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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. Here is a link to pics... http://s326.photobucket.com/albums/k427/halfwitt1/Venture%20MandE%20092008/
  2. Brenda and I just got back from our ride to WV. It was fantastic. Oh, we rode on four wheels instead of two due to anticipated purchases and winery stops. I'm glad we took the four wheels. I may have made it up the steep, gravel, switch-back driveway to the lodge...I don't think I would have made it down. at least right side up. It did give me an idea for a future get together. More on that as I fine tune my thoughts. Anyway - I'll get pics posted tonight from the York ride. thanks again to Craig for his help and everyone else for being there!!
  3. I had my Nuvi pop off when I hit a bump a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, I caught it! (Would love to see that on tape!). I found this http://www.gadgetjq.com/gps_tether.htm But haven't actually seen or used one.
  4. Today was great! Thank you everyone who came and made the first PA M&E a success! I look forward to the next one!! Should we have some "I Survived River Road" shirts made up??
  5. Rutter's is correct!!! Lauxmont Farms is the end of the ride! Ruttter's!! Sorry to confuse!!
  6. In about 25 hours, if all goes according to plan, there will be 22 and bikes and about 30 people pulling into Lauxmont Farms Dairy in Wrightsville for some ice cream and a great view of the mighty Susquehanna. I gotta be honest...I'm more than a little bit nervous! This is by far the largest group I've ever ridden with, let alone led. I hope we can semi-stay together without any issues. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!!
  7. That is fantastic news. My wife and I struggle with the whole weight thing...YOU have inspired us to once again try to do something about it!! Congratulations!! God bless you!
  8. Oh, I guess. You'll be right at home in York County with an HD! We look forward to seeing your new ride.
  9. Where do I find one of these?
  10. That looks good. I'll have to keep it in mind for next year!
  11. One week to go. Here’s the final plan… I have a confirmed list of 24 people on 16 bikes. If you haven't already, please shoot me an email if you would like to jon us! The Brown Cow won’t be able to take us as they have a large reservation next Saturday. We are going to meet at Rutter’s gas station and convenience store between 11:00 and noon (2600 Delta Rd, Brogue , PA 17309 Location A on Map). I will be there at 11:00. Anyone who needs to can fuel up, use restroom, etc. Kickstands up at 12:00 noon sharp. We will ride about 20 minutes south to Delta Family Restaurant (5978 Delta Road – Location B on Map). We’ll Eat & Meet there. (Isn’t that what this is about anyway?) Anyone coming up from the south can go straight there if they choose. The restaurant is on the north side of a traffic circle. When we are ready to hit the road, we will go south to Route 1 in Maryland and then East on Route 1. The next turn is north on US 222 to PA 372. We will go north on River Road (I’ll try not to miss my turn this time!). This is a narrow winding road I hope everyone enjoys it. In Columbia, we will cross back over the Susquehanna to PA 624 South. We will end at Lauxmont Farm Bakery and Ice Cream. I think since most or maybe all of us have CBs, we will not worry so much about getting separated. If we do, we’ll communicate and improvise a catch up point. There aren’t too many controlled intersections but there are some. We are bound to get split up eventually. I will maintain posted speed limits at the front of the group. Craig – Maybe you can ride somewhere in the middle of the pack and lead a second group if we get separated? Tom – if you are still willing to bring up the rear, that would be great. I hope this works!! I have never led a group this size before. Please bear with me!! Here is the map: Driving Directions Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&saddr=2600+delta+road,+brogue,+pa+17309&daddr=39.747553,-76.331109+to:MD-136%2FWhiteford+Rd+%4039.637521,+-76.267569+to:Conowingo+Rd%2FUS-1+%4039.660948,+-76.173361+to:Holtwood+Rd%2FPA-372+%4039.838920,+-76.307190+to:River+Rd+to:Long+Level+Rd%2FPA-624&hl=en&geocode=%3BFeF_XgIdm0dz-w%3BFRHSXAIdzz90-w%3BFZQtXQIdz691-w%3BFcjkXwIdCqVz-w%3BFYqxYQIdC65x-w%3BFcxgYgIdXoFw-w&mra=ls&via=5&sll=39.869696,-76.400986&sspn=0.148878,0.235863&ie=UTF8&ll=39.834641,-76.435318&spn=0.148954,0.235863&z=12[/color]>
