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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. OK I haven't even successfully ran one M&E yet but we're off to a good start. I want to start on the next one before the snow falls (I hate the sound of that!)... HD final assembly plant is here in York. I thought it would be fun if we had an M&E that includes the HD factory tour. Imagine a bunch of Yamahas lined up at the HD plant! I suppose someone could turn that around on us, but it could be fun. This would have to be October or later as my August and September are getting booked! Who's in??
  2. Never been there...just like the detective work to figure it out. We like covered bridges - maybe my bride & I will take a ride that-a-way. I'll wait patiently for my prize.
  3. Glad to hear you are laughing about it! Get back on that horse! Keep us posted. We're glad you're well but we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
  4. It's the Jackson Bridge in Parke County, Indiana!!
  5. I can't read what is written on the bridge. Can you give us that much?
  6. I love a challenge - I've been browsing pics of covered bridges all morning.
  7. Glad to hear all is well Craig! Also glad to hear you don't have an excuse to miss the PA/MD Meet 'n' Eat.
  8. I live in York County, PA - home of HD Final Assembly Plant. In York County, if it aint a crotch rocket, it's an HD. I get a lot of comments from HD riders. Most are good. The people I know well who ride don't care what somebody is riding. All are welcome. I have run into a few people that made comments on my "HD Wannabe". I've corrected them. It's an HD Donteverwannabe.
  9. Glad you're ok bro!
  10. Hey West-by-God-Virginians, My wife and I are riding to a B&B in Smoke Hole, WV in Seneca Rocks State Park. We'll probably go second week of Sept for a couple of days. The website for the B&B warns about sudden storms and dense fog. Does anyone know this area and the real risks of getting bad weather in September? Anyone want to tag along?
  11. Thank you!!
  12. I have been searching the site for "Service Bulletin" and "I Basket" but I cannot find the service bulletin number for the infamous clutch scream. My RSV is at the dealer for tires (My new Venoms!) and service. The I Basket was new to them. I can't blame them they sell 2 of these a year. He said he will gladly take care of it but he cannot locate a service bulletin about this. I know I have seen the number here. Can anyone help me with that? Please and Thank You!
  13. We have 16 riders tentatively on the 9/20 PA/MD/VA Meet & Eat. I'm taking the liberty of bumping this back up the list. If you are interested, please shoot me an email with your email address. I'll send you the proposed route for the three hour, post lunch ride. Looking forward to meeting a lot of new friends and see a couple of old ones. Randy Witt halfwitt1@comcast.net
  14. Ride safe friend
  15. So you actually did more here?
  16. If you haven't already, if you are interested in the PA/MD M&E and ride, please send an email to me at halfwitt1@comcast/net. Even if you are tentative, let me know. I'll send you the proposed ride and we can get a count for lunch. Thanks!
  17. Bill - did you think this thread would still be alive with almost 1,300 hits?
  18. I love my mother but I still go out of my way to start an argument with her sometimes. I work with two Harley riders, one Honda, one Suzi, one thing I don't know what the heck it is...It's always fun to pick on them in jest. But as my argumentative mother told me, if you can dish it out you better be able to take it.
  19. Welcome back! Gotta get back on that horse. I know that is hard to do sometimes. I hope your wife comes around soon. Stay away from the hogs!
  20. Coincidentally - I just did the same thing last night. I put a card in my wallet and one in the trunk. The thought crosses my mind often. I have teenagers at home. When my wife and I go out for a ride, I tell them when to expect us back and I tell them the planned route we are taking. We always make sure we call if we are running late. Hopefully, when they have DLs in a few months, they will give us the same courtesy.
  21. Mine's an antique. Oh wait a minute - you're talking bikes. I was thinking of someone, er something else.
  22. Oh, I'm not giving up. I used to see some poor soul out on the sidewalk in a chicken suit periodically advertising for a fast food joint. Of course, he's not around when I need him. I have some ideas on the next target if I can find something on this one.
  23. Too bad this thing is dying. I was having fun with it. I keep my camera in my trunk and look for some sort of mascot wherever I go. I'll keep looking!
  24. Out of curiosity, I looked up Northwood, IA. You're a couple of hours from my families old stomping grounds. My father is from Spencer. I still have cousins there. My mother is from the other end, Decorah. I have a cousin in Mason City. We used to go to Lake Okiboji every summer as a kid. I understand the amusment park is gone now. This months Rider magazine actually has an Iowa ride in the "Favorite Rides" section. Anyway, I hope all goes well and you get your ride back as promised. Uff-da!
  25. Always willing to help out a fellow Iowan (albiet one generation removed), Norwegian, probably Lutheran. Everything is crossed for you! I'm sure she misses you! Good luck!
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