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Everything posted by halfwitt

  1. Welcome 1trackmind! You will get a lot of feedback on this one. Here's my two cents...My wife calls our '07 her La-Z-Boy on wheels. She loves the comfort of the passenger seat. We ride two up a lot and it doesn't bother me at all. You will hear comments about the infamous whine. Some hated it enough to get rid of the bike. Others tolerate it (that's me). Others say "what whine?" You have a lot of miles on you! The weight shouldn't bother you but it is the 800 pound gorilla. It took some getting used to at very low speeds. Doesn't bother us now. We have had 0 mechanical problems. All I have done is swap out the OEM Bridgestones for Avon's. Very worthwhile upgrade but that will also start a lot of discussion. We love our RSV. Welcome aboard and whatever you settle on, you need to post a pic!
  2. IHGuy - Glad you resurrected this. I enjoyed it last year. It looks like Sunday my wife and I will be heading out for the first ride of '09. I think some of the targets were too specific. It needs to be a challenge but not impossible. And we need more participants!!
  3. I have always lived by "buy as much computer as you can afford" It will be outdated in 6 months. I'm with Freebird - I was an MS-DOS guy and converted to Windows at 95. Even that was painful going to a GUI OS. I have used Mac but I never got excited about them. I remember buying my IBM PS2 with a massive 70MB hard drive for about $2700. Couldn't imagine how I would fill hard drive. After all, how much space could a bunch of Lotus 123 files and a character based Dungeons and Dragons game take up??? One more comment on all the HPs in my house. My wife reminded me that one of the reasons we have two of the HP laptops that we do is becuase they have the numeric keypad on the side. We've only seen a couple models of any brand that offer that.
  4. In my house we currently have 3 HP laptops and 1 HP desktop. The only problems we have had have been user related. We had an HP printer but I don't like two cartridge color printers so we went to Epson with five cartridges. We have nothing but positive to say about HP and the support we get when, on the rare occasion, we need it.
  5. I always tell my wife that she's the second best wife in the world. I tell her with a couple of billion wives out there being #2 ain't so bad. It's good to know that #1 is one of us!
  6. Sad day brother. I hope something comes through for you quick. I sure hope this turns around soon.
  7. Taxes are in and gadget funding is expected by Feb 9. How's everyone been? I've been hibernating in the cold the past couple of months. I go out to the garage and start up the RSV every few days just to hear it run. I'm sorry I missed the political fight! I probably was on the minority end of the argument but that makes it fun sometimes. I hope all is well with everyone and I hope we can ride soon!!
  8. I got a new snowblower two years ago and have never used it. Our winters in Southern PA are either LOTS of snow or NO snow. I do hope I get a chance to try it out this year.
  9. I've had several Fords over the years. Three great Mustangs that I would love to have back. I have fond memories of my '69 Mach One 351C blowing away a few Z28s. Though there was one in particular that I never could beat. I owned one GM product and hated it. My 16 yr old twins are looking at cars. My daughter has her eyes on a 96 Taurus SHO. Nice car. She would love a convertable Mustang but that will have to be up to her in the future. My son though wants an old Impala. I don't know where I went wrong with him. Oh, the insurance! Oy Vey!! It will cost me $1800/yr to add my two kids.
  10. I think that is a great idea...A section for sunday afternoon rides, a section for overnight rides and a section for longer rides. I'm in. I have some pics but will need to write up descriptions. Super idea.
  11. I've been away for a few days. Thought I should chime in since I started one of the groups. The main reason I started a PA group was a result of trying to get a ride organized last month. The vast majority of folks on the site don't really care about updates on a ride in York, PA. The concept and details were posted, and regularily updated in Watering Hole. I had trouble trying to keep people updated on changes being made to the time/location. After the ride, I saw the social group area and thought this would be a good place to keep information where it is easily a accessible to those interested without paging through Watering Hole looking for the latest post. I don't see the social group as a competitor to Watering Hole but as an accessory.
  12. Sherry - I can't begin to imagine your pain. You are in my thoughts and prayers often.
  13. 40 f, 46 r w/passenger 42/48
  14. Mine were a little slick for the first couple of hundred miles. My dealer even told me to "ride like it is raining for the first 200 miles". I have about 1500 on them now and they are great.
  15. I'm glad y'all had a good day. Sorry we couldn't join you!
  16. Craig - I hope everyone has a good ride on Sunday. Brenda and I have obligations Sunday mornings and we just can't get out there. We teach 5th-6th grade Sunday School. Someone's gotta teach these guys! We would like to get together with you for a ride before winter sets in though. We'll be in touch!
  17. I don't need it! By some miracle, some deposed dictator in Africa needs MY help getting a couple million dollars out of the country! He says I can keep half of it! All I need to do is send my bank account information to him! Think of all the chrome I can buy with the $$$! I think I might donate some to AIG too. It's a dream come true!
  18. Guess it can't hurt - registered my cell numbers!
  19. According to my friends at Snopes, this is not true: http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/cell411.asp
  20. I wasn't implying anything!! You've seen that photo of the shark attacking the guy in the helicopter in San Francisco? I'm just saying that sometimes, if you look really, really close you might see some indication that a photo was digitally altered. My highly trained eye doesn't see anything wrong with YOURS but, I'm just saying...anything is possible in this digital age! If yours was doctored at all, it was a brilliant and skilled job!
  21. I second the motion!
  22. You might want to have a second look at the "pic" of Rock City before you declare it claimed!
  23. Um....signature says it all...But I am sure not looking forward to the possibility of seeing CC twice in the NLCS!!
  24. You have a plug on the left side under the passenger seat for an intercom and the plug on the tank for the driver. No additional equipment (other than headsets) required!
  25. Brenda and I hope we can make it out there. Sunday's can be tough. Let us know where you plan to end up, we may have to meet you there.
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