  12. Mrs. 1/2 appreciates ALL the helpful hints!!
  13. How is the passenger comfort affected by a driver's backrest?
  14. Great news Gary. Congratulations!
  15. But it worked in the movies!!
  16. I'll take you up on that offer! Thanks Craig. I think this could be beneficial!
  17. I'll speak for the minority...I have used Office since whenever it was that it first came out. I installed 2007 yesterday. I like the front end in Outlook and I think I like Excel and Word. I have not had any issues figuring out how to do things. It's different but that's ok with me. I can give a better review after I have more time with it. Oh, I also run Vista at home and have for the past 6 months. We have three laptops at home all running Vista. Again, it is different than XP but I have not had any negative experiences with it. I think some people dislike Microsoft products just because they are Microsoft. That's ok I guess - I'm that way with other things. I don't like GM products just because I don't like GM. I am also looking for a new anti-virus. I have had Norton and McAfee. I don't like speaking to India when I call tech support. For that - I will find a new, domestic program when my current subscription is up. I run AVG at the office and may go that way. My
  18. She says, "that may be a good idea! Thanks MM!"
  19. I just learned that my kids school district offers Microsoft Office 2007 to students and parents for $75. Check your local school district website. Then there is OpenOffice which is a free download and a very solid program
  20. Well, my lovely bride and I took yesterday off to spend a day on the bike (affectionately known as Betty). We did about 250 miles up PA 74, over Blue Mountain to Shade Mountain Winery near Selinsgrove. BEAUTIFUL ride! PA 74 over the mountain has a lot of switch backs and a fantastic view at the top. Great wine at Shade Mountain (we liked the Great White best). This would be a great ride for PA Venturers. Anyway, we got home and I told Brenda we did about 250 miles. She said, "then I think my butts limit is about 245 miles." We spent most of 8 hours on the bike so I think she did OK. Her test is in two weeks when on Saturday we will do about 75 miles on the PA ride. Then the next day its 200 miles to Seneca Rocks followed by 200 miles back the next day. I hope her sitter can do 500 miles over three days! PA VentureRiders - we need to do a similar ride over Blue Mountain in the spring!
  21. :rotf::rotf:
  22. Good luck to you Mrs. V! We're all family here...we look out for each other!
  23. Dear Abby, I've never written to you before, but I really need your advice on what could be a crucial decision. I've suspected for some time now that my wife has been cheating on me. The usual signs… Phone rings but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My wife has been going out with the girls a lot recently although when I ask their names she always says, "Just some friends from work, you don't know them." I always stay awake to look out for her taxi coming home, but she always walks down the drive, although I can hear a car setting off, as if she has gotten out of the car round the corner. Why? Maybe she wasn't in a taxi? I once picked her cell phone up just to see what time it was and she went berserk and screamed that I should never touch her phone again and why was I checking up on her. Anyway, I have never broached the subject with my wife. I think deep down I just didn't want to know the truth, but last night she went out again and I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my Yamaha Royal Star Venture next to the garage and then hide behind it so I could get a good view of the whole street when she comes home. It was at that moment, crouching behind my RSV, that I noticed that the head gasket my engine seem to be leaking a little coolant. Is this something I can fix myself or should I take it back to the dealer? Thanks, Randy
  24. A month or so ago, I had by '07 RSV into the dealer for Avons (yeah Avons!). While there I asked him about the I Basket. They didn't know anything about the issue and could not find a TSB on their system. I brought them the M2002013 TSB number today. He looked it up and this TSB simply tells the dealer about the possible issue and asks them to take the bike for a test ride and report back on any findings. Is there a TSB to actually replace the basket and does anyone happen to know that number?
  25. Pencil me in for two. That is a freat area. Ride rte 33 to the west. Depends on the date.
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