upload custom maps into it. Would've loved the Zumo but this was a couple hundred $ less. I have used it in my cage the past few days and I really like it. I think the audio is probably loud enough for the bike but if not I will run it through the AUX. There is a mount for this and other GPS at http://www.mountguys.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=RAM%2DB%2D149Z%2DGA19 They also have visors for GPS on this site. Looking forward to some long rides in the Spring!
  25. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Words my family tries to live by.
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