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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. With all due respect, I think some of the preceding information is incorrect. This website: http://www.afn.org/~afn09444/scanlaws/radar4.html shows that only VA and DC prohibit the use of radar detectors. I suspect the previous list is a result of some local laws within those states that prohibit radar detectors. That said, I think all they do is give a false sense of security. I was with a friend up in the Great State o' Maine a few years ago. He had his radar detector on. Didn't detect the trooper that gave him the ticket. We asked the tropper why and he said that his radar gun is off until he sees someone he thinks is speeding. By the time the radar detector picks up the radar, it's too late - you're busted! I had one in my cage for awhile. I got so many false signals that I didn't know when I needed to pay attention. I'll do without. My 2 cents.
  2. These bells work great by the way. I have not had a problem with a gremlin since I got mine.
  3. Whaddya mean "old"? I'm only 48.
  4. Can you get the new knee in chrome?
  5. Have a great ride DS! Those pesky ducks sometimes wait until the time is right to line up. Get plenty of pics of the ride for us.
  6. Hope you're well enough to join us next month for a ride in PA. Glad you're back in the saddle.
  7. Guess what I thought was apparent sarcasm wasn't so apparent.
  8. I think you can make a few $$'s with that! Looks as good as any "professional" cover.
  9. What a snooty bunch, them Gold Wingers. I'm glad there is never any trouble here with us civilized folks!
  10. That's great! Let Craig or me know how many you think you may have so we can book the room for lunch. Looking forward to it!
  11. Saturday the 20th it is. I'll post more info as we figure out times. I can tell you the Meeting and the Eating will take place at The Brown Cow: http://hopeacres.com/restaurant.htm ADDRESS 2680 Delta Road Brogue, PA 17309 PHONE 1-800-293-1054 (717) 927-9944
  12. My wife and I rode the planned route yesterday. It was about 3 hours. The bridge across the Susquehanna at Conowingo in Maryland is cool. Ride through York and Lancaster Amish areas. One covered bridge. There was a bunch of bikes at The Brown Cow so others think it's a good place to Meet and Eat. I think if we get a little group going in this area we can take turns planning M&E's. Let's do this one late September. Any takers for an August event?
  13. What a proud father he must have!
  14. Cecdoo and I are thinking of putting together a South Central PA Meet & Eat. The tentative plan is to meet at The Brown Cow on Route 74 in Collinsville, York Co. Have some good food and get to know everyone. Then, I plotted out a route from there, down to Conowingo, across the Susqueshanna and back up to Columbia which is about a 2 hour ride. Date is open but we are thinking a Saturday or Sunday in September. Anyone interested?
  15. This topic always leads to some strong opinions but I will not ride around the block without my skid lid. Whenever I hear these stories I think, "there but for the grace of God go I." I try to be very attentive to my surroundings but it just takes one idiot running a light, or one brief moment thinking about who the Cubs should trade for, for me to find myself in a bad spot. My thoughts and prayers are always with my fellow riders.
  16. They're still in first by a game, still best record in NL, Soriano is back and they're back to the friendly confines. But it's the Cubs - can't get too optimistic! I'll let you know how the Avons perform.
  17. Anyone from the Great State of Maine can't be all bad! I definitely appreciate the input Mark. I hope the majority is right in this case since I just spent more than it cost me to put four tires on my car. I think if you take any given product, you won't find 100% satisfaction with it. I will let you know how the new ride is. I do respect anyone who will stand up with an unpopular minority opinion!
  18. Oh no! Not another tire thread!!!! Nah - just saying I ordered my new Venoms for my RSV. I just hope they live up to the hype! If so - thanks to all who swear by these! I am looking forward to a "new" ride in a couple of weeks. I have to wait until 8/8 which is the soonest I can get her in for inspection.
  19. I've had the pleasure of visiting 46 out of 50 states. My vote would be one of the four I'm missing. I think Alaska is out. Therefore, if it was in Idaho I could knock out Idaho, Montana and North Dakota getting there. Unless I can help organize from PA, I won't be much help though.
  20. We have three HP Vista laptops and one HP XP desktop. We have had no problems with any of them. We have not had any issues with Vista.
  21. Great news! We are still praying for both of you.
  22. Where are we off to now Joe?
  23. I thought this would be fairly easy and an excuse to take a nice ride. Lets make it a state or national park...
  24. We love our XMs. We have XM on bike and in two of three cages. The third cage came with Sirius. On the bike I have a GPS and XM as separate units. I would much rather have them both in one but this will do. We haven't listened to commercial radio in three years. I like the XM over mp3 because at least once a day I hear a song that I hadn't even thought of in 20 years. No surprises w/mp3.
  25. I have only found it on their website (www.ride-on.com) I had a slow leak in my rear tire earlier this year. I put a bottle in the rear tire and haven't had a problem since. It won't affect balance if you follow the instructions.
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